


seeker,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“探求者”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈsiːkə(r)] 美 [ˈsiːkər]
n. 尋找者,探求者;搜查人
[ 複數 seekers ] [1] 


job seeker 求職者
Bargain seeker 詳細翻譯 [1] 


  • Viper Strike is a gliding munition capable of precision attack from extended ranges using GPS-aided navigation and a semi-active laser seeker. ViperStrike是一種滑行軍需品,能夠使用GPS 輔助導航和半主動激光導引頭從更遠的範圍進行精確攻擊。
  • I am a seeker after truth. 我是一名真理的追求者。
  • A second category I had noticed is the advice-seeker. 我注意到的第二種類型是尋求建議者。
  • A sensation-seeker is someone who's always looking for new sensations. 尋求感覺的人,是總在尋找新的感覺的人。
  • An advice-seeker does the bulk of her work alone, but frequently looks to others for advice. 習慣尋求建議的人獨自完成大部分工作,但經常向別人尋求建議。
  • As she contemplated the wide windows and imposing signs, she became conscious of being gazed upon and understood for what she was a wage-seeker. 當她凝視着寬大的窗户和氣勢恢宏的招牌時,她意識到有人在注視着她,並明白她是一個討薪的人。
  • Christine, who doesn't even own a computer and has been keeping up with her son's exploits through the media, said her son was a "seeker of truth". 克莉絲汀,甚至沒有電腦,她一直通過媒體獲得他兒子的最新消息,她説她兒子是一個“探求真相的人”。
  • He used a 5ml syringe and 22 gague need as a seeker needle. 他使用5毫升注射器和22號針頭做引導穿刺針。
  • So what's a job seeker to do? 那麼,一個求職者應該怎麼做呢?
  • I'm a type t personality: thrill seeker. 我是T型人格:尋求刺激的人。
  • But like every job seeker, every situation is unique. 但是就像每個求職者都各不相同一樣,各種情況也是不同的。
  • Yu Miao, a 24-year-old college graduate, was one job seeker. 24歲的大學畢業生於渺(音)就是其中一名求職者。
  • Job-Seeker Tip: Looking for a job is also a competition. 求職小貼士:找工作也是一項競爭。
  • A search is executed with input values from the Paper Seeker. 利用PaperSeeker輸入的值來執行搜索。
  • Let's say you are a job seeker and you are on an interview. 假如你是一個找工作的人,你要去一個應聘面試。
  • Another "desperate job seeker" wrote: "Why not take up the job?" 另一個“絕望的求職者”寫道:“為什麼不去幹這項工作?”
  • A week by the pool is not going to appeal to a thrill seeker. 一週挨在水池邊看上去就不是個尋求刺激者。
  • This is good advice for any job seeker, but more so with the older ones. 對於任何求職者而言,這都是很好的建議,但對職場“老”人則更甚。
  • Obviously, original thinking isn't a priority for the desperate job-seeker. 顯然,對於一個急着找工作的人來説,當初的理想已不再是最緊要的問題。
  • Karlheinz Stockhausen, seeker of new sounds, died on December 5th, aged 79. 卡爾赫因茲·施托克·豪森,新聲音的追尋者,逝世於2007年12月5日,享年79歲。
  • Above, a job seeker in Chengdu holds two employment training coupons on Jan. 12. 上圖一個成都的找工作的人手持兩張培訓券。1月12日。
  • There is an exception: easyJet’s German operation aims at the sun-seeker market. EasyJet(易捷航空)德國運營部門針對飛往陽光普照景點的市場則是個例外。
  • Maybe you are a novelty seeker and so everything has to be different than the last time; 也許你很好奇,那麼每件事都要和上次不一樣,是新的體驗。
  • Her magical character is described as "cool, hip, smart," and "a bit of a thrill-seeker." 她的性格可以用“酷、潮、聰明,還有點兒愛找刺激”來形容。
  • "Or..." I am a job seeker Hey, that's a much cooler title than being the unemployed person, right? “我是一名求職者嗨,這可比‘無業人’的頭銜酷多了,是不是?”
  • Fortunately for the job seeker, you can use tools to figure out which words are optimal for your resume. 對於那些苦苦找尋工作的人,可以嘗試着用一些竅門找出哪些是適合你的簡歷的最佳詞彙。
  • A seeker of silences am I, and what treasure have I found in silences that I may dispense with confidence? 我是個探求寧靜的人,在寧靜中我能找到什麼寶藏,可讓我滿懷自信分贈?
  • Maybe you are a novelty seeker and so everything has to be different than the last time; a new experience. 也許你很好奇,那麼每件事都要和上次不一樣,是新的體驗。 [1] 