


Monopoly,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“壟斷,壟斷權;壟斷企業”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [məˈnɒpəli] 美 [məˈnɑːpəli]
n. 壟斷,壟斷權;壟斷企業,專賣者;獨佔,專利品;大富翁(棋類遊戲,遊戲者以玩具鈔票買賣房地產)
[ 複數 monopolies ] [1] 


natural monopoly 自然獨佔;天然壟斷
monopoly position 壟斷地位
monopoly power 壟斷勢力
national monopoly 國家壟斷;國家專利
monopoly capitalism 壟斷資本主義
absolute monopoly 完全壟斷,絕對壟斷
monopoly right 專利權,專賣權
monopoly capital 壟斷資本
legal monopoly 法定專利,法定獨佔
monopoly enterprise 壟斷企業
industrial monopoly 壟斷;工業專利 [1] 


  • Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly. 如果他那時成功了,他就會獲得壟斷地位。
  • The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade. 這家公司實質上已經壟斷了這種貿易。
  • Planters enjoyed a natural monopoly because they had no competitors. 種植園主享受着自然的壟斷,因為他們沒有競爭者。
  • Peter the Great had a monopoly on dice, because people gambled a lot. 彼得大帝曾經壟斷了骰子的銷售,因為人們經常賭博。
  • They say that if you didn't have monopoly, you wouldn't be able to do the things you do. 他們説,如果你沒有壟斷,你就不能做你現在做的事情。
  • It was granted a monopoly on joint-stock banking by Parliament in return for giving war loans to the government. 作為向政府銀行提供戰爭貸款的回報,議會授予它對股份制銀行的壟斷地位。
  • In France, card companies created EMV in part because the telephone monopoly was so maddeningly inefficient and expensive. 在法國,信用卡公司創建了EMV,部分原因是電話壟斷的效率低得令人抓狂,而且價格昂貴。
  • The electric company, whose monopoly may be short lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman. 這家電力公司的壟斷地位可能是短暫的,但突然之間,它要用户等半天才能找到修理工。
  • The electric company, whose monopoly may be short-lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman. 這家電力公司的壟斷地位可能是短暫的,但突然之間,它要用户等半天才能找到修理工。
  • So disciplines acquire a monopoly not just over the production of knowledge, but also over the production of the producers of knowledge. 因此,學科壟斷不僅可以通過創造知識來形成,還可以通過培養知識分子來形成。
  • The Byzantines were as secretive as the Chinese, however, and for many centuries the weaving and trading of silk fabric was a strict imperial monopoly. 然而,拜占庭人和中國人一樣神秘,在許多世紀裏,絲綢織物的編織和貿易是嚴格的帝國壟斷。
  • In Gandania, where the government has a monopoly on tobacco sales, the incidence of smoking-related health problems has risen steadily for the last twenty years. 在政府壟斷煙草銷售的Gandania,與吸煙有關的健康問題的發生率在過去20年裏穩步上升。
  • The banks have what amounts to a monopoly. 這些銀行幾乎接近於壟斷。
  • Managers do not have a monopoly on stress. 並不只是經營管理者有壓力。
  • Women do not have a monopoly on feelings of betrayal. 背叛感並非是女人獨有的。
  • "Monopoly" is one of the best-selling games of all time. “大富翁”是有史以來最暢銷的遊戲之一。
  • A good education should not be the monopoly of the rich. 良好的教育不應該成為富人的專利。
  • Inflation was so high that the notes were like Monopoly money. 通貨膨脹嚴重,貨幣變得跟“大富翁”遊戲鈔票無異。
  • What matters is that they will belong to a private monopoly which developed them using public resources. 重要的是,它們將歸屬於一個利用公共資源開發的私人壟斷企業。
  • By 1800 more than a thousand steam engines were in use in the British Isles, and Britain retained a virtual monopoly on steam engine production until the 1830s. 到了1800年,一千多台蒸汽機在不列顛羣島運行,直到19世紀30年代,英國一直壟斷着蒸汽機的生產。
  • There are a total of 16 levels in Monopoly Tycoon. 強手大亨(遊戲名)裏總共有16個關卡。
  • The BBC's monopoly was broken. 英國廣播電台的壟斷被打破。
  • But we have no monopoly on brains. 但我們腦子裏沒有壟斷。
  • Monopoly and revenue streams all in one. 壟斷和收入同流合污了。
  • Competition chips away at monopoly power. 競爭打破壟斷。
  • There are three basic sources of monopoly. 壟斷有三個來源。
  • When you own the market, you are true monopoly. 佔有市場意味着你真正成了壟斷。
  • Costliest of all is the state monopoly over oil. 所有形式中價值最高的是國家對石油的壟斷。 [1] 