

Pastry,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“油酥麪糰;酥皮糕點”等。 [1] 
翻    譯
詞    性


英 [ˈpeɪstri] 美 [ˈpeɪstri]
n. 油酥麪糰;酥皮糕點
[ 複數 pastries ] [1] 


ff pastry 鬆餅 ; 奶酥 ; 油酥皮 ; 起酥皮
Pastry Cook 糕點師 ; 麪點師 ; 點心廚師 ; 冷凍廚師
Danish Pastry 種丹麥麪包 ; 早餐丹麥包 ; 丹麥糕餅 ; 丹麥麪包
French pastry 法式花餅 ; 法度甜餡餅 ; 法式甜點
flaky pastry 酥餅 ; 千層酥 ; 千層餅 ; 油酥
Fruit Puff Pastry 水果千層派 ; 生果千層派
pastry bag 擠花袋 ; 裱花袋 ; 糕餅裱花器 [1] 


  • The bread, pastry and mayonnaise are homemade. 麪包、糕點和蛋黃醬都是自家做的。
  • It's really a cheat, but you can use ready-made pastry if you want. 這東西真是騙人,但如果你願意的話,可以用現成的油酥麪糰。
  • These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill. 當你等待油酥麪糰冷卻時,可以擀平這些生麪糰。
  • Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food, and thick pastry as these are high in fat. 不要吃太多油膩的調味汁、油炸食品和厚油酥點心,因為這些食品脂肪含量很高。
  • My father smiled too, as if we were discussing pastry. 父親也笑了笑,好像我們在討論油酥點心。
  • You can buy cream puffs at any Italian-American pastry shop. 你在任何一家美式意大利糕點店都能買得到奶油泡芙。
  • The coffee ritual is incomplete without a delicious pastry or a slice of chocolate cake. 美味的油酥點心或一塊巧克力蛋糕在喝咖啡時也是必不可少的。
  • If you're lucky, you will get a pastry, a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs, or an English Fried Ham. 如果幸運的話,你會拿到一份糕點,有煎餅、香腸和雞蛋的豐盛早餐,或者是一份英式煎火腿。
  • A hefty pastry cook, his bulk encased in a white overall, stares at the camera, full of professional pride as he wields his whisk in a giant copper bowl. 一位身材魁梧的糕點廚師,他碩大的身軀裹在白色的工作服中,凝視着鏡頭,在一個巨大的銅碗裏轉動着攪拌器,充滿了職業自豪感。
  • Brush beaten egg over the pastry. 用刷子把打勻的雞蛋抹在油酥麪糰上。
  • This pastry is so light. 這種酥皮糕點可真鬆軟啊。
  • Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp. 把油酥糕點烤至金黃酥脆。
  • Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem extravagant. 烤糕餅時加一整塊奶酪可能顯得過於浪費。
  • You've had two pastry dishes this week, a meat pie and a pizza. 這個星期你已經吃了兩種點心:一種是肉餅,一種是比薩餅。
  • The pastry is light and crisp. 這點心鬆脆可口。
  • Who's affected: Chinese pastry-lovers? 影響羣體:愛吃中式糕點的人。
  • A Japanese pastry shop with Japanese black in silence. 一個有着日式黑色沉默的日式點心店。
  • Spread some flour on the table and roll the pastry out very thin. 在桌上撒些麪粉並把麪皮弄得薄一點。
  • You might eat pastry as a quick snack meal and on and on it goes. 你可能把小酥餅當作快餐而且從不停嘴。
  • Spanakopita is a flaky pastry filled with spinach and feta cheese. Spnako皮塔餅是一種包有菠菜和羊奶奶酪的酥皮餡餅。
  • It was not until 1770 that the pastry came to be known as the croissant. 直到1770年,這種糕點才以牛角麪包的名字流傳開來。
  • Many people have named this day as "Florist's day" or "Pastry cook's day". 但記住,許多人將從中獲利。 人們稱它“花商節”或“餡餅廚師節”。
  • The Viennese pastry Hedy Lamarr got to play the Congo goddess in White Cargo. 維也納甜心海蒂.樂瑪演了《白色貨船》中的剛果女神。
  • This could be while you're eating a pastry, taking a shower, or basking in the sun. 這可能發生在你吃一塊糕點、淋浴或曬太陽的時候。
  • All you need is a shortcrust pastry, a well made egg custard, and a sprinkling of nutmeg. 所有你需要的只是,一個油酥鬆餅,蛋,和肉豆蔻灑。
  • Instead, choose broiled meats, fresh side dishes of beans or vegetables and non-pastry desserts. 與之取代的是選擇燒烤肉類新鮮配菜豆類或蔬菜和非糕點類甜點。
  • Bake the tart in the oven for about 20 minutes or until the pastry has a firm, sandy texture. 將撻放入烤箱烤制約20分鐘,直到酥皮部分變成沙色的穩固質地。
  • Another inedible creation before we conclude the 2 weeks wedding cake chapter of my pastry course. 另外一個不能吃的創造在我們結束了2周結婚蛋糕章我的糕點課程。 [1] 