


《Psychology》是一本圖書,作者是Schacter, Daniel L., Gilbert, Daniel Todd, Wegner, Daniel M.
Psychology [1] 
作    者
Schacter, Daniel L.
Gilbert, Daniel Todd
Wegner, Daniel M.
語    言
頁    數
800 頁
定    價
1196.00 元
The science makes it the book for you . An introduction to psychology doesn’t have to be science-challenged to be student-friendly. After all, what more powerful tool is there for captivating students than the real science behind what we know? Dan Schacter, Dan Gilbert and Dan Wegner’s skillful presentation centers on a smart selection of pioneering and cutting-edge experimen...(展開全部) The science makes it the book for you . An introduction to psychology doesn’t have to be science-challenged to be student-friendly. After all, what more powerful tool is there for captivating students than the real science behind what we know? Dan Schacter, Dan Gilbert and Dan Wegner’s skillful presentation centers on a smart selection of pioneering and cutting-edge experiments and examples. They effectively convey the remarkable achievements of psychology (with the right amount of critical judgment) to introduce the field’s fundamental ideas to students. The writing makes it the book for your students. But it is not just the science that sets Psychology apart—its the way Schacter, Gilbert, and Wegner write about it. Each is a world-renowned researcher and accomplished classroom teacher. Each has written popular books that get to the heart of what fascinates people about psychology. Read any chapter of Psychology —any page—and you’ll see why. Bracing, easy to read, rich with captivating examples that make the ideas clear, concreteand relevant, Psychology communicates in a way that elevates and inspires students. It is anything but just another textbook. 丹尼爾·夏克特(Daniel Schacter),哈佛大學講座教授(William R. Kenan Jr.),心理學教授。夏克特教授的研究領域包括有意識與無意識記憶的關係,記憶扭曲和錯誤記憶的本質,以及人們如何使用記憶來構想未來事件。夏克特教授的許多研究彙集於他的兩本著作中:《找尋逝去的自我:大腦、心靈和往事的記憶》和《記憶的七宗罪:遺忘與記住》,這兩本書均獲得了美國心理學會頒發的威廉·詹姆斯圖書獎。此外,夏克特教授的職業生涯中還獲得了多個獎項,其中包括:哈佛大學教學卓越獎、實驗心理學家協會沃倫獎章,以及美國心理學會傑出科學貢獻獎。2013年,夏克特教授當選為美國國家科學院院士。 丹尼爾·吉爾伯特(Daniel Gilbert),哈佛大學埃德加·皮爾斯(Edgar Pierce)心理學教授。吉爾伯特教授曾獲得美國心理學會青年科學家傑出貢獻獎、迪納...