


詞    性


Frequency Response[電子][通信]頻率響應 ; 頻響 ; 頻率反應 ; 頻次呼應
frequency range[電子][通信]頻率範圍 ; 頻率響應 ; 頻響範圍 ; 頻帶
High frequency[電子]高頻 ; 高頻率 ; 超高頻 ; 高週波切割
frequency spectrum[物]頻譜 ; 頻率譜 ; 頻譜分析儀
Frequency Analysis[電子]頻率分析 ; 頻譜分析 ; 頻次分析 ; 頻度分析
audio frequency[聲]聲頻 ;[聲][通信]音頻 ; 音頻頻率
frequency multiplier[電子]倍頻器 ;[電子]頻率倍增器 ; 倍頻器頻率倍增器 ; 振盪頻率倍增器
Radio Frequency射頻 ; 無線電廣播頻率 ; 無線電頻率
mains frequency[電]電源頻率 ; 市電頻率 ; 工頻 ; 市電頻次 [1] 


  • 1You can't hear waves of such a high frequency.你聽不到這麼高頻率的聲波。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The frequency of Kara's phone calls increased rapidly.卡拉打電話的頻率迅速增加。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.這樣的東西在拍賣會上出人意料地頻繁出現。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Their instruments detected very faint radio waves at a frequency of 3 kilohertz.他們的儀器探測到了頻率為3千赫的非常微弱的無線電波。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Regular repeating actions such as sound waves, light waves, or radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of waves per second.有規律的重複活動如聲波、光波、無線電波都有一個特定的頻率,或者説是每秒的波動次數。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6He added, "We have to look at the frequency of events."他補充道:“我們不得不看看事件的頻繁性。”
  • 7The quicker it vibrates, the greater the frequency of sound it produces.它振動得越快,發出的聲音頻率就越高。
  • 8Doubling the frequency of logical operations inside a microprocessor doubles the heat output.微處理器內部邏輯操作的頻率加倍,產生的熱量也加倍。
  • 9They were expecting to see one certain frequency or one line in the spectrum at this point here.他們預計會看到某個特定的頻率,或者在這裏的光譜中的一條線。
  • 10Apply ice for 10-15 minutes every hour, then reduce the frequency as the pain become less strong.每小時冷敷10-15分鐘的冰塊,然後隨着疼痛減輕,減小冷敷的頻率。
  • 11In astronomy, in optical astronomy, we cannot measure the period or the frequency of optical light.在天文學中,在光學天文學中,我們不能測量週期或者可見光的頻率。
  • 12You might ask the applicant to provide some measure of the expected frequency and severity of failures.您可能會要求應用程序提供一些預計頻率和失敗的嚴重性的方法。
  • 13Precise measurements can be made of the length and frequency of the infant's attention between two stimuli.可以對嬰兒在兩次刺激之間注意力的時長和頻率進行精確測量。
  • 14Frequency of crying varies widely: some shed tears at any novel or movie, others only a handful of times in their lives.哭泣的頻率差別很大:有些人在看小説或電影時都會流淚,有些人一生中只會流幾次淚。
  • 15Those spending 10-19 hours per week on their devices were 41 percent more likely to be unhappy than lower-frequency users.那些每週花10到19個小時在電子設備上的人與使用頻率較低的人相比,不快樂的可能性高41%。
  • 16Nicole Ellison of Michigan State University found that the frequency of networking site use correlates with greater self-esteem.密歇根州立大學的尼科爾·埃裏森發現,社交網站的使用頻率與自尊心的強弱有正相關。
  • 17This demonstrates that blindness is not limited to recent preference selections, but can also occur for intensity and frequency.這表明,盲目性並不侷限於最近的偏好選擇,也可能發生在強度和頻率上。
  • 18What appears to the naked eye to be glowing is actually a superposition of different lines of distinct frequency. So, this is quantized.出現在肉眼面前的光亮,事實上是頻率不同的光線的疊加。所以,這是量子化的。
  • 19Responding to changes in the CF echo's frequency, bats of some species correct in flight for the direction and velocity of their moving prey.有些種類的蝙蝠會根據回聲頻率的變化來調整向獵物移動的方向和速度。
  • 20This part of the project is searching the nearest 1000 likely stars with high sensitivity for signals in the frequency range 1000 to 3000 MHz.這部分項目搜尋離地球最近的1000顆可能存在的恆星,這些恆星對頻率範圍在1000到3000兆赫內的信號有着較高的靈敏度。
  • 21There is mounting evidence that the frequency and magnitude of landsliding is changing in many parts of the world in response to climate change.越來越多的證據表明,響應氣候的變化,世界許多地區的滑坡發生的頻率和程度正在發生變化。
  • 22Basically, the phenomenon of Standing Waves occurs when sound waves of the same frequency reflect off the walls and meet from opposite directions.基本上,當相同頻率的聲波從牆壁上反射並從相反方向相遇,就會出現駐波現象。
  • 23This grid of horizontal lines and we will know that if we're going from here to here, it's got to be exactly this frequency or at least this space.這個水平線組成的網格,讓我們知道,如果我們從這裏到這裏,正好是這樣的頻率或者至少是這個間隔。
  • 24Just remember that violet light is the end that actually has the shortest wavelength, which means that it also has, of course, the highest frequency.只要記住,紫色光在末端,實際上,它有最短的波長,意味着它當然也有最高的頻率。
  • 25Any device that's built to receive a wireless signal at a specific frequency can be overwhelmed by a stronger signal coming in on the same frequency.任何以特定頻率接收無線信號的設備都可能被來自同一頻率的更強的信號淹沒。
  • 26Increasingly, researchers have begun to look at the quality of relationships, rather than at the frequency of contact, between the elderly and their children.越來越多的研究人員開始關注老人和孩子之間關係的質量,而不是他們之間聯繫的頻率。
  • 27Another experiment demonstrated that physical exercise, which was sufficiently vigorous to double the rate of breathing, had no effect on the frequency of yawning.另一項實驗表明,體育運動——尤其是劇烈的運動——可以使呼吸頻率增加一倍,但這對打哈欠的頻率沒有影響。
  • 28Exposure to loud noises can definitely produce a partial or complete loss of hearing, depending on the intensity, duration, and frequency composition of the noise.暴露在巨大的噪音中肯定會造成部分或完全的聽力喪失,這取決於噪音的強度、持續時間和頻率組成。
  • 29With the right device tuned to the right frequency, what's to stop a thief from jamming your setup and blocking that alert signal from ever reaching the base station?通過將正確的設備調整到正確的頻率,如何防止小偷干擾你的設備阻止警報信號到達基站呢?
  • 30A portrait type that appeared with relentless frequency in eighteenth-century England is the familiar image of a gentleman poised with one hand inside his partially unbuttoned waistcoat.18世紀英國出現頻率極高的一種肖像類型,是人們熟悉的紳士單手插在部分沒有釦子的馬甲裏的形象。 [1] 