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英[slʌm]美[slʌm] [1] 


Slum Millionaire貧民窟的百萬富翁 ; 窮人窟的一百萬財主
Rumbling Slum踽行貧户
slum housing貧民窟住房 ; 貧民窟 ; 貧民窟區
slum quarters貧民區
slum dwellers棚民
Urban slum城市棚户區
Fire Slum火焰落斬
slum region貧困地區
slum administration貧民區治理 [1] 


  • 1This bum is an unemployed man in the slum.這個流浪漢是貧民區的一個失業者。
  • 2Several businessmen had to slum it in economy class.幾個商人只好將就着坐在經濟艙裏。《牛津詞典》
  • 3In Sal Paulo, you can see shopping malls full of designer goods right next door to the slum areas without proper water and electricity supplies.在薩爾保羅,你可以看到緊挨着貧民區的購物中心裏滿是名牌商品,卻沒有適當的水電供應。
  • 4The slum must be inside you.貧民窟一定是在你內心。
  • 5Slum tourism is taking off in Kenya.貧民窟之遊在肯尼亞正處於起步階段。
  • 6I was 16 when I first saw a slum tour.當我第一次看到一個貧民窟觀光客的時候我16歲。
  • 7Accra's notorious slum is aptly named.阿克拉臭名遠揚的貧民窟真是恰如其名。
  • 8Solar-powered lights bring night football to slum.太陽能泛光燈,給貧民窟帶來了夜間足球盛宴。
  • 9Tabitha, a 44-year-old woman from a slum outside Nairobi.一位44歲來自內羅畢外貧民窟的婦女tabitha。
  • 10We shall try our best to remedy the conditions in the slum area.我們將盡全力來改善貧民區的狀況。
  • 11In the Balveer Nagar slum, 250 families have no supply at all.在Balveer Nagar貧民窟,有250户家庭完全沒有供水。
  • 12The Dharavi slum in Mumbai, India, at twilight on October 9, 2011.2011年10月9日,印度孟買,黎明時分的達拉維貧民窟。
  • 13Clinton accused Obama of having worked for a Chicago slum lord.希拉里.克林頓則指責奧巴馬一度為芝加哥一個貧民窟黑心房東效力。
  • 14Slum tourism has its advocates, who say it promotes social awareness.支持貧民窟旅遊的人説,它可以抬高社會認知和覺悟。
  • 15The obvious assumption was that this was some kind of subterranean slum.可以明顯的假設,此處極像一個地下貧民窟。
  • 16This week police raided a Nairobi slum and shot dead at least 22 suspects.本週,警察對內羅畢的一個貧民區進行了突襲並槍殺了至少22位疑犯。
  • 17The Korogocho slum is one of the poorest in Nairobi, Kenya's teeming capital.在肯尼亞富裕的首都內羅畢,科羅戈喬貧民窟是最貧窮的地方之一。
  • 18New Delhi, India: A street artist dressed as a monkey, performs in a slum area新德里,印度:一位街頭藝人穿的好像一隻猴子,在貧民窟表演
  • 19In a nearby slum a teenage boy was recently beaten to death for cutting in line.最近在附近的一個貧民區裏,一個十幾歲的男孩就因為插隊而被活活打死。
  • 20A young girl walks through Mumbai's Dharavi slum, home to about a million people.一名姑娘走過擁有約百萬人的孟買達拉維貧民窟。
  • 21However, for every mall that appears, so does a slum colony-often right next to it.不過,每座商場建成的同時也會出現一個貧民窟-通常就在商場旁邊。
  • 22He lived in a slum in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, and was nursed by his mother.他住在肯尼亞首都內羅畢的貧民窟裏,並由母親照顧。
  • 23The money will be use to educate five thousand slum children over the next five years.這筆錢將解決五千個貧民窟孩子五年內的教育問題。
  • 24We studied 132 children without head lice who lived in a slum in north-eastern Brazil.針對生活在巴西東北部貧民區內的132名無頭蝨症的兒童開展了一項研究。
  • 25Poverty is what I'm writing about and I had my first contact with poverty in this slum.貧窮是我所寫的事物,我在這所貧民窟第一次接觸了貧窮。
  • 26A view of a slum neighborhood along the railroad tracks in Hanoi, Vietnam, Jan. 8, 2011.2011年1月8日,越南河內鐵路沿線附近貧民窟的景象。 [1] 
  • 1.    slum  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-18]