


詞    性


urban freeway 城市高速道路 ; 都會區高速公路 ; 城市快速路
Freeway Park 高速公路公園 ; 西雅圖自由大道公園 ; 街道地址 ; 西雅圖高速公路公園
Eastern Freeway 東部高速公路 ; 高速公路 ; 東部高速路
Monash Freeway 莫納什高速公路 ; 莫納什高速
Embarcadero Freeway 濱海高速公路 ; 高速公路
Freeway Jumper 高速搶車
Media Freeway 多媒體自由行
Bayshore Freeway 灣岸高速公路 ; 沿海岸的高速公路
Freeway Biker 高速公路車手 [1] 


  • 1The speed limit on the freeway is 55mph.這條高速公路的限速為每小時55英里。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He slewed the motorbike over as they hit the freeway.他們衝到高速公路時,他趕緊把摩托車調轉方向。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Smoke began to spread across the freeway like fog.煙開始像濃霧一樣在高速公路上蔓延。
  • 4When someone dangerously cuts you off on the freeway, your thought might be, "I do not want this anger" (or "rage", if it's that bad).當有人在高速公路上危險地超車時,你的想法可能是,“我不要生氣”(或者“暴怒”,如果它是那麼糟糕的話)。
  • 5A special purpose lane system would require more extensive physical modifications to existing highways, but it promises the greatest gains in freeway capacity.建立專用車道系統需要對現有公路進行更廣泛的物理改造,而它又保證了公路車輛通行量能夠得到最大程度的提高。
  • 6A two way traffic model of freeway entrance around city was established.建立了高速公路繞城出入口的雙向交通模型。
  • 7We must be off the freeway.我們得離開高速公路。
  • 8I like to drive on freeway.我喜歡在高速公路上開車。
  • 9The new freeway will pass over the lake.新的高速公路將越過湖面。
  • 10Drive down the freeway, there they are.開車下高速公路,他們在那。
  • 11Get off the freeway (motorway) at the next exit.在下個出口駛離高速路。
  • 12I'm in the car right now, I'm doing 90 on the freeway.我在開着車,時速90,高速公路。
  • 13Now me and Jack-O 'are driving down the dark 280 freeway.現在我和豁牙南瓜燈傑克正沿着黑暗的280高速公路行駛。
  • 14The building of a new freeway became a controversial issue.興建新的高速公路已經成為一個具有爭議性的議題。
  • 15On the way home Joe and I are driving down the empty freeway.我和喬沿着空曠的高速公路開車回家。
  • 16As an old man was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang.一位老人開車行駛在高速公路上,這時車載電話響了。
  • 17People in this city boycotted the construction of the new freeway.這個城市的居民抵制新的高速公路的興建。
  • 18Might be fun to try it on the San Diego Freeway one of these days.這可能非常有趣如果你這幾天在聖地亞哥的高速公路上試試看的話。
  • 19I do most of my praying, more than any other place, on the freeway.我自己禱告的很多,高速公路上是我禱告最多的地方。
  • 20At twenty-five miles an hour on the freeway, she should get a ticket.她以每小時25公里的速度在高速公路上行駛,應該得張罰單。
  • 21They have a balletic freeway system; snazzy shopping malls; stylish skylines.他們擁有優美的高速公路、時髦的購物商場、現代的高樓大廈。
  • 22And now I know what the proper name is for the cats eyes that are embedded in the freeway!現在我終於明白如何正確命名內嵌在高速公路上的貓眼了!
  • 23Would anything stop the shrieking short of a ride in the car seat up and down the 405 Freeway?有時當汽車在405高速公路上顛簸時,我會鬱悶能不能有什麼東西停止孩子的尖叫哭聲。
  • 24Oddly enough, the same techniques used to size a new freeway system can be used to size an MMOG.有意思的是,對新的高速公路系統進行規模評估所用的技術也可以應用於MMOG。
  • 25We drove quite a ways on the freeway then pulled off onto an exit neither of us was familiar with at all.我們沿着高速公路開了很久,然後從一個我倆都不熟的出口下了高速路。
  • 26You can’t decide what to make for dinner, what to wear to work or which exit to take off the freeway.你無法決定做什麼飯、穿什麼衣服去上班或從高速路的哪個出口出去。
  • 27The other day, I was driving down the freeway and noticed that more and more billboards are going digital.有一天,我開車在高速公路,發現越來越多的廣告牌是走向數字化。