


SYNERGY,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“協同增效作用,協同作用”等。 [1] 
類    型
詞    性


英 [ˈsɪnədʒi] 美 [ˈsɪnərdʒi]
n. (兩個或多個組織共同協作後產生的)協同增效作用,協同作用
[ 複數 synergies ] [1] 


Aqua Synergy 親水滲入成分 ; 親水滲入滲出成分 ; 親水滲透成分 ; 親水浸透成分
Economic Synergy 經濟動力
Hybrid Synergy Drive 油電覆合動力系統 ; 混合動力協同驅動 ; 驅動系統 ; 混合動力同步駕駛
Synergy effect 協同效應 ; 合成效應 ; 協同作用
Battle Synergy 協同一致 ; 協同作戰
Operating Synergy 協同效應 ; 經營協同效應 ; 營業增效作用 ; 營運綜效
synergy theory 協同理論 ; 協同學理論
Synergy Effects 協同效應
group synergy 協作精神 ; 學習型組織 [1] 


  • Of course, there's quite obviously a lot of synergy between the two companies. 當然,這兩家公司之間顯然有許多的協同作用。
  • India can contribute and work in peace and friendship and in synergy benefit a lot. 印度可以為和平與友誼作出貢獻,並在工作中發揮作用,在協同作用中受益匪淺。
  • Another key was synergy. 協同合作是另外一個關鍵。
  • Promises of synergy are rarely fulfilled. 對於協同作用的承諾是很少能兑現的。
  • All the synergy gains were lost in an instant. 所有的協同作用瞬間瓦解。
  • Call that synergy - surely a good thing to have. 這稱之為協同增效——顯然是一個值得擁有的好東西。
  • Extracting focus information from Synergy output. 從Synergy輸出中提取焦點信息。
  • Synergy: Integrating Packaging and Production 合作:生產與包裝的整合(線旁包裝)
  • Where's the synergy between these two objectives? 這兩個目標的協作優勢體現在哪裏呢?
  • Synergy fails to materialise in M&A for two main reasons 通過併購來實現協同作用失敗的原因有兩個
  • how to avoid channel conflict and exploit channel synergy; 如何避免渠道衝突併發揮渠道的協同作用;
  • Consider the six-screen Synergy setup shown in Figure 1. 考慮圖1中所示的六屏幕synergy設置。
  • Fortuitous happenstance ignits a foray of synergy between the two or the group. 偶然發生的偶發事件點燃兩人之間的,或者團隊中的協同的變革。
  • Synergy is a dangerously overused word in business, but sometimes it fits. 在商業活動中“協力優勢”是一個被危險地過度使用了的詞語,但有時它確能一語中的。
  • What is certain is that under Mr Iger, Disney has perfected the art of media synergy. 可以確定的是,艾格領導下的迪斯尼將媒體協同運作的藝術施展得淋漓盡致。
  • You may find some surprising synergy, collaboration, and networking opportunities. 你可能會發現一些令人驚訝的配合、協作以及網絡工作機會。
  • We've been talking about this kind of synergy for years, but it's finally happening. 我們談論這種綜合已經多年了,現在終於成為了現實。
  • But it suggests a synergy between policy intervention and personal efforts to lose weight. 但這説明了在減肥問題上,政策干預和個人努力應發揮協同作用。
  • Mastering that level of synergy is when the company believes it'll become a true platform. 如果能實現這個級別的協同,那意味着Dropbox將成為真正的服務平台。
  • Download the Ghosd source code on the machine you intend to use as the Synergy server. 將ghosd源代碼下載到打算用作synergy服務器的計算機中。
  • Campbell and Goold say: "Synergy initiatives often fall short of management's expectations." 坎貝爾和古爾德認為:“協同作用往往達不到管理者所期望的結果。”
  • Synergy is passive; it happens when two things come together regardless of what else they do. 協同作用往往是被動的;當兩種事物聯合在一起,而同它們的所作所為無關時所發生的一系列反應,才能稱作協同作用。
  • There is natural synergy between the concepts and technologies within the XTP domain and batch. 在XTP領域和批處理的概念和技術之間,存在一種自然的協同作用。
  • Two economies are complementary to each other in many ways and enjoy certain degree of synergy. 兩國在許多方面具有互補性,並且已在許多方面協同合作。
  • His point is that Apple foresees growth in all of its products as the synergy between them grows. 他的重點在於蘋果預見到了它的所有產品會因它們之間不斷增長的協同作用而大賣。
  • PV: Every bank is concerned about risk and compliance, so let's illustrate potential synergy on that front. PV:每家銀行都關注風險和要遵守的制度,於是讓我們指出在這一層面上的潛在協作優勢。
  • This synergy, reflecting the multifaceted nature of today's media, is a key component of the school's class projects. 這樣將當今媒介的方方面面作為一種協同作用展示如來是這個學校的班級項目最關鍵的一環。
  • When people honor each other, there is a trust established that leads to synergy, interdependence, and deep respect. 在人們彼此尊重時,所建立的信任關係將形成合力、讓彼此相互依存和產生深深的敬重。 [1] 