
It's Time

(Michael Buble 2005年推出的專輯)

音樂專輯,其中,Michael Bubl重新演唱湯姆瓊斯、貓王麥當娜法蘭克辛納屈、比吉斯、洛史都華等12位不朽巨星經典名曲,他讓這些經典歌曲活了起來,大衞佛斯特麥克佈雷格萊美獎情歌教父大衞佛斯特為都會男女尋覓已久的新浪漫主義歌手。
It's Time
Michael Buble
Warner Brothers

It's Time歌手介紹

如絲絨般柔滑的男中音,獨具品味地輕觸你心--時人雜誌,這個令人注目、充滿感情的男低音歌手使人想起年輕的法蘭克辛納屈--紐約郵報,天生的中低音與動感的舞台表演,麥可佈雷以輕鬆自在的自信,與他的聽眾分享他活潑的詮釋風味--洛杉磯時報 。
跨界風潮走到21世紀,不該只是狹隘的將搖滾、抒情、靈魂、爵士、大樂團、古典聲樂等類型音樂作一融合的時尚,而是要以能與生活情境完美契合的聽覺為依歸,繼心靈捕手Josh Groban(喬許)後,葛萊美獎名製作人David Foster(大衞佛斯特)致力於聽覺品味的開發有了更上層樓的驚喜發現,一副既能表露歌聲情感,又能擺盪歌聲情趣的嗓子--Michael Buble(發音為Boo-blay),這位現年25歲的年輕紳士,來自加拿大温哥華,只要他那天生歌唱家般的嗓子一開,就能創造出一個絕佳的聽歌空間,與聽者盡情的享受歌聲所帶來的愉悦感。
自對音樂產生興趣以來,Buble就情不自禁的迷上Ella Fitzgerald、Sarah Vaughan、Rosemary Clooney這些相當真切的浪漫歌聲,當水電工的爺爺為了磨Buble的歌藝,經常以修理水電為交換條件,讓Buble能夠與鎮上的音樂家同台演唱,17歲時,Buble在加拿大的新秀選拔賽中奪冠,除了贏得灌錄唱片的機會,並參予‘Red Rock Diner’、‘Swing’等音樂劇的演出,Buble的歌聲吸引本身也是老歌迷的加拿大前首相Brian Mulroney的注意,Mulroney將他推薦給華納音樂集團/143音樂廠牌的高層主管大衞佛斯特,在Mulroney女兒婚禮上高歌一曲"Mack The Knife"後,佛斯特正式將Michael Buble簽入旗下。
2001年春季,佛斯特與製作老搭檔Humberto Gatica(兩人合作過喬許、席琳狄翁芭芭拉史翠珊的專輯)展開首張同名專輯【Michael Buble】的錄製工作,在以重現經典歌曲風華的目標下,完成了一張以聽覺拭去類型音樂界線的歌唱作品,從"The Way You Look Tonight"、"For Once In My Life"、"That's All"這些30、40年代的流行名曲寶鑑,到男歌手Paul Anka 59年亞軍招牌作"Put Your Head On My Shoulder"、愛爾蘭民謠傳奇歌手Van Morrison(範莫里森) 70年香醇小品"Moondance"、華麗搖滾名團Queen(皇后合唱團)80年冠軍搖滾勁歌"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"、流行巨星George Michael(喬治麥可)88年全美TOP 5摩登爵士戀歌"Kissing A Fool",這些半世紀以來的流行歌曲在Buble美妙演唱下,完全抹去歲月的塵埃,賦予相當迷人的當代風雅。
值得一提的是The Bee Gees(比吉斯合唱團)老大Barry Gibb特地在71年TOP 4傷心情歌"How Can You Mend A Broken Heart"裏合聲助陣。專輯推出後隨即搶佔Billboard熱門潛力榜亞軍,其中,"For Once In My Life"、"Kissing A Fool"更被選為伊旺麥奎格與芮妮齊薇格主演的愛情喜劇片《愛情趴趴走》的插曲。

It's Time專輯介紹

Michael Buble's assured debut and the tireless year of globe-trotting touring he spent promoting it elevated the 20-something Vancouver native into the first rank of pop crooner revivalists. His sophomore studio follow-up largely turns on the same formula that helped make his considerable vocal prowess so attractive to mainstream audiences, mixing the nigh flawless, if expected Sinatra-channeling ("I've Got You Under My Skin") with more playful and inviting renditions of pop standards like the Gershwin's "A Foggy Day in London Town," "Feeling Good," "Try A Little Tenderness" and Cole Porter's "I've Got You Under My Skin." But it's the eclectic mix of more contemporary material the singer seasons them with -- apt tribute to Buble hero Bobby Darin -- that keeps him walking the narrow tightrope between artistic intrigue (a blues-tinged vamp of Holland-Dozier-Holland's "How Sweet It Is," Leon Russell's lovely "Song For You," with a guest turn by Chris Botti) and the kitsch-laden abyss ("Quando, Quando, Quando"'s Euro-centric duet with Nelly Furtado, a ring-a-ding-fling with the Beatles' "Can't Buy Me Love" that echoes fellow Canadian crooner/rival Matt Dusk's more successful flirtation with Lennon-McCartney). Arranger/producer Tommy LiPuma offers Buble a welcome swinging jazz showcase on "The More I See of You," a bracing respite from the rest of producer David Foster's slick, if typically bloodless MOR production. -- Jerry McCulley

It's Time專輯曲目

1. Feeling Good
2. A Foggy Day (In London Town)
3. You Don't Know Me
4. Quando, Quando, Quando - duet featuring Nelly Furtado
5. Home
6. Can't Buy Me Love
7. The More I See You
8. Save the Last Dance For Me
9. Try A Little Tenderness
10. How Sweet It Is
11. Song For You - featuring Chris Botti
12. I've Got You Under My Skin
13. You And I