
Out Of My Mind

(James Blunt 演唱歌曲)

《Out Of My Mind》是2004年James Blunt 演唱歌曲,收錄在專輯《Back To Bedlam》。 [1] 
Out Of My Mind
Back To Bedlam
James Blunt

Out Of My Mind歌手介紹

James Blunt James Blunt
詹姆斯・布朗特James Blunt(1974年2月22日-),英國流行歌手。成為職業歌手前,Blunt是英國女王親衞隊中的一位軍官,也曾作為北約維和部隊隊員被派駐到科索沃。在科索沃駐紮期間,Blunt協助無國界醫師組織工作。離開軍隊後,他在美國的一次音樂研討會上被前4 None Blondes靈魂人物Linda Perry發掘並將他籤為自己Custard Records旗下的藝人。 [2] 

Out Of My Mind歌曲歌詞

Judging by the look on the organ-grinder,
He'll judge me by the fact that my face don't fit.
It's touching that the monkey sits on my shoulder.
He's waiting for the day when he gets me,
But I don't need no alibi - I'm a puppet on a string.
I just need this stage to be seen.
We all need a pantomime to remind us what is real.
Hold my eye and know what it means.
Cause I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
Judging by the look on the organ-grinder,
He'll judge me by the fact that my face don't fit.
It's touching that the monkey sits on my shoulder.
He's waiting for the day when he gets me,
But I won't be your concubine
I'm a puppet not a whore.
I just need this stage to be seen.
Will you be a friend of mine to remind me what is real?
Hold my heart and see that it bleeds.
Cause I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
Cause I'm out of my mind
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.
I'm out of my mind.

Out Of My Mind專輯介紹

出生於英國英格蘭的James Blunt,自小便受傳統家教所束縛。7歲時住校學習,其間他在數學和自然科學兩門科目上表現優秀,無怪乎之後他的父親將其推上從軍的道路。然而上學並不是那麼糟糕,在學校裏James Blunt學會了鋼琴演奏,並參與學校活動時的表演。由於父親的催促,James Blunt加入軍隊,且於1999年在科索沃為當時的停火執行官。或許是經歷的一切讓James Blunt深深體會到痛及遍身的戰爭帶給人們的傷害,他毅然用親身經歷戰爭的感受譜寫音樂,通過音樂他向人們訴説和證明戰爭的不幸。脱離軍隊後,James Blunt組建了一個樂隊錄製樣帶。在2003年SXSW表演之後,Pink、Christina Aguilara等藝人的製作人Linda Perry相中James Blunt的才華,將他和他的樂隊收入Custard Records唱片公司旗下。至此,James Blunt開始了他音樂人生的又一旅程。