


Renewal,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“恢復,重新開始”。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [rɪˈnjuːəl] 美 [rɪˈnuːəl]
n. 恢復,重新開始;(有效期的)延長,續訂;更新,改建;(有神授超凡能力基督徒的)精神重生
[ 複數 renewals ] [1] 


urban renewal 城市更新;都市美化
renewal process 更新過程
renewal of equipment 設備更新
renewal fee 續展費;更新費 [1] 


  • They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations. 他們將討論恢復外交關係的可能性。
  • There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education. 高等教育事業中人員更新很少。
  • His avowed intention was to bring about reform and spiritual renewal for the church. 他公開宣稱他目標是進行教會改革和靈性的復興。
  • The cycle of renewal never ends. 更新週期的循環永遠不會結束。
  • We see it as a chance for renewal. 我們認為這是一個復興的機會。
  • Let us make Sunday a day of rest and renewal rather than a day of travel and toil. 就讓我們把星期天定為休息和恢復精力日,不要把它作為旅行和勞累日吧。
  • Under lobby pressure, George Osborne favors rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal. 在遊説者的壓力下,喬治·奧斯本贊同農村的新建工程,而不是城市的改造和更新。
  • I suddenly remembered an article on this page many years ago where the writer was expressing her concept of renewal. 我突然想起許多年前在這一頁的一篇文章,作者在文中表達了她對復興的想法。
  • Before 1999, owners applying for a license renewal were more likely to have their applications than they were after that date. 在1999年以前,與1999年以後相比,申請許可證更新的車主更有可能作出申請。
  • Leah easily could have fallen into a trap of feeling content; instead, her energy sparked a period of experimentation and renewal. 莉婭本可以輕易地落入滿足的陷阱中;但是,她的活力激勵她步入嘗試和更新階段。
  • As operating licenses come up for renewal, dam removal and habitat restoration to original stream flows will be among the options considered. 隨着運營許可證的更新,大壩的拆除和原始河流的棲息地恢復將是備選方案之一。
  • Where are you in the cycle of renewal: Are you actively preserving the present, or selectively forgetting the past, or boldly creating the future? 你處於更新週期的哪個階段:是積極維持現狀,還是選擇性忘記過去,又或是大膽創造未來?
  • His contract came up for renewal. 他的合同交上來要求延期。
  • His contract is coming up for renewal. 他的合同快到續訂期了。
  • The lease comes up for renewal at the end of the month. 本租約到月底需要辦理展期。
  • Dear Mrs. Cox, Re: Homeowners Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions. 親愛的考克斯夫人,關於房主保險一事。我們從自己的資料中注意到我們還沒有收到你續保的通知。
  • They represent the promise of spring and a renewal of life. 它們代表着春天的希望和生命的復甦。
  • In ancient Greek mythology, it was a symbol of love and the renewal of life. 在古希臘神話中,它是愛和生命重生的象徵。
  • It seems that I'm part of a national renewal of interest in needle and other handicrafts. 看來我是全國重新興起的對針織和其它手工藝的興趣浪潮中的一份子。
  • It seems, too, that I'm part of a national renewal of interest in needle and other handicrafts. 似乎我也是全國性地對針織和其它手工藝重新燃起興趣的一份子。
  • Strong public opposition to their renewal was common even before 1999, but it was based on safety considerations, not on environmental ones. 即使在1999年之前,他們的更新也時常引起公眾強烈的反對,但這是基於安全考慮,而不是基於環境考慮。
  • Outdoor advertising obsolescence, strain, wearout, feculent, will order date of expiration purgation, maintenance repairs or renewal. 户外廣告陳舊、變形、破損、不潔的,將責令限期清洗、維修或更新。
  • That part of my life needs renewal. 我生命的這一部分需要得到更新。
  • "Renewal" of token is not supported. 不支持令牌的“更新”。
  • primary health care renewal; 重振初級衞生保健;
  • A big renewal programme is also under way. 另外一項更新計劃正在進行中。
  • Signifies nature, growth, and renewal. 自然,成長,和新生的標誌。
  • The defining feature of a stem cell is self-renewal. 幹細胞的特徵就是自我再生能力。
  • The license renewal application is due on Wednesday. 該證書申請將於週三提交。
  • I presented my renewal rates for the last five years. 在過去的五年裏,我一直在續保。 [1] 