


詞    性
類    別


英[ˈrɪbən]美[ˈrɪbən] [1] 


ribbon microphone鋁帶話筒 ;[電子]帶式傳聲器 ; 鋁帶式話筒
elastic ribbon橡筋 ;[紡]鬆緊帶 ; 橡筋帶
hat ribbon帽帶
ribbon saw[木]帶鋸 ; 曲線鋸 ; 弓鋸
cartridge ribbon匣式墨帶 ; 墨匣
naked ribbon裸體絲帶
Steel Ribbon鋼條 ; 鋼帶 ; 繞帶
ribbon paper絲帶紙 [1] 


  • 1The road was a ribbon of moonlight.這條路在月光下如同一條緞帶。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She had tied back her hair with a peach satin ribbon.她用一條桃紅色的緞帶把頭髮紮在了腦後。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Mrs. Haines stood nearby, holding scissors to cut a ribbon.海恩斯太太站在旁邊,拿着剪刀剪緞帶。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4I see not one white ribbon, but many.我看到的不是一根白絲帶,而是太多了。
  • 5Mrs. Thatcher recognized the ribbon and cried over it.撒切爾夫人認出了絲帶,哭了起來。
  • 6The silk ribbon will stop the lightning from passing through his body.這條絲帶能阻止閃電通過他的身體。
  • 7He bore no badge of mourning but a knot of purple ribbon on his shoulder.他肩上繫着一根紫色的絲帶,身上沒有其它孝服的標誌。
  • 8If you're making your own bouquet, wrap your flowers in a matching ribbon or bow.如果你正在操辦自己的宴會,可以用比較搭的絲帶和蝴蝶結來包花束。
  • 9What's going to hold this ribbon up and keep it reach enough to support an elevator car?要用什麼來讓這條帶保持向上,並讓它足夠支撐一個電梯轎廂呢?
  • 10All the samples were taken from a centimeter-long, extremely thin ribbon of the metallic glass.所有的樣品都取自一釐米長的極薄的金屬玻璃帶。
  • 11In 1964, Knight and Bowerman contributed $500 each to from Blue Ribbon Sports, the predecessor of Nike.1964年,奈特和鮑爾曼分別向耐克的前身藍絲帶體育公司捐款500美元。
  • 12The first continuous ribbon process involved squeezing molten glass through two hot rollers, similar to an old mangle.第一種連續的帶狀製作過程涉及到利用兩個高温滾軸擠壓熔融玻璃,類似於過去的軋棉機。
  • 13There, huddled in the farthest corner of the shower, quivered an eight-week-old piglet with a bright red ribbon tied around his neck.那裏,一頭八週大的小豬蜷縮在淋浴間最遠的角落裏,脖子上繫着一條鮮紅的絲帶,渾身顫抖。
  • 14Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sand grain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon."有時候,在提煉的過程中會出現這些情況:一個氣泡沒有被移除,一個砂粒沒有熔化,(熔融的)錫的一次顫動把波紋帶進了玻璃帶中。
  • 15Inspection technology allows more than 100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see.檢測技術可以在一秒鐘內對玻璃帶進行超過1億次的測量,從而定位肉眼無法看到的瑕疵。
  • 16They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon, declaring the exhibition open.他們隆重地剪綵,宣佈展會開幕。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17On that day, children sneak into their mother's bedroom and tie her feet with ribbon so that she can't get out of bed.在那一天,孩子們偷偷溜進媽媽的卧室,用絲帶把她的腳綁起來,這樣她就下不了牀了。
  • 18He even wore a necktie, a bright bit of ribbon.他甚至還繫了一條領帶,一條顏色鮮豔的絲質領帶。
  • 19Each of them had left a shred of ribbon pinned to his clothing, in token of remembrance.她們每個人都留下了一小塊絲帶,別在他的衣服上,以示紀念。
  • 20A bluish ribbon of light stretching from left to right across the picture might be a knot of gas ejected by the supernova.一個從左延伸至右穿過整幅圖片的淺藍色光可能是由超新星噴發出的氣體的集結體。
  • 21You could actually draw out a 36,000-kilometer strand or ribbon of nanotubes stronger than steel, but maybe a thousandth the thickness of a human hair.你真的能夠拉出一條36000公里長的納米管線,或者納米管帶,其強度比鋼鐵要高,但其厚度可能只是人類頭髮的千分之一。
  • 22A czarina saw a muzhik trying on her imperial son's blue ribbon.俄羅斯女皇看到農奴偷試皇太子的大藍佩帶。
  • 23That ribbon doesn't tie well.那條絲帶結得不好。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 24The first prize gets a blue ribbon.一等獎獲得一個藍絲帶。
  • 25It had a red ribbon around its neck.脖子上拴着一條紅絲帶。
  • 26Is there a white ribbon?有沒有白絲帶?
  • 27S ribbon is fairly subtle.Ribot的綵帶很微妙。
  • 28This is a photograph of a tartan ribbon.這是一張格子緞帶的照片。
  • 29She wears a ribbon belt round her waist.她在腰部束了一條緞帶。 [1] 