


Postman是一個接口測試工具,在做接口測試的時候,Postman相當於一個客户端,它可以模擬用户發起的各類HTTP請求,將請求數據發送服務端,獲取對應的響應結果, 從而驗證響應中的結果數據是否和預期值相匹配;並確保開發人員能夠及時處理接口中的bug,進而保證產品上線之後的穩定性和安全性。 它主要是用來模擬各種HTTP請求的(如:get/post/delete/put..等等),Postman與瀏覽器的區別在於有的瀏覽器不能輸出Json格式,而Postman更直觀接口返回的結果。
類    別


The Postman郵差 ; 終極神差 ; 美國信使 ; 末世戰士
Postman Pat郵遞員派特叔叔 ; 郵遞員叔叔 ; 郵差叔叔 ; 郵遞員帕特
Postman problem翻譯 ; 郵路問題
delivery postman派遞郵差
Head Postman郵差長
Fourth Postman第四名郵差
Postman bag郵差包
economic postman經濟信使 [1] 


  • 1Has the postman been yet?郵遞員來過了嗎?《牛津詞典》
  • 2Our dog attacked the postman.我們的狗襲擊了郵遞員。
  • 3That sounds like the postman.聽聲音像是郵遞員。
  • 4The postman sent you here.郵差把你送到這的。
  • 5The postman has already been here.郵差已經來過了。
  • 6The dog bit the postman.那隻狗咬了郵差。
  • 7No, he isn't a postman.不,他不是一位郵遞員。
  • 8Maybe it's the postman.也許是郵遞員。
  • 9Listen for the postman.注意聽着郵遞員的聲音。
  • 10Postman came in this afternoon with news.郵遞員下午帶來了消息。
  • 11Are you a postman?你是郵遞員嗎?
  • 12Is he a postman?他是一位郵遞員嗎?
  • 13My uncle is a postman and my aunt is a driver.我的叔叔是一名郵遞員,我的阿姨是一位司機。
  • 14Who is knocking the door? Can it be the postman?誰在敲門?是郵遞員嗎?
  • 15It works as a postman and sends packages by rolling around the streets.它的工作就像郵遞員一樣,在大街上來回轉悠送包裹。
  • 16Bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.被我們的狗咬了兩次,郵遞員拒絕給我們送信,除非我們把狗換了。
  • 17From today onwards, begin to find out the name of the people who serve you such as your postman and newsagent.從今天起,開始找出為你服務的人的名字,例如你的郵差和報販。
  • 18Why did the postman come back so soon?為什麼郵遞員回來得這麼快?
  • 19As a little dog, Vicky had learned to watch for the postman.作為一隻小狗,維姬已經學會了留意郵遞員。
  • 20If you want to be a postman, you should be hard-working.如果你想做郵遞員,你應該要勤勞。
  • 21If you want to be a postman, you have to work on weekends.你要是想當郵遞員,就得在週末工作。
  • 22For the villages, the flowers were more enjoyable than any mail the postman delivered in all his life.對於村莊來説,這些鮮花比郵差一生中遞送的任何郵件都更令人愉快。
  • 23On the road without dust but full of petals, the postman rode his bike, losing himself in the sweet smell and not feeling lonely and anxious any more.在沒有塵土卻有花瓣的路上,郵差騎着自行車,沉醉在甜蜜的氣味中,不再感到孤獨和焦慮。
  • 24In a small village, there was a middle-aged postman, who just turned 20 years old and started delivering all kinds of happy or sad stories to each home day after day for 50 kilometers.在一個小村莊裏,有一位中年郵遞員,他剛滿20歲就開始在50公里的路程中日復一日地向每家每户傳遞各種或喜或悲的故事。
  • 25Has the postman come today?今天郵遞員來過了嗎?。
  • 26The postman shook his head.那個郵差搖了搖頭。
  • 27A postman sends letters.郵遞員送信。
  • 28The man is a postman.這個男人是個郵遞員。
  • 29Leon was a postman.利昂是個郵遞員。
  • 30"Americans don't talk to each other, we entertain each other," Postman wrote.“美國人不互相交談,我們互相娛樂。”波斯曼寫道。 [1] 