

floral,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“花的;植物的,植物羣的;花似的”。 [1] 
詞    性
類    型


ADJ A floral fabric or design has flowers on it. 有花卉圖案的
ADJ You can use floral to describe something that contains flowers or is made of flowers. 有花的; 由花組成的 [ADJ n] [1] 


floral element[植] 植物區系成分 ; 植物羣系成分
floral white 花白色 ; 花白 ; 斑白色
Fresh Floral 水墨光陰 ; 清新花香型
FLORAL DREAM 夢幻香型 ; 夢寐款 ; 阿迪達斯花香系列
Floral Tea 花茶
Floral Print 花卉圖案 ; 印花裙更風情 ; 碎花圖案
Floral Floc 絨花
Floral meristem 花分生組織 ; 逐步形成花的分生組織 ; 為花分生組織 ; 轉變為花分生組織
floral syndrome 綜合特徵 [1] 


  • 1Floral tributes were sent to the church.敬獻的鮮花已送往教堂。《牛津詞典》
  • 2In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints.在這客廳裏我們將各種漂亮的花卉圖案搭配在了一起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He was arranging floral centrepieces in the banquet hall.他正在宴會大廳擺放餐桌中央的裝飾花束。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The movie features lots of soft fabrics, pastel colors and delicate floral prints.這部電影展現許多柔軟的織物、柔和的顏色以及優雅的織物印花圖案。
  • 5The ornate features of Buckingham Palace will be reflected on the cake, but most of the decorations will be floral, and each has a meaning.白金漢宮的華麗特點將蛋糕上反映,但大部分的裝飾品都將是花卉,而且每件都藴含一定的意義。
  • 6Nevertheless, the presence of floral-patterned rugs in court scenes from two paintings in a 1440s Timurid manuscript suggests that floral-patterned rugs were already being used at that time.然而,14世紀40年代的帖木兒手稿中的兩幅畫中宮廷場景中出現的花卉圖案的地毯表明,花卉圖案的地毯在當時已經被使用了。
  • 7She engraved the ring in a floral pattern.她把戒指刻成花卉圖案。
  • 8"Girls like the floral," Ms. Sevigny said.“女孩子喜歡碎花,”史蘿依説。
  • 9But she has noticed the return of the floral skirt.她也注意到了碎花裙的回潮。
  • 10Product Information: Ditsy Floral Bangles, Monsoon.產品信息: 小印花手鐲, Monsoon.
  • 11And as it is in the floral tribe, so it is in God's kingdom.在植物界如此,在天國也是如此。
  • 12Floral china knobs on the washroom cabinets. What charm.衞生間的櫥櫃上有描花的瓷器門鈕,真的很美妙。
  • 13With the right outfit, floral print can also have an edgy feel.右側的搭配中,印花也能帶來前衞的感覺。
  • 14If she expects floral delights and you fail to satisfy, you're screwed.如果她想得到鮮花而你並沒有滿足她,你就完蛋了。
  • 15She wore a loose floral mini dress with shoulder straps and flip-flops.她身穿一件帶有墊肩的寬鬆式花飾超短連衣裙,還穿了雙平底人字拖鞋。
  • 16Smooth taste: The signature taste of da hung pao is distinctively floral.味道醇厚:大紅袍的標誌性特徵就是香氣濃郁。
  • 17"My entire wardrobe consists of floral, denim and black leather," she said.“我整個衣櫃都是碎花、牛仔和皮衣,”她表示。
  • 18Every year around this time, floral prints start to emerge on the fashion scene.每年到了現在這個時候,印花就成為時尚圈的常客。
  • 19Each bottle features a different floral pattern from the Spring 2011 collection.每一個瓶身代表着2011春季不同的系列。
  • 20Wattle – the floral emblem of Australia – has proved a huge problem for South Africa.金合歡樹(澳大利亞的植物象徵)給南非帶來了嚴重問題。
  • 21Ahead of them, young men huddled in the back of a delivery truck, under floral blankets.在他們前邊,青年男子蜷縮在送貨卡車的後面,蓋着花毛毯。
  • 22Small red, blue and ochre square stones are patterned in geometric and floral designs.紅色、藍色以及土黃色的小塊方石被嵌成幾何圖形和花型圖案。
  • 23We've all seen traditional "ditsy" floral print-dainty, feminine, and totally classic.我們都見過傳統的小印花——美麗,女性化,古典。
  • 24They also love the natural and contemporary floral bouquets that are stylish and trendy.他們還喜歡自然的,富有現代感的,時尚新潮的花束。
  • 25Within hours of the tragedy, people living near Irwin's zoo began leaving floral tributes.悲劇發生後的幾小時裏,居住在史蒂夫·歐文動物園附近的人們開始向他供奉鮮花。