


詞    性
發    音
意    思



  • 1I love China. I love my motherland.我愛中國,我愛我的祖國。
  • 2Like the eagle love mew love your motherland.像鷹愛鷹巢一樣愛你的祖國。
  • 3Now that you are able to take up arms and defend your motherland.你現在能夠披堅執鋭,保衞祖國了。
  • 4The face of our motherland has been changing with each passing day.祖國面貌日新月異。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5The army will do whatever it takes to defend the motherland against any invasion.軍隊將不惜一切代價保衞祖國不受任何侵略。
  • 6Recently, a very simple sentence, "Amazing, my motherland" has become wildly known in China.最近,一句非常簡單的句子——“我的祖國,令人驚奇”,在中國廣為人知。
  • 7These books about history are useful to students as they can learn more about their motherland.這些關於歷史的書對學生很有用,因為他們可以藉此更多地瞭解他們的祖國。
  • 8When you meet danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a strong motherland.當你在海外遭遇危險,不要放棄!請記住,在你身後有一個強大的祖國!
  • 9A grand art and cultural show would be held in our school with the aim of celebrating the 70th anniversary of our motherland.我們學校將會舉行一場盛大的文藝表演以慶祝祖國母親70週年生日。
  • 10He had to give up his marathon on September 1. Terry died three months later, at the age of In his short life, he raised $24 million for cancer research one dollar for each person in his motherland.他不得不在9月1日放棄了他的馬拉松賽。三個月後特里去世了,在他短暫的生命中,他為癌症研究籌集了2400萬美元,祖國每人平均可得一美元。
  • 11I take pride in my motherland.我為我的祖國感到驕傲。
  • 12He loved his motherland very much.他非常熱愛他的祖國。
  • 13We should be always confident about our motherland.我們應該永遠對祖國充滿信心。
  • 14What do you think of movie Me and My Motherland?你覺得電影《我和我的祖國》怎麼樣?
  • 15We're learning to sing the song My motherland and me.我們正在學唱《我和我的祖國》這首歌。
  • 16Wherever I go, nothing can make me separate from my motherland.無論我走到哪裏,沒有什麼能使我與祖國分離。
  • 17His spirit always encourages us to try our best to serve our motherland.他的精神總是鼓舞着我們盡最大努力為祖國效力。
  • 18Our motherland has made such rapid progress in space that we Chinese are all proud of it.我們的祖國在太空領域取得了如此迅速的進步,我們中國人都為此感到自豪。
  • 19I'm confident in the future of my country, and I want to do more for my motherland.我對祖國的未來充滿信心,我想為祖國做更多的事情。
  • 20Me and My Motherland is a famous movie and I have seen it twice in the cinema.《我和我的祖國》是一部著名的電影,我已經在電影院看過兩次了。
  • 21When he was 44, he returned to his motherland and the country's space research was almost a blank.他44歲時迴歸祖國,那時國內在太空研究領域幾乎是一片空白。
  • 22The news tells me the strength of our motherland and the difficulties some parts of the world face.這條新聞讓我知道祖國的強大以及世界上一些地區面臨着的困難。
  • 23I lived abroad for several years, but I have never regretted my final decision to move back to my motherland.我在國外住了幾年,但我從未後悔搬回祖國的最終決定。
  • 24I will never forget what she said, "I love my work and I also love every area of my motherland forever."我永遠不會忘記她説的話:“我愛我的工作,我也永遠愛我祖國的每一寸土地。”
  • 25My deskmate and I are going to put on a talk show at the party to celebrate the 70th birthday of our motherland.我和我的同桌打算在慶祝祖國70華誕的晚會上表演一個脱口秀節目。
  • 26Never forget our duty to our motherland.牢記我們對祖國應盡的義務。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 27Children are the flowers of our motherland.兒童是祖國的花朵。《新英漢大辭典》 [1] 