

詞    性


Dennis Frenchman 麻省理工學院城市設計與城市發展主任
Frenchman Frenchmen 法國人
French Frenchman 法國
Frenchman excellent 弗倫奇曼
Frenchman Bay 法國人灣 ; 法國人海灣 ; 名字
an Frenchman 一個法國人
Czechborn Frenchman 長大的法籍捷克人
Frenchman Knob 街道地址
Frenchman two 法國人 [1] 


  • 1The Frenchman held his own against the challenger.那個法國人頂住了挑戰者的攻擊。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Robert Millar finished 1 minute and 35 seconds ahead of the Frenchman.羅伯特·米拉爾領先法國選手1分35秒完成比賽。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3A Frenchman Niepce, needed pictures for his business.一個叫尼埃普斯的法國人需要用圖片來做生意。
  • 4That's precisely why one garbage-eating Frenchman has caught our attention.這恰恰是那個吃垃圾的法國人引起我們注意的原因。
  • 5That year, Daguerre, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room.那一年,另一個法國人達蓋爾,拍了一張其閲覽室的照片。
  • 6The Frenchman Denis Papin had the idea for a steam engine almost a hundred years before James Watt was born, but Denis never had enough money to build one.法國人丹尼斯·帕潘在詹姆斯·瓦特出生前近百年就有了製造蒸汽機的想法,但是他從來沒有足夠的資金去建造這樣一台機器。
  • 7To speak robin to a robin is like speaking French to a Frenchman.對知更鳥説知更鳥的語言,就像對法國人説法語。
  • 8She has a young lawyer, a Frenchman, who is rather timid, it seems, but he is trying to win back her fortune.她有一個年輕的律師,是個法國人,他好像是一個相當膽小的人,但他在努力爭回她的財產。
  • 9The greatest single advance began in 1800 when a Frenchman, Nicolas Appert, discovered that he could preserve certain foods by sealing them in jars and keeping the air from them.最大的進步開始於1800年,當時法國人尼古拉斯·阿佩爾發現,他可以把某些食物密封在罐子裏,不讓空氣進入。
  • 10Your friseur is a Frenchman.你的美髮師是個法國人。
  • 11A Frenchman named Dureau had pictured it in 1847.一位名叫迪羅的法國人在1847年對它進行了描繪。
  • 12The other was Blaise Pascal, a Frenchman.另一位則是法國人布萊斯•帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal)。
  • 13London's first chocolate shop is opened by a Frenchman in 1657.1657年法國人在倫敦開了第一家巧克力商店。
  • 14Television viewers voted him the greatest Frenchman of all time.他是電視觀眾票選出來的有史以來最偉大的法國人。
  • 15No Frenchman would ever marry her - she has a police record.沒有一個法國人會娶她,她在警察局裏掛了號。
  • 16A supermarket sold a melon for $100 to a Frenchman at Christmas.在聖誕節之際,一家超市以100美元的價格將一個甜瓜賣給了一位法國人。
  • 17Once a model, she married a Frenchman and lived in Paris for decades.當她還是模特時,她嫁給了一個法國人,在巴黎住了幾十年。
  • 18The Frenchman approached the coffin. Confidence showed on his rugged face.這法國人走進棺材,粗糙的臉上顯示着信心。
  • 19Lucien is not presented as a monster but as a fairly average Frenchman.在電影中盧西安並沒有被描繪成惡魔,而只是作為一個極為普通的法國人的形象存在。
  • 20The Frenchman added: "We have shown our love and care for Cesc since the start.這位法國人繼續道:“我們從一開始就展示我們對塞斯克的愛和關心。
  • 21He saw DE Roquefort did not appreciate the challenge, but the Frenchman only smiled.他注意到雷孟達不喜歡他挑戰性的話語,但這法國人只是笑笑。
  • 22The Frenchman added: "We have shown our love and care for Cesc since the start."這位法國人繼續道:“我們從一開始就展示我們對塞斯克的愛和關心。”
  • 23Editor's note: Alexis DE Belloy is a Frenchman who lives and works in Austin, Texas.編者按:埃裏·克西斯。德。貝盧瓦是一位住在德克薩斯州奧斯丁的法國人。
  • 24We had also heard of Alain Bombard, a Frenchman similarly aware of wartime loss.我們還聽説過法國人阿蘭龐巴迪的故事,他也關注戰時的人員損失。
  • 25The Frenchman was an unknown quantity when he arrived in north London back in 1996.1996年,當他初到北倫敦時,這個法國人還只不過是個未知數而已。
  • 26Wenger, though, is confident the Frenchman will extend his stay at the Emirates Stadium.儘管如此,温格仍然堅信法國人會延長他在酋長球場的職業生涯。
  • 27To what harsh extremes I am reduced, me, a Frenchman compelled to wear a German uniform!情況壞到了這種地步,我一個法國人竟然穿上德國的軍裝。
  • 28The average Frenchman spends 24 years in retirement, against an OECD average of 18 years.法國人平均要在退休階段度過24年,超過OECD成員的平均水平18歲。