
Gotta Make A Change

《Gotta Make A Change》是方大同演唱的一首歌曲,發行於2011年4月21日。
Gotta Make A Change
15 首

Gotta Make A Change歌手簡介

於1998年定居香港。他是一個香港罕有地創作R&B及靈魂樂作品的唱作人。代表作品有:《Soul Boy》、《愛愛愛》等。

Gotta Make A Change歌曲簡介

《Gotta Make A Change》是方大同新專輯《15》中的第一首歌曲。前奏絃樂充滿電影畫面感,提供了整首歌曲一個重要的背景,特別是當你戴上耳機,可以聽到非常低調,隱藏在絃樂裏頭的槍林彈雨細膩音效,確切反應了主題訴求,也是十分貼切標誌「15」專輯的開場歌曲,對於方大同你也需要make a change!歌詞風格類似MJ,一首帶點Motown及Soul點綴外,還有punk味道的歌曲,裏頭還有需多小細節,值得細細品味。

Gotta Make A Change歌曲歌詞

Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…
Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…
Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...
Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...
Let's change the world… Let's change the world
Let's change the world… Let's change the world
每個城每個省每個國家 每個人記得這是我們的家
We look at the signs and we think it's ok
You've got death, I've got trouble,
You've got grief, I've got pain
And the world is in vain only thinking of
gaining the things that eventually put us to shame
It's like the whole wide world is at war…
It's like the whole wide world is at war…
It's your world, don't forget your world
Don't you turn your back on the things that you do
It's your world, don't forget your world
Don't you realize when it's too late
Don't forget the world is yours
Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…
Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…
Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...
Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...
The people run dry with the games that we play
In contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fame
Thru’ the lies, thru’ the shame, you will cease to remain
For what’s left is the product of the greed from your reign
It's like the whole wide world is at war…
It's like the whole wide world is at war…
Listen to the tree they see everything you do
Look up at the sky can’t you see all things you do become a sign
That everything has a reason for leaving
If you think there's a way to change your life
then it's now time to say that I believe