
Set The Fire To The Third Bar

《Set The Fire To The Third Bar》是Interscope公司2006年發行的歌曲。
Set The Fire To The Third Bar
作    者
Gary Lightbody
Jacknife Lee

Set The Fire To The Third Bar單曲介紹

單曲封面 單曲封面
Set the Fire to the Third Bar是英倫獨立樂隊Snow Patrol的一首單曲,來自該樂隊第四張專輯Eyes Open,發行於2006年11月12日。女歌手Martha Wainwright在本曲中親情獻聲。於韋斯特米斯郡的Grouse Lodge錄音棚及都柏林的Apollo錄音棚進行錄製。

Set The Fire To The Third Bar創作背景

這首歌是整張專輯中最後錄製的,也是專輯中的第三首單曲。作者Lightbody表示這是他完成的最快的一首歌,只用了20分鐘。曲名提及的是一種老式的電暖器,當Lightbody帶着無指手套在天寒地凍中創作時,回想起了小時候阿姨家的電暖器,“當我們表現良好而且剛好氣温極低的時候,她才會允許我們將電暖器打到三檔(three bars)”,他表示third bar代表了遠距離相戀的二人之間如火的熱情。
歌詞講述的是一場遠距離戀愛,相戀的兩個人卻相距萬里("I'm miles from where you are"),渴望能夠相見("I pray that something picks me up/ And sets me down in your warm arms")。經過一段漫長的旅程("After I have travelled so far"),終於得償所願,享受彼此在一起的火熱時光("We'd set the fire to the third bar") [1] 

Set The Fire To The Third BarMV

MV由Paul McGuigan執導,在英國取景,由兩位主唱Gary Lightbody和Martha Wainwright主演。MV中屏幕平均分成兩塊區域,分別顯示兩人的一舉一動,Gary Lightbody在一個白色的審訊室中而Martha Wainwright則處於深藍色的觀察室裏,前者對着分割兩室的玻璃唱歌,後者則在回望他,那麼的接近卻無法觸碰,凸顯出兩人貌近實遠的痛苦。

Set The Fire To The Third Bar榜單排名

2010年電影《分手信》用它作為預告片的背景樂,於是,在最初發行的四年後,此曲又重回Billboard百強單曲榜54名 [2]  ,英國單曲排行36名

Set The Fire To The Third Bar單曲列表

1、"Set the Fire to the Third Bar"
2、"You're All I Have" (漢堡現場版) [3] 

Set The Fire To The Third Bar單曲歌詞

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from 'here' to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases of distant dark places
I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science
Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me
I'm miles from where you are
I lay down on the cold ground
And I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms
After I have traveled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids
And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep in
[Chorus:Repeat x2] [4] 