
The Fat of the Land

(1997年The Prodigy發行專輯)

《The Fat of the Land》是THE PRODIGY於1997年發行的專輯。
The Fat of the Land
類型∶ Big Beat、Electronica、Rave、Club/Dance、Techno
相關樂團/藝人∶ Roots and Influences∶Lee "Scratch" Perry、Ultramagnetic MC's、Boogie Down Productions Similar Artists∶Orbital、Propellerheads、Fatboy Slim、Dub Pistols、Lo-Fidelity Allstars、The Chemical Brothers、Bentley Rhythm Ace、Leftfield、Daft Punk、Meat Beat Manifesto、The Crystal Method
慣聽搖滾的樂迷可能不太習慣The Prodigy的成員組合,兩個舞者、一個饒舌歌者和一個DJ。不同的角度會看到The Prodigy不同的面貌∶若只是拿著CD聽,一肩挑起音樂創作與製作之責的Liam Howlett便是一切;若是觀看他們的表演,那兩個動作狂暴的舞者Kieth Flint與Leeroy Thornhill最搶眼,留著魔鬼髮型的Kieth Flint,更是The Prodigy的形象代表,但整個團的頭頭,卻是負責rap的Maxim Reality-以舞曲界的術語來説,他是「司儀(MC)」。但無論樂評或樂迷怎麼看待,The Prodigy就是這四個人,缺一個就不是The Prodigy,這樣的組合真切地呈現了瑞舞(Rave)的面貌。 九○年代初,The Prodigy組成之時,正是英國瑞舞方興末艾的時候,他們以單調重覆的快速節奏、噴瀉而出的電子衝擊聲,以及有如風暴襲捲的現場表演,撼動了英國樂壇。1992年首張專輯《Experience》在英國獲得成功後,1995年的《Music for the Jilted Generation》以更為強硬直接的態度處理電子節奏及音色,並將重吉他切刷的取樣溶入音樂中,促成日後所謂Big Beat的出現。 有人形容The Prodigy為「沒有吉他手的龐克樂團」。1997的《The Fat of the Land》與Kula Shaker、L7等搖滾樂團合作,The Prodigy的音樂更加多元複雜。這張被主流樂評形容為「差一點就是經典」的專輯,也因為有較多的人聲(雖然歌詞依舊沒什麼意義),吸引了大批主流搖滾迷走入電子舞曲的領域,The Prodigy的影響從英國跨入美國,甚至全世界。《The Fat of the Land》可以説是他們最容易親近的一張專輯。但是The Prodigy在態度上仍然希望與搖滾抱持距離,決不原地踏步,作出令人腳底發癢痛快狂舞的音樂,才是他們最大的企圖。
Amazon.com essential recording
An album even the technophobic couldn't ignore, The Fat of the Land made Prodigy one of the first U.K. rave acts to infiltrate pop culture. Hard-core hip-hop-derived breakbeats, layers of unabashed (but creative) sampling, and meaningless shouted lyrics struck a chord beyond the electronic-music community. The inclusion of "Firestarter" and "Breathe" (both previously released hit singles) certainly aided the disc's widespread success, but it was the ferocity (and controversy) of "Smack My Bitch Up" that caught the world's attention. Guest Shahin Bada's Indian vocalizations convey the sense that dance music has come a long way from "Pump Up the Volume"! "Diesel Power," featuring Kool Keith, and "Funky Shit" set a wicked groove; the cover of L7's "Fuel My Fire" recalls the energy of the Sex Pistols. In fact, the dark aggression of The Fat of the Land bears closer resemblance to both rap and punk than the hedonism of techno. Leader Liam Howett simply gives up 10 solid songs with bombastic production values, transforming dance music into the art of noise. --Lisa Ladouceur
1. Smack My Bitch Up
2. Breathe
3. Diesel Power
4. Funky Shit
5. Serial Thrilla
6. Mindfields
7. Narayan
8. Firestarter
9. Climbatize
10. Fuel My Fire