

interactive,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“交互式的;相互作用的”。 [1] 
詞    性


interactive /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/ CET6 TEM4
1.ADJ An interactive computer program or electronic device is one that allows direct communication between the user and the machine. 交互的
2. interactivity N-UNCOUNT 交互性
3.ADJ If you describe a group of people or their activities as interactive, you mean that the people communicate with each other. 互動的 [1] 


interactive advertising 交互式廣告 ; 互動式廣告 ; 交互廣告
interactive whiteboard 互動電子白板 ; 電子白板 ; 交互式電子白板 ; 白板
interactive entertainment 互動娛樂 ; 交互式娛樂 ; 交互式文娛 ; 互動式娛樂
interactive advertisement 互動廣告 ; 交互式廣告 ; 虎父無犬子 ; 互動告白
Interactive Model 相互作用模式 ; 互動模型 ; 交互模式
interactive terminal 交互式終端 ; 交互終端 ; 人機聯作終端 ; 器面向交互式終端
Interactive Communication 互動溝通 ; 互動傳播 ; 互動的溝通 ; 互動交流
interactive query 交互式詢問 ; [計] 交互查詢 ; 翻譯
interactive playback 交互播放 ; 交互回放 ; 交互式播放 [1] 


  • 1The school believes in interactive teaching methods.這所學校相信互動教學法。《牛津詞典》
  • 2There is little evidence that this encouraged flexible, interactive teaching in the classroom.幾乎沒有證據表明這促進靈活互動的課堂教學。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Her hands-on examples make her book a truly interactive read.她親身實踐的例子使她的書成為真正互動的讀物。
  • 4The amount spent on interactive advertising on television is still small.花在電視交互式廣告上的錢仍然很少。
  • 5The online classroom provides an innovative and interactive learning environment.在線課堂提供了一個創新和互動的學習環境。
  • 6In theory, interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not.理論上,交互式廣告能夠以一種30秒廣告做不到的方式來吸引觀眾。
  • 7The gathering was organized by Warren Buckleitner, a longtime reviewer of interactive children's media.這次聚會是由沃倫·巴克利特納組織的,他是一位資深的兒童互動媒體評論家。
  • 8There are four fantastic galleries to visit from fine art to interactive fun, so there's something for everyone!有四個很棒的畫廊可以參觀,從美術到互動樂趣,每個人都能找到適合的東西!
  • 9BSKYB, Britain's biggest satellite-television service, already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.英國最大的衞星電視服務商 BSKYB 已經為900萬用户提供了互動廣告服務。
  • 10The 2011 report mentioned "smart cell phone" and "new screen" technologies, but did not address interactive apps.2011年的報告提到了“智能手機”和“新屏幕”技術,但沒有提到互動型應用。
  • 11Interactive whiteboard and its system convert the traditional blackboard lecture mode into electronic lecture mode.交互式白板及其系統將傳統的黑板課堂教學模式轉化為電子課堂教學模式。
  • 12Diels also hopes to see the birth of "interactive meteorology"—not just forecasting the weather but controlling it.迪爾斯還希望看到“互動氣象學”的誕生——不僅僅是預測天氣,而是控制它。
  • 13Learners can enter the community, participate in interactive columns, and experience BBC content with other friends.學習者可進入社區,參與互動專欄,和其他朋友一同體驗 BBC 的精彩內容。
  • 14The study's director predicted that interactive leadership may emerge as the management style of choice for many organizations.該研究的負責人預測,互動型領導可能會成為許多組織選擇的管理風格。
  • 15BrightLine ITV, which designs and sells interactive ads, says interest has surged: it expects its revenues almost to triple this year.設計和銷售互動廣告的英國獨立電視台表示興趣大增:該公司預計今年的收入將增長近兩倍。
  • 16Ten lesson plans—on topics ranging from the Maya language to the Maya creation myth—have been developed for the interactive expedition.十個課程計劃——主題從瑪雅語言到瑪雅創造神話——已經為互動探險開發。
  • 17With the launch of interactive advertising, "many of the dollars that went to the internet will come back to the TV," says David Kline.David Kline 表示,隨着互動廣告的推出,“許多原本流向互聯網的資金將流回到電視上。”
  • 18Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been touted for years.互動電視廣告是一種允許觀眾用他們的遙控器來點擊的廣告,多年來一直備受推崇。
  • 19Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been pushed for years.交互式電視廣告允許觀眾用他們的遙控器來點播廣告,多年來一直被推廣。
  • 20Get complete interactive whiteboard functionality in a convenient package that integrates a large touch screen, projector and speaker system.將大型觸摸屏、投影儀和揚聲器系統合在一個便攜包中,獲得完整的交互式白板功能。
  • 21"It's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years," says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy.數字媒體諮詢公司的科林·迪克森説:“過去的10年或12年都是交互式電視廣告的時代。”
  • 22If an interactive computer screen is to match a whiteboard in usefulness, it must be viewable from arm's length as well as from across a room.如果一個交互式計算機屏幕要在實用性上與白板相匹配,它必須在手臂長度範圍和橫跨房間範圍內是可視的。
  • 23"You can imagine similar kinds of interactive activities along historical lines, like following the Freedom Trail in Boston," Professor Dede said.“你可以想象類似的互動活動沿着歷史的軌跡進行,比如追隨波士頓的自由之路。”Dede 教授説。
  • 24With the launch of interactive advertising, "many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV," says David Kline of Cablevision.光電視覺公司的大衞·克萊恩表示,隨着交互式廣告的推出,“許多原本流向互聯網的資金將重新回到電視上。”
  • 25A new effort led by Canoe Ventures, a coalition of leading cable providers, aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year.獨木舟合資企業是一家由有線電視領軍供應商組成的聯盟,由它主導的一個新舉措旨在使全美於今年晚些時候實現互動廣告的全覆蓋。
  • 26Experts observe that "textbooks come in layers, something like an onion". For an active learner, engaging with a textbook can be an interactive experience.專家們注意到“教科書是有層次的,就像洋葱一樣”。對於主動學習者來説,接觸課本是一種具有互動性的體驗。
  • 27The news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism.光電視覺公司,一家美國有線電視公司,在10月6日向其所有客户推出交互式廣告的消息遭到了一些質疑。
  • 28The news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some scepticism.美國有線電視公司 Cablevision 於10月6日向其所有客户推出了互動廣告,這一消息受到了一些質疑。
  • 29Although good TV shows can help stir children's interest in conservation, they cannot replace the excitement of a zoo visit as an intense, immersive and interactive experience.雖然優質的電視節目有助於激起兒童對動物保護的興趣,但它們卻無法取代參觀動物園帶來的那種激動,那是一種強烈的、身臨其境的、具有互動性的體驗。