


nevertheless,英語單詞,主要用作副詞。作副詞時譯為“然而,不過” [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˌnevəðəˈles] 美 [ˌnevərðəˈles]
adv. 然而,不過 [1] 


nevertheless /ˌnɛvəðəˈlɛs/ CET4 TEM4
1.ADV You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said. 然而 [正式] [ADV with cl] [1] 


  • 1There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.我們幾乎沒有可能改變法律。不過,重要的是我們努力爭取。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Although the market has been flat, residential property costs remain high. Nevertheless, the fall-off in demand has had an impact on resale values.儘管市場一直疲軟,房價持續偏高。然而需求的減少還是對二手房價格產生了影響。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He was in a fine rage, nevertheless.不過他還是很生氣。
  • 4The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it is true.這消息可能是出乎意料的,然而是真實的。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5Nevertheless, the wildlife agency approved the permits.儘管如此,野生動物管理局還是批准了許可證。
  • 6Perhaps the biggest disparity, nevertheless, is the process.然而,最大的差異可能是這個過程。
  • 7Nevertheless, the affordable housing situation is desperate.儘管如此,保障性住房的情況仍然令人絕望。
  • 8Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium.然而,成熟的自然環境通常處於平衡狀態。
  • 9She hit his hand a smart rap, but reddened and looked pleased, nevertheless.她狠狠地拍了一下他的手,雖然紅了臉,但臉上卻還是顯得很高興。
  • 10Nevertheless, people have a misunderstanding of how animals treat one another.然而,人們對於動物之間的相處方式有着錯誤的看法。
  • 11Nevertheless, yields of maize, sorghum and wheat doubled between 1983 and 1985.然而,玉米、高粱和小麥的產量在1983年至1985年間翻了一番。
  • 12Nevertheless, anecdotal reports of wind pollination in cycads cannot be ignored.然而,一些關於蘇鐵風媒傳粉的傳聞也不容忽視。
  • 13Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge.然而,小鎮上每一間旅館似乎都在新建客房和酒吧間。
  • 14Nevertheless, there are some actions that offer much and carry little risk or cost.儘管如此,還是有一些措施能夠帶來很多好處,同時,風險和成本也較低。
  • 15Nevertheless, factors other than competition often help explain invading species' success.然而,競爭之外的因素常常有助於解釋入侵物種的成功。
  • 16Nevertheless, it is arts subjects through which creativity can most obviously be fostered.然而,通過藝術學科可以培養創造力,這是最顯而易見的。
  • 17Nevertheless, a restricted life span, ageing, and then death are basic characteristics of life.然而,有限的壽命、衰老和死亡是生命的基本特徵。
  • 18Nevertheless, implementing the plan will probably not reduce the money going to Aroca's schools.然而,實施這項計劃可能不會減少撥給阿羅卡學校的資金。
  • 19Nevertheless, experts predict that use of the vaccine will increase significantly within the next few years.儘管如此,專家預測疫苗的使用將在未來幾年內顯著增加。
  • 20Nevertheless, its topic and placement in an otherwise fictional work make the chapter as remarkable as it is strange.然而,它的主題和在其他虛構作品中的位置使這一章既奇特又引人注目。
  • 21Nevertheless, there is an alternative point of view that is concerned less with standards than with the facts of linguistic usage.然而,另一種觀點關注的不是標準,而是語言使用的事實。
  • 22Soybeans and corn are not sown together in the same filed; nevertheless, most farmers are reluctant to use the herbicide on their corn.大豆和玉米不是在同一塊地裏播種的;然而,大多數農民不願意在他們的玉米上使用除草劑。
  • 23Only establishing confidence can we accomplish our goal. Nevertheless, many people especially teenagers suffer from a lack of confidence.只有樹立信心,我們才能實現目標。然而,許多人,特別是青少年卻缺乏信心。
  • 24Nevertheless, whether the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel dissatisfied with things-as-they-are in the classroom.然而,無論後續的建議和評論表明與否,學生對教室裏的現狀感到不滿。
  • 25Nevertheless one is forced to recognize that in times of financial difficulty the university has a duty to decide where money can be saved.然而,人們不得不承認,在經濟困難時期,大學有責任決定在何處省錢。
  • 26Nevertheless, Gerteis argues, these disparate party affiliations did not diminish the actuality of reformer unity, most prominent in the 1830s.然而,格泰斯認為,這些不同的政黨聯盟並沒有削弱改革者團結的現狀,尤其是在19世紀30年代。
  • 27Nevertheless, this does not mean that modernization and new building should be discouraged in order to renovate and protect heritage buildings.然而,這並不意味着為了翻新和保護遺產建築而應打壓現代化和新建。
  • 28Nevertheless, the group took largely the same approach it did in 1999, uniformly discouraging passive media use, on any type of screen, for these kids.然而,該組織採取了與1999年相似的方法,即,一致反對兒童接觸被動媒體或接觸任何類型的屏幕。
  • 29Nevertheless, a good number of thoroughgoing land animals later turned around, abandoned their hard-earned terrestrial re-tooling, and returned to the water again.儘管如此,後來還是有相當數量的完全陸生動物做出改變,離開了它們辛辛苦苦重新改造的陸地,並回到了水裏。
  • 30Nevertheless, some governments' policymakers insist that direct controls on wages and prices, without tight monetary and fiscal policies, can succeed in decreasing inflation.然而,一些政府的決策者堅持認為,在不採取緊縮的貨幣和財政政策的情況下,直接控制工資和價格能夠成功地降低通脹。