


nobleman,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“貴族”。 [1] 
詞    性


nobleman /ˈnəʊbəlmən/ TEM4 ( noblemen )
1.N-COUNT In former times, a nobleman was a man who was a member of the nobility. (男)貴族 [1] 


British nobleman 貴族爵位
Barnett Nobleman 男性英文名字
winter nobleman 冬季貴族 ; 冬季的貴族
young nobleman 年輕的貴族
Respected nobleman 受尊敬的貴族
a nobleman 子
Nobleman of preach 傳教之使徒
Adventure Of Italian Nobleman 意大利貴族歷險記 [1] 


  • 1It had once been the home of a wealthy nobleman.這曾是一個有錢貴族的宅邸。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should not go out.得知一個貴族洗了澡,國王下令,為了避免疾侵蝕,這個貴族不能出去。
  • 3"Is that your son?" the nobleman asked.“那時你的兒子嗎?”貴族問道。
  • 4The nobleman took it as a bad omen.那個貴族把它當作一個凶兆。
  • 5"I want to repay you," said the nobleman.“我要報答您,”貴族説。
  • 6"Is that your son?" the nobleman said.“那是您的兒子嗎?”貴族問道。
  • 7The nobleman then returns home to his wife.之後貴族回到家中去陪他的妻子。
  • 8Judging from his looks, he is a rich nobleman.從外表看,他是一個富有的貴族。
  • 9That gallant house was once the home of a nobleman.那座富麗堂皇的房子從前是一個貴族的家。
  • 10Your voice. Your manners. Surely you are a nobleman!從你的聲音和舉止可知,你肯定是一位貴族。
  • 11Although his grandfather was a nobleman, he was very poor.儘管他的祖父是貴族,他卻非常窮困。
  • 12An Italian nobleman ranking above a count and below a prince.意大利男貴族,爵位在伯爵之上,公爵之下。
  • 13He had the manners of a true nobleman and always remained calm.他總是温文爾雅,具有一個真正的貴族風度。
  • 14He found himself en charged with the bringing up of a young nobleman.他發現自己承擔了撫養一個年輕貴族的責任。
  • 15A nobleman of continental Europe, ranked differently in various countries.男爵歐洲大陸的貴族,等級因國家而不同。
  • 16He was discommoned by the nobleman, then the land was given to his brother.他被貴族剝奪公地使用權,然後把這塊土地給他的弟弟。
  • 17On the sacred stone of the Proving Ground, the nobleman faced the servant boy.在角鬥場神聖的石頭之上,這位貴族面對了這位僕人的男孩。
  • 18If you remember, Katherine met Klaus when he was living as a nobleman in England in 1491.相信大家都還記得,1491年,Katherine初見klaus時的身份就是英格蘭的貴族。
  • 19The nobleman was able to see his three daughters marry and he lived a long and happy life.因此這位父親就能親眼看到他的女兒們結婚,從此過上幸福快樂的生活。
  • 20Still another theory is that a nobleman living in Shanghai created the game between 1870 and 1875.還有一種説法是住在上海的一個貴族在1870到1875年間創造出麻將遊戲。
  • 21Instead he was a yeoman, not a peasant, knight or disposed Nobleman, and he wasn't even a social rebel.他只是一個自耕農,不是佃農,也不是騎士,更不是沒落貴族,他甚至不是社會的反叛者。
  • 22Sensationally, he claimed the painting showed the Earl of Southampton, a nobleman linked to the Cobbes.這真是聳人聽聞,他聲稱,現在發現的這幅畫顯示了一個貴族、南安普敦伯爵,與科布家族有一定的聯繫。
  • 23Behind closed doors in the homes of people, voices spoke in whispers against the King and his nobleman.在人們家中關閉的門後,輕聲的説著反對國王與國王的貴族。
  • 24The Bloody White Baron: the Extraordinary Story of the Russian Nobleman Who Became the Last Khan of Mongolia.血腥白人男爵:成為蒙古最後一個可汗的俄羅斯貴族的奇特故事。
  • 25Macbeth, one of Shakespeare's four tragedies, depicts the moral falling process of an ambitious nobleman.莎士比亞四大悲劇之一《麥克白》描述了一個野心家的毀滅。 [1] 