


setback,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“挫折;退步;逆流”。 [1] 
詞    性


setback /ˈsɛtbæk/ CET6 TEM4 ( setbacks )
1.N-COUNT A setback is an event that delays your progress or reverses some of the progress that you have made. 挫折; 倒退 [oft N 'for/in/to' n] [1] 


setback land 把地界後移
Setback Theory 挫折理論
setback zone 海岸後置帶
setback viscosity 消減值
frustration setback 失利
setback days 撥回天數
Rear SetBack 後退縮角 [1] 


  • 1It is an unexpected setback in her fortunes.這是她好運中的一次意外的挫折。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2A further reduction in local supplies is yet another unwelcome setback to the industry.對該行業來説,本地供應的進一步減少又是一個不受歡迎的挫折。
  • 3The move represents a setback for the Middle East peace process.此舉意味着中東和平進程的倒退。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured.最優秀的隊員受了傷,使得這支隊伍的實力大打折扣。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process.談判破裂意味着和平進程暫時受阻。《牛津詞典》
  • 6An obstacle, setback or delay means only one thing: it's not time for your goal to be completed yet.一個障礙、挫敗或延遲只意味着一件事:現在還不是你實現目標的時候。
  • 7Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, students with a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy.當面對挫敗,例如不理想的成績時,具有成長型思維模式的學生表示他們會更加努力地學習,或是嘗試一些不同的學習策略。
  • 8As a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback—a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.因此,它們已經失去了在經濟蕭條時期曾經持有的“保護傘”——一個後備掙錢者(通常是母親),她可以在主要掙錢者失業或者病倒的時候出去工作。
  • 9It's just a temporary setback. Don't be discouraged.這不過是尺蠖之屈,不要泄氣。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10Since that time there has never been any setback in his career.從那時起他在事業上一直沒有遇到周折。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11Here is some information on coastal setback distances according to the EIA.以下是根據 EIA 得出的一些沿海退縮距離的信息。
  • 12That would be a severe setback.那將會是一個嚴重的挫折。
  • 13How serious is this setback?這個挫折有多嚴重?
  • 14Is it a setback for the Talks?這是不是六方會談進程的倒退?
  • 15A setback, it turned out, but no tragedy.一個挫折,結果證明,但不是悲劇。
  • 16You likely will have an occasional setback.我們很可能會遇到偶爾的挫折。
  • 17She views every minor setback as a disaster.她把每個較小的挫折都看成重大災難。
  • 18But for two reasons, it still looks like a setback.但從2個原因來看,這仍然是一場挫折。
  • 19But the result was a severe setback nonetheless.但是這個結果仍是一次嚴重的挫敗。
  • 20The crisis was a big setback for American consumers.經濟危機嚴重影響美國消費者。
  • 21Talk over your setback with a friend or professional.和你的朋友或是專業人員討論一下這次挫敗。
  • 22None of this will come easy, nor without setback or struggle.這一切都不可能一帆風順,也不可能不經歷挫折或鬥爭。
  • 23Anyone who's suffered a similar setback knows the feeling.任何一個遭受同樣經歷的人很瞭解當時他的心情。
  • 24Mr Li is unlikely still to be thinking about this little setback.李先生不太可能還惦記着這個小小的挫折。
  • 25So when you're suffering from a setback, know someone else is, too.所以當遇到挫折時,要知道別人也一樣。
  • 26Every setback was attributed to temporary factors - It's the Greeks!每一次的挫折都被歸結為臨時的因素——是希臘人!
  • 27I want to congratulate China on its impressive response to this setback.我想要祝賀中國對這一挫折所作出的令人印象深刻的應對。
  • 28The setback that, against expectations, has not yet struck is Greece.希臘成為競選期望受挫的另一原因。
  • 29Devise a new strategy for coping with whatever was behind your setback.商討制定出一種新的策略來應付任何戒煙過程中的挫敗。
  • 30Giving you an example of what happened did IGN how bad the setback was.給你們發生在IGN的例子,來説明蕭條有多糟糕。 [1] 