
Love That Man

《Love That Man》是Whitney Houston演唱的歌曲,收錄在專輯《Just Whitney》中,這首歌在Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs上成功奪冠。
Love That Man
Just Whitney
Whitney Houston


Love That Man歌詞

Ah, ah, ah
Things just ain't the way that they used to be
Back in the day when a man meant security
He'd be working hard all week
Baby kick back and throw up your feet
Let me fix you a treat
So it might be love and sweet
But he's worth it
He deserves it
May not be perfect
But he's all the man I need
He's ready and willing
Gives me the feeling, ah
And whenever we're together
I know where I belong
It's just the way he looks into your eyes
Love that man
It's the love he gives that makes you fantasize
Love that man
It's the time he takes to show you that he cares
And he's always there (He's always always there)
Don't you love that man (I know)
Things they ain't the way they used to be
When a woman and a man work hard to be
Happy in love and stand together ooh
(Let's stay that way forever)
Never give in to a fight
Just trying work it out
Never give up on him
That's not what love's about
Stay true to your feelings
And remember
All the things he's done for you
It's just the way he looks into your eyes
Love that man
It's the love he gives that makes you fantasize
Love that man
It's the time he takes to show you that he cares
And he's always there (He's always always there)
Don't you love that man (I know)
It's just the way he looks into your eyes
Love that man
It's the love he gives that makes you fantasize
Love that man
It's the time he takes to show you that he cares
And he's always there (He's always always there)
Don't you love that man
You'd better know I'm talking about that old-school love
That everlasting feeling can never be too much
Somebody loves you heart and soul
Hold on, don't stop
And never let him go
It's just the way he looks into your eyes
Love that man
It's the love he gives that makes you fantasize
Love that man
It's the time he takes to show you that he cares
And he's always there (He's always always there)
Don't you love that man
It's just the way he looks into your eyes
It's the love he gives that makes you fantasize
Love that man
It's the time he takes to show you that he cares
And he's always there (He's always always there)
Don't you love that man

Love That Man歌手信息

惠特妮·休斯頓 惠特妮·休斯頓
惠特妮·休斯頓(Whitney Houston),美國已故著名女歌手,國際樂壇流行天后、好萊塢巨星。她以強而有力的嗓音、一字多轉音的感染力與寬廣的音域,所被譽為美國第一嗓。Whitney是首張專輯銷量最高的女歌手和單張專輯銷量最高的女歌手。她也是Billboard音樂排行榜唯一一位連續締造7首冠軍單曲的女歌手。
根據吉尼斯世界紀錄,Whitney是獲獎最多的女歌手(獲獎490次)。在上世紀八十年代,惠特妮是少數能夠在MTV獲得大量的播出機會的黑人藝人之一,而那時是男性為主的搖滾時代。AOL Black Voices 曾説“雖然她的成功如同避雷針 (lightning rod) 一般,但總是能夠從她那優美且有力的聲音中得到證明。”她是唯一在美國擁有兩張最佳銷售前35名的專輯的女性歌手。惠特妮在全世界有超過2億的唱片銷售記錄。 [1] 