


Inheritance,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“繼承物,遺產”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ɪnˈherɪtəns] 美 [ɪnˈherɪtəns]
n. 繼承物,遺產;遺傳特徵
[ 複數 inheritances ] [1] 


inheritance tax [美]遺產税繼承税
inheritance hierarchy 繼承層次;繼承體系;繼承階層架構
autosomal dominant inheritance 常染色體顯性遺傳
inheritance law 繼承法
mendelian inheritance [生]孟德爾氏遺傳
maternal inheritance 母體遺傳 [1] 


  • She spent all her inheritance in a year. 她在一年之內用完了所有繼承的遺產。
  • She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother. 她擔心她的遺產會落到繼母的手裏。
  • Eye colour shows more than your genetic inheritance. 眼睛的顏色顯示的不只是你基因的遺傳特徵。
  • Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance. 身體的特徵取決於基因遺傳。
  • You could also set up a trust so the children can't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age. 你也可以建立信託,那樣孩子們到了一定的年齡以後才可以用任何遺產。
  • Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance? 丈夫可以賣掉妻子的遺產嗎?
  • Traditional rules of succession by inheritance were changed. 傳統的繼承規則被改變了。
  • More than half of them were involved in inheritance disputes. 其中超過一半的人都捲入了遺產糾紛。
  • Suddenly he wanted to have his own inheritance, and be able to be his own master. 突然,他想要擁有自己的產業,成為自己的主人。
  • Moses admonishes the Israelites not to suppose that their inheritance of the land of Canaan is due to their own powers. 摩西警告以色列人,不要想當然地認為他們繼承迦南之地是憑藉了自己的力量。
  • Some fool even themselves, until some life event—a layoff, an empty nest, an inheritance that frees them to spend time as they like—jolts them into taking stock of their true natures. 有些人甚至欺騙了自己,直到生活中發生了一些事情——失業、空巢、一筆可以讓他們自由支配時間的遺產——讓他們開始審視自己的本性。
  • The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son. 這一頭銜按世襲傳給長子。
  • The inheritance enabled him to indulge his passion for art. 這筆遺產使他能夠盡情投入他熱愛的藝術。
  • "What's behind Hanfu is inheritance (繼承,遺產) of the Chinese culture," Nan He, a 21-year-old costume studio owner, said. 21歲的傳統服裝工作室老闆南和説:“漢服背後的意義是對中國文化的繼承。”
  • The inheritance of the halothane gene was shown to be in agreement with Mendel's law of segregation. 氟烷基因的遺傳與孟德爾的分離定律是一致的。
  • The poor child was cheated out of his inheritance by a dishonest lawyer. 這個可憐的孩子被一個狡猾的律師騙去了遺產。
  • "And" What Is Inheritance? 和什麼是繼承?
  • He dissipated his large inheritance. 他揮霍掉他的大筆遺產。
  • The first is priority inheritance. 第一種是優先級繼承。
  • DO make good use of CSS inheritance. DO -充分利用CSS的繼承性。
  • Inheritance and wealth taxes have gone. 遺產税和財富税不再徵收。
  • Keep your inheritance hierarchy simple. 保持簡單的繼承層次結構。
  • Let's take the inheritance example above. 讓我們採用上面的繼承示例。
  • Figure 1 shows their inheritance hierarchy. 圖1顯示了它們的繼承層次結構。
  • His salary is augmented by a small inheritance. 一小筆遺產增加了他的收入。
  • Priority inheritance is mandated by the RTSJ. 優先級繼承由RTSJ規定。
  • That is quite an inheritance to have squandered. 這的確是一份被揮霍了的遺產。
  • Inheritance offers a much more elegant solution. 繼承提供了更優雅的解決方案。
  • Simplify inheritance and aggregation hierarchies. 簡化繼承和聚集層次結構。
  • You can achieve software reuse through inheritance. 您可以通過繼承實現軟件重用。 [1] 