


Matrix,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“矩陣;模型;社會環境”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈmeɪtrɪks] 美 [ˈmeɪtrɪks]
n. 矩陣;模型;社會環境;(骨頭、牙齒和指甲等身體器官的)母體,基質;脈石;矩陣轉接電路;線路網,道路網;精細材料;交叉結構
[ 複數 matrices或matrixes ] [1] 


transfer matrix 轉移距陣;轉換矩陣
stiffness matrix 剛度矩陣;勁度矩陣
metal matrix 金屬基體;金屬模版
extracellular matrix 細胞外基質
coefficient matrix 係數矩陣
covariance matrix [計]協方差矩陣
matrix theory 矩陣理論
dot matrix 點陣
matrix equation 矩陣方程
transformation matrix 變換矩陣,轉換矩陣
matrix analysis 矩陣分析(法)
jacobian matrix 雅可比矩陣;[數]導數矩陣
inverse matrix [計]矩陣求逆,逆矩陣,反矩陣
correlation matrix 相關矩陣
sparse matrix [數]稀疏矩陣
density matrix 密度矩陣
matrix structure 矩陣結構;基地組織
adjacency matrix 鄰接矩陣,相鄰矩陣
matrix effect 基體效應
transition matrix 躍遷矩陣 [1] 


  • That matrix has properties that vary in different locations in the body, but basically it's a highly hydrated or water-rich gel. 這種基質在體內不同的位置有不同的性質,但基本上它是一種高度水合或富水的凝膠。
  • At one time it was thought that these matrix grains might be pristine nebular dust, the sort of stuff from which chondrules and inclusions were made. 曾經有人認為,這些基質顆粒可能是原始的星雲塵埃,即形成隕石球粒及其內含物的物質。
  • Chondrules and inclusions in Allende are held together by the chondrite matrix, a mixture of fine-grained, mostly silicate minerals that also includes grains of iron metal and iron sulfide. 阿倫德隕星裏的隕石球粒和內含物是由球粒隕石基質結合到一起的;這是一種細粒混合物,主要包括鐵顆粒和硫化鐵的硅酸鹽礦物。
  • The idea of The Matrix is explicitly built upon Cartesian— Descartes' worries about an evil demon. 《黑客帝國》的創意完全基於笛卡爾的哲學——笛卡爾對於惡靈的憂慮。
  • The matrix is an improper rotation. 該矩陣的旋轉非正常。
  • The decohesion of the weak interface between particle and matrix may be considered as the origin of toughening. 可以認為顆粒與基體間弱界面的解聚是熔融石英顆粒複合材料韌化的原因。
  • It is convenient to substitute carbon powder patterns or characters for the printing matrix in the gold blocking machine. 在燙金機中用碳粉圖案或字符代替打印矩陣很方便。
  • Moreover, when A is a nondegenerate, symmetric and copositive plus matrix, the sequence converges to a solution of the problem. 此外,當矩陣為非退化對稱雙正加陣時,該序列收斂。
  • Matrix product is associative. 矩陣乘法是有結合律的。
  • This is to define the matrix. 這是定義矩陣。
  • Either the matrix is invertible. 矩陣是否可逆的兩種。
  • I will get back the same matrix. 我會得到一個相同的矩陣。
  • So that's matrix multiplication. ,好,這就是矩陣乘法。
  • This is a very simple matrix. 這是非常簡單的表。
  • So, what's interesting about this matrix? 那麼,這個矩陣裏有趣的是什麼?
  • Review the vendor's storage support matrix. 查閲供應商的存儲支持矩陣。
  • This matrix will help you plan your questions. 下面這個矩陣能幫助你計劃提問。
  • A table contains a matrix of rows and columns. 創建一個包含行列矩陣的表格。
  • A matrix is just a rectangular way of Numbers. 一個矩陣是一個矩形的數字。
  • This way, you get a new 4x4 matrix as a result. 採用這種方法,就可以得到一個新的4x4矩陣。
  • OK, let me give you another example of a matrix. 好,下面給你們另一個矩陣的例子。
  • Also, it does not implement many matrix functions. 還有,它沒有實現許多矩陣函數。
  • The identity matrix is the matrix that does nothing. 單位矩陣是一種可有可無的矩陣。
  • You can fill a matrix with random ints and complexes. 您可以在矩陣中填充隨機整數和複數。
  • Maintain an SOA enablement security decision matrix. 維護SOA支持安全決策表。
  • Step two: we go to another matrix that's called cofactors. 第二步,我們要找另一個矩陣,叫代數餘子式。 [1] 