


Ministry,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“(政府的)部,部辦公樓”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈmɪnɪstri] 美 [ˈmɪnɪstri]
n. (政府的)部,部辦公樓;(全體)牧師;神職,神職任期;一任首相的執政期;照料,服務
[ 複數 ministries ] [1] 


ministry of education 教育部
ministry of finance 財政部
ministry of agriculture 農業部
ministry of commerce 商業部
foreign ministry 外交部;外務省
ministry of health 衞生部
ministry of public security 公安部;中國公安部
ministry of foreign trade 外貿部
ministry of foreign affairs 外交部
ministry of culture 文化部
ministry of information industry 信息產業部;產業部;資訊產業部
ministry of communications 交通部
ministry of railways 鐵道部,鐵路部
finance ministry 財政部
ministry of justice 司法部
ministry of civil affairs 民政部
ministry of personnel 人事部
ministry of water resources 水利部
commerce ministry 商務部
ministry of chemical industry 化學工業部 [1] 


  • 1The firm has a cosy relationship with the Ministry of Defence.這家公司與國防部關係默契。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.外交部已斷然否認與此有任何牽連。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities.這個新部門當時是以零資產零負債進行創建。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The courses and online classroom are provided by the Ministry of Education.這個課程和網絡課堂都教育部提供的。
  • 5When did the Russian Interior Ministry stop people from using the selfie stick?俄羅斯內政部什麼時候禁止人們使用自拍杆的?
  • 6The Italian Culture Ministry says it is unaware of any government efforts to pressure UNESCO.意大利文化部表示,他們不知道政府有任何向聯合國教科文組織施壓的舉動。
  • 7Some passengers remain missing, the Costa Rican foreign ministry said, but did not specify how many.哥斯達黎加外交部表示,仍有一些乘客下落不明,但沒有説明具體有多少人。
  • 8We applauded the Ministry of Health's efforts to reform the health care system, which helps relieve the high medical cost burdens.我們稱讚衞生部為改革醫療體系所作出的努力,這將有助於減輕高醫療成本的負擔。
  • 9Justice Ministry officials say they hope a decision on whether to bring charges against the Israeli leader will be announced Sunday.司法部官員説,他們希望星期天能宣佈是否對以色列領導人提出指控的決定。
  • 10In Europe and Japan, universities are answerable only to a Ministry of Education, which sets academic standards and distributes money.在歐洲和日本,大學只對制定學術標準和分配資金的教育部負責。
  • 11The Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaker explained what was happening in Hongkong in detail, which clearly showed China's firm attitude.外交部發言人詳細解釋了香港發生的事情,表明了中方的堅定態度。
  • 12The Education Ministry proposed guidelines to decrease the amount of the homework given to students each day, their burden well above what they can endure.教育部建議減少每天給學生的家庭作業量,學生的負擔遠遠超過他們所能承受的。
  • 13The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected by hearing loss.新西蘭衞生部經過20多年的研究發現,該國有6-10%的兒童受到喪失聽力的影響。
  • 14Official Iranian news agency quoting a senior Foreign Ministry official has said preparations were being made for the Foreign Minister Dr. Ali-Ahbar Veliatti to visit Iraq.伊朗官方新聞機構援引一名高級外交部官員的話説,目前正在為外交部長 Ali-Ahbar Veliatti 訪問伊拉克做準備。
  • 15In 2016, only one fourth of Chinese cities met the country's air quality standards, according to a survey of 338 cities nationwide from the Ministry of Environmental Protection.根據環境保護部對全國338個城市的調查,2016年,只有四分之一的中國城市達到了國家的空氣質量標準。
  • 16All the universities are owned by the government, so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility.所有的大學都歸政府管控,所以是教育部負責為大學制定課程,也因此沒有太多的靈活變通之處。
  • 17Why did Jennifer choose the program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield?詹妮弗為什麼選擇了馬什菲爾德的聖約瑟夫牧師醫院的項目?
  • 18On June 3, 2020, the Ministry of Education (MOE) gave a revised course for high schools across the country.2020年6月3日,教育部(MOE)下發了修訂後的全國高中課程方案。
  • 19According to the Ministry of Education, primary school students should get at least 10 hours of sleep a night.根據教育部的規定,小學生每晚應至少有10個小時的睡眠時間。
  • 20Recently, the Ministry of Education has increased the number of ancient Chinese poems, from 14 to 72, for students to memorize.最近,教育部把學生要背誦的古詩數量從14首增加到72首。
  • 21The family called the Italian Culture Ministry; the official confirmed that the paintings were originals and worth as much as $50 million.這家人給意大利文化部打電話,官員證實,這些畫都是原作,價值高達5000萬美元。
  • 22The Ministry of Education in China released a notice that restricts primary and middle school students from bringing mobile phones to school.中國教育部發布了通知,限制中小學生攜帶手機上學。
  • 23All primary and secondary school students in China will be banned from bringing mobile phones to school, the Ministry of Education announced in early February.教育部2月初宣佈,將禁止中國所有中小學生攜帶手機上學。
  • 24She chose the UW-Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four-year degree close to home.她之所以選擇了威斯康星大學歐克萊爾分校在馬什菲爾德聖約瑟夫醫院所開設的項目,是因為這樣她能夠在離家近的地方攻讀四年學位。
  • 25In fact, poor eyesight among Chinese primary and high school students rose from 59.2 percent to 70.6 percent in the first six months of 2020, according to the Ministry of Education.事實上,根據教育部的數據,2020年前6個月,我國中小學生視力不良的比例從59.2%上升到70.6%。
  • 26The program is sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology and many young talented scientists who come from collaborating countries, such as Pakistan, are given opportunities to work in China.該項目由中國科技部贊助,許多來自合作國家(如巴基斯坦)的有才華的年輕科學家被給予在中國工作的機會。
  • 27The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005—when the government started a soil-testing program that gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers—and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.2005年,政府開始了一項土壤測試項目,為農民提供具體的肥料建議。中國農業部發現,從2005年到2011年,化肥使用量下降了770萬噸。
  • 28As the 100th anniversary of the CPC is coming, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will further develop red tourism and provide people with better products and services based on Party history education.在建黨100週年到來之際,中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部將進一步發展紅色旅遊,在黨史教育的基礎上為人民羣眾提供更好的產品和服務。
  • 29The Ministry of Education has paid more attention to this problem and required that students in primary schools should sleep at least 10 hours a day, 9 hours for junior high and 8 hours for senior high.教育部非常關注這一問題,並要求小學生每天至少睡10個小時,初中生至少睡9個小時,高中生至少睡8個小時。
  • 30The foreign ministry in March inaugurated blue robot-cat Doraemon as Japan's "anime ambassador."日本外務部門在三月份任命了藍色機器貓“哆啦A夢”為日本的“動漫大使”。 [1] 