

lecturer,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“講師,演講者”。 [1] 
詞    性


lecturer /ˈlɛktʃərə/ TEM4 ( lecturers )
1.N-COUNT A lecturer is a teacher at a university or college. 講師
2.N-COUNT A lecturer is a person who gives lectures. 演講人 [1] 


Senior Lecturer 高級講師 ; 初級講師 ; 高講師
lecturer synopsis 講師資歷 ; 講師簡介
University Lecturer 大學講師 ; 講師 ; 正在翻譯
college lecturer 學院講師 ; 講師團
professional lecturer 講座教授
lecturer r 講演者 ; 講師
Principle Lecturer 專任講師
Fulbright lecturer 我以傅而布萊持學者 [1] 


  • 1She's a superb lecturer.她是一個出色的演講者。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He's a lecturer in French at Oxford.他是牛津大學的法語講師。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Dewey was an unimpressive, rather dull lecturer.杜威是個沒特色的,有些無聊的講師。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4He moved from being a part-time tutor to being a lecturer in social history.他從一名兼職助教轉變成了一名社會史講師。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.英國的講師職位大致相當於美國的副教授。《牛津詞典》
  • 6He was much in demand as a lecturer in the U.S., as well as at universities all over Europe.他在美國是個非常受歡迎的演講者,在全歐洲的大學中也是。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Pamela Harris, a lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin, has a similar perspective.德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校講師帕梅拉·哈里斯有着類似的觀點。
  • 8When you listen to a lecture, you can note down your questions while listening, and ask the lecturer in the Q&A session.聽講座時,你可以邊聽邊記下你的問題,並在問答環節詢問演講者。
  • 9I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer.我很有福氣,去過世界許多地方作演講。《牛津詞典》
  • 10The Athlete, the Lecturer, the Scientific Discoverer was a laughable, lovable, healthy young human thing.這位運動員、演説家、科學發現者是有趣的、討人喜歡的、健康的年輕人。
  • 11He is Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE ComSoc.他是通信協會傑出講師。
  • 12college lecturer, bar owner;大學講師,酒吧主人;
  • 13B: The lecturer is dull, too.那演講人也太呆板了。
  • 14Ross becomes a guest lecturer at NYU.羅斯成為紐約大學的客座講師。
  • 15Shelly is an incredibly dynamic lecturer.薛立是位不可思議,活靈活現的演講者。
  • 16DAVID BELLOS is a translator and lecturer.大衞·巴洛斯是一位翻譯家,也是一位講師。
  • 17Lecturer in mental health, Open university.講師,心理健康,公開大學。
  • 18Lecturer Linux is the center of the universe.Linux就是宇宙的中心。
  • 19The lecturer of Zombie Studies is Arnold Blumberg.教授殭屍學的是阿諾德·布隆伯格。
  • 20D., a former Harvard lecturer and the author of "Happier."前哈佛講師、《更幸福一點》的作者泰勒·本-沙哈爾博士如是説。
  • 21In the selection the lecturer neglected the negligible negative.在選集中演講者忽視了對選舉的微不足道的消極反思。
  • 22He was an inspiring lecturer, a popular colleague and a gentle man.他是個能夠鼓舞人心的講師,是個廣受歡迎的同事,還是個温文如玉的男士。
  • 23She would become a regular lecturer there for several years thereafter.此後的幾年間她成為了那裏的定期講師。
  • 24The kid from New Jersey turned Ivy League lecturer was going Hollywood.新澤西來的小屁孩,後來在常青藤大學開講座,現在要進軍好萊塢了。
  • 25"Brilliant!" the lecturer replied. "And soon you won't have a firm left."“很好!”演講者回復説:“那麼不久你的公司就不存在啦。”
  • 26The divorced philosophy lecturer asks in his message "Is it nature or nurture?在劇中,一位離過婚的哲學講師在留言中問到:“這是自然天成還是後天養育?
  • 27“If your firm is in America, ” the lecturer continued, “tell them you can do it!“如果你的公司在美國,”演講者繼續説:“告訴他們你能夠完成! [1] 