
I don't give

《I Don't Give》是由加拿大歌手艾薇兒·拉維尼演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Avril Lavigne B-Sides》中。 [2]  2022年6月3日,重新被收錄在《Let Go》的20週年紀念版專輯中。 [1] 
I Don't Give
Avril Lavigne B-Sides / Let Go [1] 
2022年6月3日 [1]  [3] 

I don't give歌曲歌詞

Every time you go away
It actually kinda makes my day
Every time you leave you slam the door
You pick your words so carefully
You hate to think your hurting me
You leave me laughing on the floor
Cuz I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that
You know
I won't give a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that
you know
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
I thought we were just hanging out
so why'd you kiss me on the mouth?
you thought the way you taste would get me high
you went to all your friends to brag
guys are always such a drag
don't you know the reason
that I kissed you was to say goodbye
cuz I don't a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that
you know
I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that
You know
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
hangin hanging out
I am simply hanging hanging out
I am simply hanging
so why'd you kiss me on the mouth
don't you know that I...
I don't give a damn about you
I don't give a shit about you
I don't give a damn about you
I don't give a shit about you
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that
you know
I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that
(I dont give a damn)
I don't give a shit
I dont give a damn
what you say about that
(What you say)
you know
I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that (until end of fade out)

I don't give其他版本

在艾薇兒出道前還有一張非正式專輯為《Avril Lavigne B-Sides》(這張B-SIDES收錄的大概是艾薇兒尚未正式出名的一些沒有被正式發行的創作,當然其間也包含了一些日後在專輯中出現的單曲例如《Things I‘ll Never Say》)而這張專輯裏也收錄了這首《I Don't Give》 ,不同的是,b-sides專輯裏的這首歌全名為“I don't give damn”,這首歌是《I Don't Give》的未刪音版,但是這首歌是dirty版,因為這首歌出現了shit這個不雅的單詞。
區別:《I Don't Give》副歌部分為
Cuz I don't give a up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
而《I Don't Give Damn》的副歌部分為
Cuz I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit
What you say about that

I don't give歌手介紹

艾薇兒·拉維尼 艾薇兒·拉維尼
簽約Arista後,Avril隨唱片公司來到美國發展,但她滿腦子的音樂想法似乎與唱片公司特地招徠的知名音樂製作人格格不入,直至遇到了著名唱片製作人Clif Magness。Avril的音樂特色在Clif Magness的幫助下日漸顯露。Avril的音樂略帶朋克色彩,旋律上可以清楚的感覺到Grunge音樂對她的影響。Avril的音樂以另類的流行搖滾風格為主,與另一位著名的加拿大搖滾女明星Alanis Morissette的音樂路線上有某些方面的相似。由於製作能力的強大使她的音樂旋律和編曲更易於青少年歌迷羣體接受,同時,搖滾風格為基礎的音樂又明顯比氾濫的青少年流行舞曲更易於迎合年齡稍大的歌迷的口味。Avril的音樂也為她贏得了在世界範圍內巨大的成功,成為了流行音樂的新偶像,新的小天后,一個搖滾小天后。
首張專輯《Let Go》在音樂界掀起了一陣旋風。Avril迅速成為歌迷追捧的對象。專輯很快在排行榜飆升到亞軍的位置,併成為2002-2003年度最暢銷的專輯之一。出道至今,Avril已獲得過8項格萊美世界音樂大獎提名。如今她仍然以雨後春筍般的速度,繼續在流行音樂舞台上大放異彩。