
Not Fair


《Not Fair》是莉莉艾倫演唱的一首歌曲,收錄在《It's not me,It's you》專輯中。
Not Fair
"It's not me,It's you"


Not Fair簡介

歌曲Not Fair是英國歌手Lily Allen(莉莉艾倫)發表於2009年發行的第二張專輯 "It's not me,It's you" (這不是我,是你)。
在歌曲中,艾倫描述她與男友的關係, 一位被她形容為“完美的傢伙”。但艾倫卻因為他的性無能而感到沮喪。她進一步介紹所謂 “Not Fair” (不公平)的狀況。因為她很喜歡他,但不是在卧室,甚至會叫他 “mean”,因為他的失敗。

Not Fair歌詞

[00:07.68]Oh he treats me with respect
[00:09.36]He says he loves me all the time
[00:11.34]He calls me 15 times a day
[00:13.29]He likes to make sure that I'm fine
[00:15.30]You know I've never met a man
[00:17.32]who's made me feel quite so secure
[00:19.21]He's not like all them other boys
[00:21.09]They're all so dumb and immature
[00:23.42]There's just one thing that's getting in the way
[00:26.17]When we go up to bed you're just no good
[00:29.47]Its such a shame
[00:30.82]I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
[00:34.32]And then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over
[00:39.76]It's not fair
[00:41.35]And I think you're really mean
[00:43.45]I think you're really mean
[00:45.38]I think you're really mean
[00:47.16]Oh you're supposed to care
[00:49.15]But you never make me scream
[00:51.25]You never make me scream
[00:54.81]Oh it's not fair
[00:57.06]And it's really not ok
[00:59.24]It's really not ok
[01:01.12]It's really not ok
[01:02.97]Oh you're supposed to care
[01:05.09]But all you do is take
[01:07.07]Yeah all you do is take
[01:10.96]Oh I lie here in the wet patch
[01:12.86]In the middle of the bed
[01:14.47]I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by
[01:16.75]I spent ages giving head
[01:18.53]Then I remember all the nice things that you ever said to me
[01:22.41]Maybe I'm just overreacting maybe you're the one for me
[01:26.59]There's just one thing that's getting in the way
[01:29.76]When we go up to bed you're just no good
[01:32.48]It's such a shame
[01:33.86]I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
[01:37.71]And then you make this noise and it's apparent it's all over
[01:42.97]It's not fair
[01:44.53]And I think you're really mean
[01:46.62]I think you're really mean
[01:48.58]I think you're really mean
[01:50.35]Oh you're supposed to care
[01:52.36]But you never make me scream
[01:54.46]You never make me scream
[01:58.06]Oh it's not fair
[02:00.28]And it's really not ok
[02:02.41]It's really not ok
[02:04.36]It's really not ok
[02:06.13]Oh you're supposed to care
[02:08.30]But all you do is take
[02:10.31]Yeah all you do is take

Not Fair歌詞大意

Not Fair(不公平)
Oh, he treats me with respect, 噢 他對我以禮相待
He says he loves me all the time, 他説他無時無刻都愛着我
He calls me 15 times a day, 他每天打15通電話給我
He likes to make sure that I'm fine, 他總是對我噓寒問暖
You know I've never met a man, 你知道嗎 我從未遇過像他這樣
Whose made me feel quite so secure, 讓我充滿着安全感的人
He's not like all them other boys, 他不像其他的男孩們
They're so dumb and immature. 那些阿呆及幼稚的男孩們
There's just one thing That's getting in the way, 只有一件事阻擋著我們
When we go up to bed you're just no good, 你啊 牀下一條龍 牀上一條蟲
it's such a shame! 實在太丟臉了
I look into your eyes, 我看着你的雙眼
I want to get to know you, 我想要多瞭解你
And then you make this noise, 但你卻發出那種惱人的怪聲
and it's apparent it's all over 顯然這一切要結束了
It's not fair, 這不公平
And I think you're really mean, 你真的很過分
I think you're really mean, 真的很過分
I think you're really mean. 真的很過分
Oh you're supposed to care, 噢 你應該去感受 去付出
But you never make me scream, 但你從未讓我大聲喊出
You never make me scream, 你從未讓我大聲喊出
Oh it's not fair, 噢 這不公平
And it's really not ok, 也很不OK
It's really not ok, 真的很不OK
It's really not ok, 真的很不OK
Oh you're supposed to care, 噢 你應該去感受 去付出
But all you do is take,但你只是不停掠奪
Yeah, all you do is take是的 你只是不停掠奪
Oh I lie here in the wet patch噢 我躺在濕漉漉的牀單上
In the middle of the bed在牀的中央
I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by感覺就像受到不公平的對待一般
I spent ages giving head天啊 我為你做足了前戲的部分
then I remember all the nice things 頓時 我想起那些你曾説過的
that you've ever said to me那些甜言蜜語
maybe I'm just overreacting 或許我反應過度了
maybe you're the one for me或許你還是我的真命天子
There's just one thing That's getting in the way, 只有一件事阻擋著我們
When we go up to bed you're just no good, 你啊 牀下一條龍 牀上一條蟲
it's such a shame! 實在太丟臉了
I look into your eyes, 我看着你的雙眼
I want to get to know you, 我想要多瞭解你
And then you make this noise, 但你卻發出那種惱人的怪聲
and it's apparent it's all over 顯然這一切要結束了
It's not fair, 這不公平
And I think you're really mean, 你真的很過分
I think you're really mean, 真的很過分
I think you're really mean. 真的很過分
Oh you're supposed to care, 噢 你應該去感受 去付出
But you never make me scream, 但你從未讓我大聲喊出
You never make me scream, 你從未讓我大聲喊出
Oh it's not fair, 噢 這不公平
And it's really not ok, 也很不OK
It's really not ok, 真的很不OK
It's really not ok, 真的很不OK
Oh you're supposed to care, 噢 你應該去感受 去付出
But all you do is take, 但你只是不停掠奪
Yeah, all you do is take是的 你只是不停掠奪