


RECYCLER,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“ 反覆循環器”等。 [1] 
詞    性
音    標


n. [計] 反覆循環器,[化工] 再循環器 [1] 


Solvent Recycler 溶劑回收儀 ; 溶劑回收裝置
Registry Recycler 註冊表回收站 ; 註冊表清理軟件
Energy Recycler 能量回收程序 ; 能源回收 ; 能源回收再造商
Space junk recycler 太空垃圾回收員
Resourse Recycler 資源回收模式
the Light Recycler 燈光回收者
metal recycler 金屬回收商
Charge Recycler 電荷回收 [1] 


  • Boys are emptying filthy sacks onto the ground outside the shop of a trash recycler. 流落街頭的孩子們在店鋪旁的垃圾袋裏尋找着廢棄的飲料瓶罐。
  • Check to see if your recycler is first looking to see if old equipment can be reused. 要搞清楚你的回收商是否首先檢查舊的電子設備是否還能再利用。
  • PC Recycler can remove data magnetically or completely destroy and recycle the drives. PCRecycler會使用磁化方法完整地摧毀這些數據,然後回收硬盤。
  • Based on prior researches, quantitative calculation on recycler material and benefit from recycle is made. 在已有研究基礎上,對目前中國機動車報廢數量、資源回收量和回收效益進行定量計算。
  • But there are ways to assure that your old electronic equipment is handled by a reputable recycler, says Puckett. Puckett説,但是,有些方法可以保證你的舊電子設備是由有信譽的回收商來處理的。
  • And it can be concluded the recycler was making counterfeit medicine or get in touch with the manufacturing business. 可以説,這部分收到藥盒的人同時在製作假藥,或者在直接接觸這個製藥環節。
  • If you can give that an extra life - an extra couple years - and so refurbishing is really what you want your recycler to do. 如果你能夠給它更長的生命,再多幾年,翻新是你希望你的回收商所做的事。
  • The invention relates to a water recycler, which comprises: a waste liquid collecting groove for containing the waste liquid; 一種水資源精密回收機,其包括:廢液收集槽,用以盛裝生產過程中排放的廢液;
  • Since 2006 the country’s 31 crematoriums have earned DKr 77, 762 ($15, 000) from 4, 810kg of salvaged metal sold to a Dutch recycler. 從2006年起,丹麥的31個火葬場已將回收來的4810千克金屬賣給了一個荷蘭的回收站,並從中賺取了77762丹麥克郎(15000美元)。
  • Deleted from the RECYCLE Bin of all, it will report a warning: You can not delete system folder RECYCLER, do not ignore that this is normal. 刪掉所有的回收站後,會報一個警告:不能刪除系統文件夾recycler,不用理睬,這是正常的。
  • "They already tore down the Fresh Fish junction neighborhood, " our recycler tells me when I see him. "Now they're tearing down Veranda Lane." “鮮魚口附近已經被拆了, ”在我見到垃圾回收工人時,他告訴我,“現在要拆廊坊衚衕了。”
  • This value chain is for a wooden chair and traces the life of the product from trees in a forest to its grave in a landfill or at a sawdust recycler. 這個價值鏈描述從森林中的樹到木製椅子,到其成為垃圾場中的垃圾的產品生命,或成為鋸末並被回收。
  • Completely removing data from a computer hard drive is not easy. PC Recycler can remove data magnetically or completely destroy and recycle the drives. 從硬盤驅動器上完全移除數據不是件容易的事,PCRecycler公司可以通過磁化,或者通過把驅動器完全破壞並回收來移除數據。
  • Each year, Americans throw away millions of tons of electronic devices. That means business is good for a small electronics recycler in Chantilly, Virginia. 每年,美國人扔掉數百萬噸的電子設備。這意味着,佛吉尼亞州尚蒂伊一個小的電子回收公司的生意很好。
  • Second place went to Zhang Yin and family, owners of the paper recycler Nine Dragons paper, while in third place was Xu Rongmao and family, the owners of the Shimao property group. 第二是張茵及其家族,擁有玖龍紙業,第三是許榮茂及其家族,擁有世茂房產集團。
  • The tyre Recovery Association was set up in 2004 and operates a responsible recycler scheme which aims to ensure that all their members dispose of tyres in a way that is environmentally friendly. 輪胎回收協會成立於2004年和經營一個負責任的回收計劃,旨在確保其所有成員處理輪胎的方式,是環境友好。
  • The invention provides a medicine bag printer, which can utilize any one of several printer to print medicine bag and recover the printed medicine bag into recycler part via different transfer paths. 本發明提供一種藥袋印刷裝置,可使用多個印刷機中任一印刷機進行印刷藥袋,通過不同的搬運路徑將印刷藥袋回收至回收部。 [1] 