


Painter,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“畫家;油漆匠”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈpeɪntə(r)] 美 [ˈpeɪntər]
n. 畫家;油漆匠;系船索,纜索;美洲豹
【名】 (Painter)(英)佩因特(人名)
[ 複數 painters ] [1] 


landscape painter n. 風景畫家;山水畫家
oil painter 噴漆器;油畫畫家
court painter 宮廷畫家
Vehicle Painter 汽車噴漆工 ; 車身噴漆工 ; 車身油漆工 ; 汽車油漆工
The painter of the wind 風之畫員 ; 風的畫員 ; 風之繪員
scene-painter 佈景畫家 ; 繪景員
corel painter 電腦美術繪畫 ; 電腦美術繪畫軟件 ; 繪圖軟件
Painter Showtime 繪師演藝
Sunday painter 業餘畫家
Infinite Painter 超強繪畫工具 ; 無限繪畫 ; 安卓版 ; 無限的畫家
Painter and Decorator 油漆裝飾工 ; 油漆工 ; 髹漆及裝飾 ; 油漆工和裝修工 [1] 


  • He was a painter and poet. 他是一位畫家兼詩人。
  • His father was a painter. 他父親是一位畫家。
  • He works as a painter and decorator. 他的職業是油漆匠和裝潢師傅。
  • A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms. 畫家可能會誇大或扭曲形狀與形式。
  • Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world. 梵高可能是世界上最知名的畫家。
  • His mother was a painter, and he's no mean artist himself. 他的母親是畫家,他本人也是很出色的藝術家。
  • No one could imagine a great woman painter. None had existed yet. 沒人能想象會有出色的女畫家。還沒有那樣的人存在過。
  • She is an accomplished painter and a prolific author of stories for children. 她是位技藝精湛的畫家和多產的兒童文學作家。
  • Who is your favorite painter? 你最喜歡的畫家是誰?
  • He is already a good painter. 他已經是個不錯的畫家了。
  • Her husband is a painter. 她丈夫是個畫家。
  • She models for a painter. 她為一名畫家當模特。
  • This is another painter. 這是另一個畫家。
  • You are a great painter! 你真是個了不起的畫家!
  • You look like a painter. 你看起來像個畫家。
  • The eye is the painter. 眼睛就是畫家。
  • I'm a little painter. 我是個小畫家。
  • She isn't a painter. 她不是畫家。
  • I'm not a painter. 我不是一個畫家。
  • Are you a painter? 你是個畫家嗎?
  • He is a painter. 他是一個畫家。
  • Her husband Joe was a talented young painter. 她的丈夫喬是一位有才華的年輕畫家。
  • This is a famous painting by a Spanish painter. 這是一位西班牙畫家的名作。
  • The painter uses several brushes when painting. 這個畫家作畫時要使用幾支畫筆。
  • He is a painter. He is going to buy a comic book. 他是一位畫家。他打算去買一本漫畫書。
  • He appeared to be a wealthy gentleman while he really was a poor painter. 他表面上是個有錢的紳士,實際上是個窮畫家。
  • In 2016, different jobs were added, such as doctor, police officer and painter. 2016年增加了不同的工作,如醫生、警察、畫家。
  • The idea, for example, of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive. 例如,成為畫家或音樂家的想法似乎很吸引人。
  • Much of the film shows the painter simply going about his task. 這部電影主要演的是這位畫家只是忙着自己的工作。
  • He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress. 他認識他老婆的時候還是個油漆工,而她是個女服務員。 [1] 