


性    質
詞    性
英[stiːl]美[stiːl] [1] 




Snatch Steal強奪
Steal Riders末路狂瀾
Steal Enchentment移除敵軍所有有用咒語
steal ride偷乘車
Steal work那小夥在輸錢後去偷工 ; 可人家不偷工
underarm steal手下偷球
to steal扒竊 ; 行竊 ; 偷去
intracerebral steal腦內盜血 ; 腦內竊血 [1] 


  • 1Hunger drove her to steal.飢餓迫使她去偷竊。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It's immoral to steal.偷盜是不道德的。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She had to steal food just to stay alive.她得偷食物才不至於餓死。《牛津詞典》
  • 4He tried to steal second base but was out.他試圖偷二壘但被判出局。《牛津詞典》
  • 5He didn't steal the goods. It was a set-up.那些商品不是他偷的。這是栽贓。《牛津詞典》
  • 6What were you thinking of? You shouldn't steal.你當時在想什麼?你不該偷東西。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun.他試圖扼死一位邊防警察並偷走他的槍。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8They are all good boys with hearts of gold. They would never steal.他們都是有着金子般心靈的好孩子。他們決不會偷竊。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.暴亂期間數以百計的人乘機竊取財物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10She was unwilling to believe anyone would stoop so low as to steal a ring from a dead woman's finger.她無法相信真有人會齷齪到這種地步,竟然從一個死去的女人手指上偷戒指。《牛津詞典》
  • 11"Would your car be easy to steal?"—"Fat chance. I've got a device that shuts down the petrol and ignition."“你的車容易被偷嗎?”—“不可能。我有一個可以關閉油門和點火開關的裝置。”《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12Supporters of the constitution had to quieten fears that aristocrats plotted to steal the fruits of the revolution.憲法的支持者們不得不消除人們對貴族陰謀竊取革命成果的恐懼。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13I'll learn 'em to steal my house!我要領教他們偷我的房子!
  • 14There currently isn't much to steal.現在那裏沒有什麼可以偷的。
  • 15Who would steal a dog?誰會去偷狗?
  • 16Because they wanted to steal something.因為他們想偷東西。
  • 17It asks students not to steal, lie or cheat.它要求學生不要偷竊、撒謊或欺騙。
  • 18He thought his neighbors would steal the fruit.他認為他的鄰居們會偷水果。
  • 19Perhaps they're going to steal the teapot again.也許他們打算再偷茶壺。
  • 20All because you must needs go and steal a motor-car.這一切都是因為你非要去偷一輛汽車。
  • 21He who steals grapes may very easily steal chickens also.他偷葡萄,也很容易能偷雞。
  • 22Presently the boy began to steal furtive glances at the girl.不久,男孩開始偷偷地看那姑娘一眼。
  • 23Yesterday, he was seen to steal some money from his father's pocket.昨天有人看見他從他父親的口袋裏偷了些錢。
  • 24What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards?如果我們撒謊、欺騙、偷竊或違反其他道德標準會發生什麼呢?
  • 25He does not steal because he needs the goods and cannot afford to pay for them.他偷竊並不是因為他需要那些商品而又無力支付。
  • 26He tried to steal sugar under his aunt's very nose, and got his knuckles rapped for it.他當着姨媽的面偷糖吃,結果被她用指關節敲了一頓。
  • 27Anyone can break in a house and steal things, but picking somebody's pocket takes skill.任何人都可以闖進房子偷東西,但要想從別人口袋裏偷錢卻需要技巧。
  • 28He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit.他擔心如果他把樹栽在路邊,陌生人會偷樹上的果子。
  • 29He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the apples.他擔心如果他把蘋果樹栽在路邊,陌生人會偷蘋果。 [1] 
  • 1.    STEAL  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-24]