


詞    性


英 [ˈregjuleɪt] 美 [ˈrɛɡjəˌlet] [1] 


REG regulate 控制 ; 校準 ; 節制 ; 調節
Voltage regulate 電壓調節方式 ; 電壓調節 ; 電壓調理方式 ; 速度調節
regulate blood 調節血液 ; 規管血 ; 調節血 ; 正在翻譯
to regulate 規制 ; 檢束 ; 規管 ; 調節
regulate finances 整理財政
Strictly regulate 嚴格規範
Regulate Immune 調節免疫 ; 調節機體免疫
regulate regulate 正規管制
regulate price 調控物價 ; 規定價格 [1] 


  • 1The FCC has no statutory authority to regulate the Internet.美國聯邦通信委員會沒有規範因特網的法定權力。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Under such a plan, the government would regulate competition among insurance companies so that everyone gets care at lower cost.根據這樣一個計劃,政府會控制保險公司之間的競爭,這樣每個人都能以較低價格獲得保險。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The government should regulate the app-based car rental market.政府應規範以應用軟件為基礎的汽車租賃市場。
  • 4It's an important process that helps to regulate the global climate.這是一個有助於調節全球氣候的重要過程。
  • 5Nearly all computers contain a quartz-crystal clock to regulate their operation.幾乎所有的計算機都有一個石英晶體時鐘來調節它們的運行。
  • 6These spots are so important because many animals rely on microclimates to regulate their body temperature.這些地區非常重要,因為許多動物依靠小氣候來調節體温。
  • 7Many of them are the same that regulate how seeds become dryness-tolerant while still attached to their parent plants.其中許多基因與調節種子如何在仍附着於其親本植株時變的耐旱的基因相同。
  • 8Mammals do have the ability to regulate their body temperature, but not all can do it to the same degree, or even the same way.哺乳動物確實有調節它們體温的能力,但並不是所有哺乳動物都能做到同樣的程度,或甚至以同樣的方式調節體温。
  • 9The ability to emotionally regulate or maintain emotional control when confronted by stress is one of the most important of all life's skills.面對壓力時能調節情緒或保持情緒控制是最重要的生活技能之一。
  • 10Some of the teens had changed to one particular gene—the glucocorticoid receptor (GR)—that helps regulate the body's hormonal response to stress.一些青少年已經轉換了一個特定的基因——糖皮質激素受體(GR)——幫助調節體內荷爾蒙對於壓力的反應。
  • 11After the fall of Rome, the first European society to regulate behaviour in private life in accordance with a complicated code of etiquette was twelfth-century Provence, in France.羅馬帝國滅亡後,在歐洲,第一個按照複雜的禮節規範私人生活行為的社會,是12世紀法國的普羅旺斯。
  • 12During critical situations, especially when a threat is perceived, the outer core loses control and fails to regulate the impulses and instinctual responses coming from the primitive brain.在危急情況下,特別是在察覺到威脅時,外核會失去控制,無法調節來自原始內核的衝動和本能反應。
  • 13For this reason students must re-regulate their body clock and go to bed and get up at regular time.出於這個原因,學生必須重新調節他們的生物鐘,按時睡覺和起牀。
  • 14There are some who think we can leave the body to regulate these matters for itself.有些人認為我們可以讓身體自己來管理這些事情。
  • 15She says, noting the FDA does not regulate supplements as rigorously as foods or drugs.她指出,FDA 對補劑的監管不像對食品或藥物那樣嚴格。
  • 16The order also declared that state and local governments couldn't regulate broadband providers either.該命令還宣佈,州政府和地方政府也無權監管寬帶供應商。
  • 17For most people, lying gets limited as we develop a sense of morality and the ability to self-regulate.對大多數人來説,當我們培養起道德感和自我調節能力時,就會減少説謊的次數了。
  • 18Possibly the agencies in charge of drafting the decisions are too close to the industries they are supposed to regulate.可能負責起草決策的機構與他們應該監管的行業關係過於密切。
  • 19Unlike many past Fed leaders, Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry's argument that it should be left alone to regulate itself.與諸多美聯儲前任領導人不同,耶倫並不認同讓金融業進行自行管理的觀點。
  • 20MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February that included the power to regulate for plain packaging.去年2月,國會議員以壓倒性的多數投票支持工黨對《兒童與家庭法案》的修正案,其中包括對無裝飾包裝的監管權力。
  • 21The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms.這場爭論始於2月1日,當時英格漢姆在新西蘭基因改造皇家委員會面前作證,決定如何管理轉基因生物。
  • 22Frustrated with delays in Sacramento, Bay Area officials said Thursday they planned to take matters into their own hands to regulate the region's growing pile of electronic trash.灣區官員表示,鑑於薩克拉門託辦事拖沓到令人惱火,他們週四計劃親自動手搞定當地日益增長的電子垃圾的問題。
  • 23Bumblebees can regulate their body temperature via radiative cooling from the heterothermy.大黃蜂可以通過異源熱輻射冷卻來調節體温。
  • 24Regulate imbalance of dynamic equilibrium of neck soft tissue and treat the anteriad arcuation of cervical vertebrae by acupotomy.調節頸部軟組織的動平衡失衡,並通過針灸治療頸椎弓曲。
  • 25And who will regulate what?還有誰來監管這些交易?
  • 26We ought to regulate our daily life.我們應當使日常生活規律化。
  • 27regulate tobacco products.管制煙草製品。
  • 28It helps regulate your circulation.它幫助規律你的血液循環。
  • 29By that analogy, we ought to regulate it.以此類推,我們應當控制它的使用。
  • 30We don't like the way you regulate land.我們不喜歡你們管控土地的方式。 [1] 