


詞    性


英 [ˈlepəd] 美 [ˈlepərd] [1] 


leopard cat [脊椎] 豹貓 ; 山貓 ; 狸貓 ;
Zanzibar leopard 桑給巴爾豹
Leopard tortoise 豹紋陸龜 ; 豹龜 ; 豹紋龜 ; 豹斑陸龜 [1] 


  • 1Which has spots, a leopard or a tiger?有斑點的是豹還是虎?《牛津詞典》
  • 2Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?有斑點的是豹還是虎?《牛津詞典》
  • 3Many animals in danger live there, such as the golden monkey, the clouded leopard and the Asian black bear.許多處於危險中的動物生活在那裏,如金絲猴、雲豹和亞洲黑熊。
  • 4The picture he paints of Africa-- a leopard calmly surveying the world from its grassy hillock-- is cliché enough.他描繪非洲的圖畫——一頭豹子從它的草岡上平靜地窺視着世界——已經夠老套了。
  • 5"The leopard cannot change his spots" is just a figure of speech.“豹子改變不了身上的斑點”是個比喻,指江山易改本性難移。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6She would love to buy her daughter funky little leopard-print skirts.她過去愛給女兒買時髦別緻的豹紋小短裙。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Her talent was not in gathering information but in analyzing and assessing, a meticulous organizer who plotted and planned with the cunning of a leopard.她的才華不在信息收集,而在於分析和評估,她是一個一絲不苟的組織者,像豹子一樣狡猾地策劃和計劃着。
  • 8Apple said in a press release that it plans to preview new features and APIs for its next-generation operating systems iPhone 3.0 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard.蘋果公司在一份新聞稿中表示,它計劃為下一代操作系統 iPhone 3.0 和 Mac OS X Snow Leopard 預覽新功能和 APIs 。
  • 9I tried all kinds of things including reinstalling Leopard until I found out the cardreader was causing this problem.我試過各種各樣的東西,包括重新安裝 Leopard,直到我發現是卡片閲讀機造成這個問題。
  • 10Snow Leopard desktop.雪豹桌面。
  • 11Both are reflected in Snow Leopard.兩者都在雪豹操作系統中得到了反映。
  • 12A sea leopard behind a curtain of plankton.一隻海豹躲在浮游生物的幕面。
  • 13A leopard seal plunges through Antarctic waters.一隻南極海豹跳入南極水中。
  • 14A wild baby snow leopard has been caught on camera.山地攝影機抓拍到一隻野生幼年雪豹的影像。
  • 15The leopard was Nature, and he was being natural.美洲豹象徵着自然,它在那裏顯得很自然而已。
  • 16For some current Mac owners, Snow Leopard isn't an option.對目前一些Mac的用户而言,不能選擇雪豹。
  • 17Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?古實人豈能改變皮膚呢。豹豈能改變斑點呢。
  • 18Another hung on in Borneo, becoming the Sunda clouded leopard.其餘的只留在婆羅洲,成為巽他雲豹。
  • 19They have tiger stripes or leopard spots, or holes through them.它們有着老虎皮般的條紋或豹子般的斑點,或是中間穿孔的。
  • 20There are three reasons why the loss happened to the leopard.發生在這隻美洲豹身上的事情可以通過三個原因來解釋。
  • 21The leopard slid along the sides of the cage toward their pedestals.豹子輕快地沿着獸籠的邊緣走向坐架。
  • 22The Leopon is the result of breeding a male leopard with a female lion.這頭豹獅是一頭雄性美洲豹和一頭雌獅的結晶。
  • 23The young leopard separated from its mother would be eaten by other beast.與母親離散的幼豹很可能被其他的野獸吃掉。
  • 24Nothing says romance like an uninvited onlooker in a leopard print sarong.沒有什麼比有一位不請自來的身着豹紋紗籠的旁觀者更浪漫的事了。
  • 25If you're happy with Leopard, there's no reason to rush out and get Snow Leopard.如果你對Leopard感到滿意,就沒有理由匆匆升級到雪豹上。
  • 26God's Word gives us some profound insight: "Can.".. a leopard take away his spots?神的話給我們一點真知灼見:“豹豈能改變斑點呢?”
  • 27Apple said Snow Leopard is more crash resistant than its predecessor and is 6gb smaller.蘋果説雪豹比前身更具有抗摔性,並且只有6 G B大。
  • 28Confused parents might be pursuaded to buy the leopard-print miniskirt if it's bright pink.家長們為此感到困惑,他們很可能會在店員的勸説下買條亮粉色的豹紋迷你裙。
  • 29We can see from the picture that a leopard, with his right hand bleeding, went into a clinic.從圖中我們可以看到一隻美洲豹帶着流血的右爪走進了一家診所。 [1] 