
Loved Me Back To Life


《loved me back to lif》是席琳·迪翁演唱的歌曲。
loved me back to life
I was walking dead stuck inside my head 我的腦子 死氣沈沈 彷彿卡住了一般
I couldn't get out 我走不出這陰霾
Turn the lights down 把燈給熄了吧
The voices inside were so loud 腦子裏的迴響 越漸大聲了
Need a jump-start, catatonia 需要來點重啓 精神緊繃的要命
I couldn't feel, 我感覺不到
I wish that I could disappear 真希望 自己能就此消失
The voices inside were so real 腦子裏的迴音 多麼的真實
But you stood by my side. 而你卻對我不離不棄
Night after night, night after night. 夜夜不離 連夜不棄
You loved me back to life, life 你的愛 使我回到了真實世界,這個世界
From the coma, 在那遙遠的彗星浮雲
he wait is over. 等待 已結束了
You loved me back to life, life 你給的愛 使我重生,浴火重生
From the coma, 從那意識混濁的深處
We're lovers again tonight. 今晚 我們再次相愛
Back to life, back to life, back to life, back to life, yeah You woke me up, one touch and I felt alive
你換醒了我 那個觸摸 使我感到再次活了過來
You loved me back to life, back to life, thought I died 你的愛將我拉了回來 重生一切 我以為我早已歸西
The voices inside were so quiet. 現在腦子裏的聲響 多麼的寧靜
But you stood by my side. 而你卻對我不離不棄
Night after night, night after night. 夜夜不離 連夜不棄
You loved me back to life, life 你的愛 使我回到了真實世界,這個世界
From the coma, 在那遙遠的彗星浮雲
The wait is over. 等待 已結束了
You loved me back to life, life 你給的愛 使我重生,浴火重生
From the coma, 從那意識混濁的深處
We're lovers again tonight. 今晚 我們再次相愛
Strong hand, thick skin and an open heart 強韌的手臂 厚實的肌膚 還有一顆對我敞開的心靈
You saw through the pain, saw through the mask 你懂我的痛苦 我的每個猙獰
You never gave up on me, yeah 你對我 永遠不離不棄
You loved me back to life, life 你的愛 使我回到了真實世界,這個世界
From the coma, 在那遙遠的彗星浮雲
The wait is over. 等待 已結束了
You loved me back to life, life 你給的愛 使我重生,浴火重生
From the coma, 從那意識混濁的深處
We're lovers again tonight 今晚 我們再次相愛
Back to life, back to life, back to life, back to life 一切重生 重新復蘇
Back to life. back to life, back to life, back to life 浴火重生 再次復活