

a kind of subject,which related to math,economy,life,and so on.
音    標
英 [stə'tɪstɪks] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪks] 
來    源
Lyfe Jennings - Statistics
Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago. [2] 



n. (名詞)
  1. statistics作“統計資料,統計數字”解用作主語時,謂語動詞常用複數形式。作“統計學”解用作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。


1. Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in 1972.
2. He is a professor of statistics.
3. I happen to have the latest population statistics with me.
我手頭正好有最新的人口統計資料。 [1] 


2. 統計資料:所謂統計資料(Statistics)是指用來説明總體的資料,這些資料來源於普查、抽樣調查、記錄、登記、報告和其他文件. 普查(Census)是為統計目的對每一單位進行調查而收集統計資料,如人口、住房、農業、工業、商業和其他活動的普查。 [1] 


1. More than 100 business jets are in operation in the country now, according to statistics from Firestone Management Group's released in January.
2. He said Sina Corp might look for partners to cover this business sector, providing great opportunities for the statistics companies.
3. About 11 per cent of local business people have college education, according to statistics from the Zhejiang Provincial Personnel Bureau.
4. More than 1 million Taiwan business people work or live on the mainland, statistics show.
5. The business plays a major part in China's foreign trade and is listed separately in trade statistics.
6. Most department stores in Beijing have also seen a prominent increase in sales, according to statistics provided by the Beijing Municipal Business Committee.
7. Such statistics can show a rebounding trend in business expansion, said Liu.
8. Statistics from the bureau show that a new business can provide an average of six jobs.
9. Valdes released the statistics during a meeting with Calderon and representatives of business and civic groups.
10. Customs'statistics for the first half year also show a brisk business in furniture. [1] 


a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters [1] 



  1. He is a professor of statistics.  他教授統計學。
  2. There is a compulsory course instatistics.  有一門統計學的必修課。
  3. Get me a printout of thestatistics.  給我一份打印出的統計資料。
  4. He is taking statistics.  他正在進行統計。
  5. I happen to have the official statistics with me.  我碰巧身邊有官方的統計數字。
  6. Statistics should be treated with caution.  對待統計數字要小心。 [3] 

STATISTICSLyfe Jennings 演唱歌曲

歌詞:Lyfe Jennings - Statistics
Alright alright alright yall settle down settle down settle down.
If you don't know where you are this is STATISTICS 101
and I'm your teacher LYFE JENNINGS in the flesh baby.
Books out. Let's go!
25% of all men are unstable
25% of all men can't be faithful
30% of them don't mean what they say
and 10% of them in maybe 20 is gay
That leaves you a 10% chance of ever finding your man
That means you never paid attention to these words that I said
I'm gonna teach you how expose the 90%
and show you what to do to keep the other 10.
Don't be a booty call
If he don't respect you girl he gon't forget you girl
If he's in a relationship
If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you
Tell him that you're celibate
And if he wants some of your goodies he gon't have to work for it
Be the person you wanna find
Don't be a nickel out here lookin' for a dime
15% of all men got a complex
15% of all men don't practice safe sex
20% of them come from homes without a father
and there's a 50/50 chance that you'll marry a coward
Something to think about when you're taking a shower
Something to swallow when you're drinking bottled water
I'm gonna teach you how to expose the 90%
and show you what to do to keep the other 10
Don't be a booty call
If he don't respect you girl he gon't forget you girl
If he's in a relationship
If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you
Tell him that you're celibate
and if he wants some of your goodies he gon't have to work for it.
Be the person you wanna find
Don't be a nickel out here lookin' for a dime.
Be patient! He's waiting!
You don't gotta settle for that
Leave what is past alone!
Get you a backbone!
Stop being a silent phone yourself!
Have you no checklist?
It's gonna take patience
Time is still wastin'
Don't be a booty call
If he don't respect you girl he gon't forget you girl
If he's in a relationship
If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you
Tell him that you're celibate
and if he wants some of your goodies he gon't have to work for it.
Be the person you wanna find
Don't be a nickel out here lookin' for a dime.