

80年代初四個來自美國賓西法尼亞的約克鎮的高中生組成了一支名叫First Aid的樂隊。
年    代
地    區
類    別
公    司
Chad Taylor、Patrick Dahlheimer、Chad Gracey、Ed Kowalczyk


主唱Ed Kowalczyk加入後不久就開始頻繁的演出,並推出了一張名為《The Death of a Dictionary》的專輯。推出專輯不久,他們開始頻繁地參加各種俱樂部演出,並得到了錄製小樣的機會。同時他們引起了一些獨立公司的注意,並最終與Radioactive唱片公司簽約。


live樂隊 live樂隊
The Death of a Dictionary (as Public Affection) August 17, 1989 - - -
Mental Jewelry December 31, 1991 73 - 1x Platinum
Throwing Copper April 26, 1994 1 37 8x Platinum
Secret Samadhi February 18, 1997 1 31 2x Platinum
The Distance to Here October 5, 1999 4 56 1x Platinum
V September 18, 2001 22 - 350,000
Birds of Pray May 20, 2003 28 - 445,000
Songs from Black Mountain June 6, 2006 52 - 90,000
Songs from Black Mountain 黑山樂章介紹
經90年代Grunge樂派的野性奔放,隨後稍微收斂卻仍透着一份霸氣的Post-Grunge,提升搖滾全新格局,拱出如Creed主義、Matchbox 20火柴盒20等超級冠軍樂團,突破流行防線,散盡爆發力十足搖滾本色,成為冠軍搖滾部隊的一員,歷經15個年頭仍然屹立不搖,他們是Live臨場感樂團,無論現場或是錄音室作品,都能帶給你相當震撼富有臨場感受的超級組合。
轉換新東家推出主流廠第七張專輯《Songs From Black Mountain》,請來同時身為搖滾製作人及混音大將的Jim Wirt(Incubus、Hoobastank、L.A. Guns)操盤掌控。首先以吉他輕撥伴隨動人和聲開場的首波單曲〈The River〉,令人訝異於Live轉換內斂搖滾氣流下,深深着迷於順耳耐聽之聲線當中;Acoustic吉他演奏拉出〈Get Ready〉最舒愉聆聽感受,堆疊出的人聲搭腔增添此曲温暖度;Ed極具爆發力的嗓音完全釋放在一曲中,激昂情緒隨着曲子接近尾聲而不斷上升;有着Live早期抒情搖滾氣勢的,不時利用樂器營造一種瀕臨情緒引爆點的迫切感。Live的蜕變你可以輕易感受到,少了些許狂妄暴戾之氣,多了些自然平實聲感,拉近聆聽者距離,譜唱出感動內心深處的動聽佳音。


After earning a rabid local following, in 1989 Public Affection released a cassette, The Death of a Dictionary, on their own Action Front label. After graduating to CBGB and other famed New York clubs, they earned a demo deal with Giant Records which proved unsuccessful; the completed demo earned them a deal with Radioactive, however, and before drawing their new name out of a hat, Live recruited Talking Head Jerry Harrison to produce their 1991 debut, Mental Jewelry. A collection of songs based on the writings of Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, the record made Live one of the key players in the post-Nirvana alternative music scene thanks to singles like "Operation Spirit (The Tyranny of Tradition)" and "Pain Lies on the Riverside."
Three years later, Live returned with the muscular Throwing Copper, which lingered a number of months on the charts before pushing the group into the rock mainstream; after a series of popular singles like "Selling the Drama" and "I Alone," the album's slow build climaxed with the funereal "Lightning Crashes," which propelled the album to the top of the charts and paved the way for the hits "White, Discussion" and "All Over You." Secret Samadhi, the third Live LP, followed in early 1997, but failed to match either the commercial or critical success of previous efforts. The band resurfaced two years later with The Distance to Here. Through 2003, the band continually refined their ambitious, spiritual sound; both 2001's V and 2003's Birds of Pray cracked the Billboard Top 30