


詞    性
類    型


英[smɒɡ]美[smɑːɡ] [1] 


smog chamber 煙霧箱 ; 煙霧室 ; 煙霧腔
electronic smog 電子污染
toxic smog 青霧 ; 有毒煙霧
thick smog 濃厚的煙霧
industrial smog 工業煙霧
photochemistry smog 光化學煙霧
smog photoelectric 煙霧信號
sulfur smog 含硫煙霧
smog cleaning 煙氣淨化 [1] 


  • 1Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain.汽車引起污染,既有煙霧又有酸雨。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The sky over the city was overspread with heavy smog.城市上空罩上了一層濃重的煙霧。
  • 3Under the cover of the smog, He snatched the pot on the sly.在煙霧的掩護下,他偷偷地拿走了那隻壺。
  • 4Most of my friends are moving outside the city to avoid the noise, smog and traffic of the city.我的大多數朋友都搬到城外來躲避城市的噪音、煙霧和交通。
  • 5There will be little respite from the dense data smog, which some researchers fear may be poisonous.濃密的數據煙霧將不會有所緩解,一些研究者擔心這些數據煙霧可能是有毒的。
  • 6She gave up presently as if a cloud had approached the sun or the smog thickened and so broken the religious instant, whatever it might have been.現在她放棄了,就像烏雲接近太陽,或煙霧變濃,因此這個宗教瞬間破碎了,不管它之前是什麼樣子。
  • 7Hot weather worsens air pollution by turning car exhaust into smog, which can make life miserable for people with asthma and other breathing problems.炎熱的天氣使汽車尾氣變成煙霧,加劇了空氣污染,這可能使患有哮喘和其他有呼吸問題的人的生活更加痛苦。
  • 8Often they chose—and still are choosing—somewhat colder climates such as Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog, crime and other plagues of urbanization in the Golden State.他們常常選擇——現在依然這樣選擇——居住在那些氣候較為寒冷的地區,比如俄勒岡、愛達荷,還有阿拉斯加,為的是逃避煙霧、犯罪,以及加利福尼亞州城市化進程中的其他問題。
  • 9Smog hung all around the horizon.煙霧在地平線上瀰漫。
  • 10This river appears as if enveloped in smog.這條河好像籠罩在霧霾之中。
  • 11Almost a seventh of China has been under heavy smog.中國近七分之一的地區一直處於重度霧霾之下。
  • 12Commerce is more certain to be in the air than the Beijing smog.商業比北京的霧霾更加確定的充斥於空氣之中。
  • 13Since the 1940s, southern California has had a reputation for smog.自20世紀40年代以來,加利福尼亞州南部一直以煙霧聞名。
  • 14A research team tests a guinea pig's reaction to smog in a 1964 L.A. experiment.1964年,一個研究小組在洛杉磯進行實驗,測試豚鼠對於煙霧的反應。
  • 15It's an air cleaning machine connected to a bicycle and is part of the Smog Free Project.這是一台連接到自行車上的空氣淨化機,是霧霾淨化項目的一部分。
  • 16Pollution control measures are either not strict or nonexistent, leading to choking clouds of smog.污染控制措施要麼不嚴格要麼不存在,導致了令人窒息的霧霾。
  • 17The sky over the city was overspread with a heavy smog.城市上空罩上了一層煙霧。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 18Smog is back with a vengeance.煙霧回來了並帶有報復性。
  • 19There's a lot of smog today.今天霧很大。
  • 20The river appears as if enveloped in smog.這條河好像籠罩在煙霧之中。
  • 21There was smog, which I knew was toxic.有大霧,我知道那是有毒的。
  • 22Ginkgoes also stand up well to smog, road salt and pests.銀杏樹也很經得住煙霧、鋪路鹽、害蟲等的侵襲。
  • 23And that means weaker sea breezes to clear away the smog.這就意味着夜晚從海面吹向大陸的用來清除煙霧的海風強度的減弱。
  • 24Below is the brown smog of Kabul; beyond, snowy mountains.高台的下面,是喀布爾的棕色煙霧;遠處,是白雪皚皚的羣山。
  • 25Smog, we just cut back and everything will be better later.煙霧,我們只是減排然後一切都會更好。
  • 26We were prevented by heavy smog (from) seeing anything.濃霧使我們看不到任何東西。
  • 27It also generates much less smog-forming nitrogen oxide.它燃燒產生的煙霧中的氮氧化物也會急劇減少。
  • 28Those atoms can contribute to smog formation in coastal areas.這些氯原子可以促進沿海地區煙霧的形成。 [1] 
  • 1.    Smog  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-22]