

詞    性


Disc holder 反衝盤 ; 唱片抽屜 ; 閥座 ; 唱片抽斗
cheque holder 持票己 ; 支票持票人
screwdriver holder 起子插座 ; 起子 ; 發粉插座 ; 啓子插座
fuse holder [電] 保險絲座 ; 保險盒 ; 熔斷器座 ; 熔線握
graphite holder 電極夾座 ; 電極夾具 ; 電極
Baggage holder [交] 行李架 ; 行李支架 ; 行李
cable holder 電纜支架 ; 錨鏈輪 ; 索夾 ; 線夾brush holder 刷柄 ; 刷座 ; [電] 電刷架
Key Holder 鑰匙扣 ; 鎖匙扣 [1] 


  • 1The lease entitles the holder to use the buildings and any land attached thereto.本租約持有人有權使用此建築物以及所附屬的土地。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Doing so will entitle the ticket holder to unlimited free parking.這樣做可以使持票人享有無限的免費停車權。
  • 3Andy Holder—the chief economist at The Bank of England—suggested that the UK move towards a government-backed digital currency.英格蘭銀行的首席經濟學家安迪·霍爾德認為,英國正朝着一種由政府支持的數字貨幣的方向發展。
  • 4In preparation for the celebration, a straw mat is placed on the table, along with a candle holder with seven candles, one black, three red, and three green.在準備慶祝活動時,桌子上放着一張草蓆,還有一個蠟燭架,上面有七支蠟燭——一支黑的,三支紅的,還有三支綠的。
  • 5We want to buy Bathroom Sets, Over-Door Hooks, Fogless Mirror, Hooks, Napkin Holder Doors.我們要採購衞浴套裝,門上掛鈎,防霧鏡子,鈎子以及餐巾座。
  • 6ANIMAL corn HOLDER Like corn?喜歡吃玉米嗎?
  • 7Policy holder is a Boolean flag.保單持有者是一個Boolean標誌。
  • 8As you can see, they are of type Holder.正如您看到的,它們是holder類型。
  • 9Mr Holder is a well-respected lawyer.厚德是為有名望的律師。
  • 10Use a document holder.使用一個文件架。
  • 11Creates a new modifiable state holder.創建新的可修改狀態容器。
  • 12The generated WSDL removes the holder class.生成的WSDL刪除holder類。
  • 13If the holder loses the interest, it's no big deal.如果持有人失去了利息,這樣就不會有大的交易。
  • 14The lifetime of the state holder is one request.狀態容器的生命週期為一個請求。
  • 15The bottom of the candle is fused with its holder.蠟燭的底端與燭台熔在一起。
  • 16Please remind the holder that payment is now due.請提醒持票人付款期限已到。
  • 17Lockheed Martin is an existing FAST contract holder.洛馬是現有FAST合同的承包商。
  • 18The previous record-holder was also a Maine Coon cat.先前的紀錄保持者是一隻貓也緬因州。
  • 19and, therefore, his killing was appropriate," Holder said.因此,擊斃他是合理的,”Holder説。
  • 20The holder of the continuous construction of a human entity.手提箱是包含當代生活的容器……是不斷建造的人類本質的支架。
  • 21A flashlight moved below him, its holder merged with the dark.一個手電筒的光在他下面閃着,拿着它的人融入黑暗中。
  • 22That is, the field contains the keyword holder documents' UNIDs.也就是説該字段包含關鍵字持有者文檔文檔的 UNID。
  • 23OLxxx—This is a table place holder for future firmware revisions.這是一個表格位置佔位符,用於將來的固件版本。
  • 24This they obtain from the copyright holder, which would be Oracle.他們會從像甲骨文這樣的版權所有者那兒購買。
  • 25The new holder will have a job that is both powerful and impossible.而新任者則會得到一份位高權重同時不可能完成的工作。
  • 26Holder did not reveal the identity of the detainees in his statement.霍爾德沒有在他的聲明中披露囚犯的身份。
  • 27The ampersand identifies the parameter as the holder of a code block.該符號將參數識別為代碼塊的持有者。 [1] 