

詞    性


英[mɑːʃ]美[mɑːrʃ] [1] 


Marsh Sandpiper澤鷸 ; 秋季達裏湖觀鳥
marsh deer沼澤鹿 ; 南美澤鹿
MARSH HARBOUR馬什港 ; 馬爾斯港 ;
Matthew Marsh馬依思 ; 馬義益 ; 麥修·馬什 ; 馬修·瑪什
Marsh land潮濕大地 ; 濕潤大地
marsh mallow藥用蜀葵 ; 藥蜀葵 ; 歐蜀葵
Randy Marsh主 ; 演 ; 播放器
Stan Marsh斯坦·馬什
marsh drainage沼澤排水 ; 池沼排水 [1] 


  • 1Through the marsh grass, the birds are rising.穿過沼澤的草地,鳥兒們飛了起來。
  • 2Marsh goes on to describe his impression of Nim.馬什在繼續向我們描述他對尼姆的印象。
  • 3Forget Gaia, save a marsh; forget the planet, save a frog.忘記地球,去拯救一片濕地;忘記行星,去拯救一隻青蛙。
  • 4As elevation increases, narrow, deep channels of water form throughout the marsh.隨着海拔的升高,沼澤中形成了又窄又深的水渠。
  • 5On the way he passed by a marsh, in which a number of frogs were sitting croaking.在路上,他經過一片沼澤地,那裏有許多青蛙坐在那裏呱呱叫。
  • 6It's a book by Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton that is called Triumph of the Optimists.蒂姆森、馬什和斯湯頓聯合撰寫的書叫做《投資收益百年史》。
  • 7You can find one type of the Spartina, Saltmarsh Cordgrass, growing in low marsh areas.你可以在低窪的沼澤地裏找到一種米草,即鹽鹼草。
  • 8The image we get is that the Israelites are working their way through the marsh on foot.我們所得到的印象是,猶太人徒步走過沼澤。
  • 9In higher marsh areas, you are likely to find a Spartina commonly called Salt-meadow Hay.在較高的沼澤地區,你可能會發現一種通常被稱為 Salt-meadow Hay 的米草屬植物。
  • 10Because they lack oxygen, marsh sediments are high in sulfides that are toxic to most plants.由於它們缺乏氧氣,沼澤沉積物中的硫化物含量很高,而硫化物對大多數植物都有毒。
  • 11Numerous insects occupy the marsh, feeding on living or dead cordgrass tissue, and redwing blackbirds, sparrows, rodents, rabbits, and deer feed directly on the cordgrass.許多昆蟲佔據着沼澤,以活或死的繩草組織為食,而紅翼鶇、麻雀、齧齒動物、兔子和鹿直接以繩草為食。
  • 12Spartina has the ability to take up sulfides and convert them to sulfate, a form of sulfur that the plant can use; this ability makes it easier for the grass to colonize marsh environments.米草類植物有能力吸收硫化物並將其轉化為硫酸鹽——一種植物可以利用的硫的形式;這種能力使這種草更容易在沼澤環境中生長。
  • 13You are in a salt marsh.你在鹽沼裏。
  • 14In time, the salt marsh becomes a mudflat.隨着時間的推移,鹽沼變成了泥灘。
  • 15Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are in vogue.像鹽沼羊肉這樣的本土食物正在流行。
  • 16Coping with excess salt is not the only challenge for plants in the salt marsh.應對(海鹼地帶)過量的鹽分並不是鹽沼植物面臨的唯一挑戰。
  • 17It is because salt marsh grasses have found ways to adapt to the conditions there.這是因為鹽沼草已經找到了適應那裏環境的方式。
  • 18I was neither at the hot gates, nor fought in the warm rain, nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass, bitten by flies, fought.我未曾到過火熱的城門,也未曾在暖雨中作戰,更未曾在過膝的鹽沼裏揮舞彎刀,挨着飛蠅的叮咬,苦戰。
  • 19In New Zealand the plant has spread rapidly, changing mudflats with marshy fringes to extensive salt meadows and reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals that use the marsh.在新西蘭,這種植物傳播地很快,它將沼澤地的邊緣變成了廣闊的鹽土草地,並且使利用那片沼澤(生存)的鳥類和動物的數量和種類下降。
  • 20Listen: 'Karen Marsh: The latest.你聽:“卡倫·馬什:最新消息。”
  • 21Two frogs lived together in a marsh.兩隻青蛙住在沼澤裏。
  • 22In dry years, it is reduced to a muddy marsh.在乾旱的年份裏,它就變成了一個泥沼。 [1] 
  • 1.    marsh  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-24]