

simplicity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞。作名詞時譯為“簡單(性),容易(性);簡樸,樸素”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [sɪmˈplɪsəti] 美 [sɪmˈplɪsəti]
n. 簡單(性),容易(性);簡樸,樸素;簡單(或質樸、樸素)之處;愚蠢,無知
[ 複數 simplicities ] [1] 


for simplicity 為簡單起見
Ode To Simplicity 樸素的讚美詩 ; 簡單頌 ; 複雜是美
sense and simplicity 精於心 ; 簡於形 ; 簡於型 ; 精於心簡於形
simplicity of Yi 易簡 ; 周易
Simplicity is the key 簡單 ; 就是幸福 ; 複雜
voluntary simplicity 自願簡樸 ; 自求簡樸 ; 一位志願簡單生活運動
Elegant simplicity 雅緻樸素
simplicity in treatment 簡單處理
New Simplicity 新簡約主義 ; 新簡單主義 ; 新簡潔主義 [1] 


  • The plan has the virtue of simplicity. 這項計劃的優點是簡單。
  • The apparent simplicity of his plot is deceptive. 他的陰謀貌似簡單,卻具有欺騙性。
  • The document impressed me with its elegant simplicity. 這份文件以其精妙的簡約給我留下了深刻的印象。
  • Using plastic to pay for an order is simplicity itself. 使用信用卡支付訂單本身就很簡單。
  • "I am the King," came the answer, with placid simplicity. “我是國王。”回答平靜而簡單。
  • We can not ignore its enormous vitality for its simplicity. 我們不能因為它的簡單性而忽略了它巨大的生命力。
  • For hosts and guests, the change means greater simplicity and comfort. 對於主人和客人來説,這種變化意味着更加簡單和舒適。
  • The King added, with the same gentle simplicity, "Dost thou doubt me?" 國王又用同樣温和而天真的口氣説:“你懷疑我嗎?”
  • "I do not doubt thee," said the King, with a childlike simplicity and faith. “我不懷疑你。”國王帶着孩子般的天真和信任説。
  • Motifs of seeming simplicity can encode complex meanings in Aboriginal Australia. 在澳洲土著中,看似簡單的圖案可能包含着複雜的含義。
  • In this context the simplicity of a geometric motif may be more apparent than real. 在這種背景下,簡單的幾何圖案可能比真實的更明顯。
  • Over the years this system has come in for its share of criticism for its simplicity. 多年來,這個系統因其簡單性而飽受批評。
  • In its own right it is a tool of extraordinary sophistication, yet based on an idea of ingenious simplicity. 就其本身而言,它是一種極其複雜的工具,但卻基於一種巧妙而簡單的理念。
  • This insight, so profound in its simplicity, opened up an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding human life. 這種簡單而深刻的見解,為我們認識和理解人類生活開闢了一條嶄新的道路。
  • His insistence on putting users first, and focusing on elegance and simplicity, has become deeply ingrained in his own company, and is spreading to rival firms too. 他堅持用户至上,注重優雅和簡潔,這種理念在他自己的公司裏已經根深蒂固,且已經傳播到競爭對手那去了。
  • Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity. 在過去的幾十年中,對語言的本質以及產生並使其易於理解的過程的研究表明,它具有極大的複雜性,而不是潛在的簡單性。
  • Teenagers lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness. 十幾歲的青少年就不像兒時那麼淳樸天真了。
  • For the sake of simplicity , let's divide the discussion into two parts. 為了方便起見,我們把討論分成兩部分。
  • A timeless comic actor – his simplicity and his apparent ease are matchless. 作為喜劇界的常青樹 -他的簡樸和自然大方舉世無雙。
  • It was a preference for naturalness and simplicity that separated the Taoists from the Confucians. 正是對自然和質樸的偏愛把道家人士從儒家人士中區分開。
  • The American-born architect Robert Venturi concluded that if simplicity is done badly, the result is soulless design. 美國出生的建築師羅伯特·文圖裏總結道,如果沒有做好簡約,那這樣的設計就沒有靈魂。
  • Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity. 如今結婚禮服的基調是素雅。
  • "I'm an old hand," he remarked with much simplicity. “我是老手了。”他非常直率地説。
  • For simplicity, use only one attachment for our test. 為方便起見,我們的測試僅使用一個附件。
  • "They should welcome the simplicity of the message," Lerner said. “他們應該歡迎這種簡單的信息。”勒納説。
  • I love the colonial fabrics, all the silver work, the furnishings, the combination of elegance and simplicity. 我喜歡殖民時期的織物、銀器、傢俱,又優雅,又簡潔。
  • The essence of French savoir-vivre is simplicity. 法國人的處世之道的實質就是淳樸。
  • A perfect tradeoff will be gained among the object accessing performance, the memory utilization and the Java chip system simplicity. 在對象訪問速度,內存利用率和Java芯片系統複雜度之間合理折中。
  • The main benefit is simplicity. 最大的優點就是簡單。
  • You know...that simplicity thing. 你知道的……簡單就是美。 [1] 