

釋    義


英 [flɪk]美 [flɪk]


  • n.
    • (用手指的)輕彈
    • (用鞭等的)輕打,輕擊
    • (用手帕等的)輕拂
    • (鞭等的)輕擊聲,輕打聲;輕彈聲;啪嗒聲
    • (色、光的)斑點;(濺到的泥水所形成的)污跡;條紋
    • 輕快的動作
    • 【軍事】(探照燈的)照亮(瞬間);[口令]集中照射
    • 【生物學】微跳
  • vt.
    • (用手指等輕快地)彈去,拂去;輕彈:to flick dust from one's coat把上衣的灰塵彈去Flick the dust off and we will use this table.把這張桌子上的灰塵輕輕抹去,我們要用桌子。
    • (用鞭等急速地)輕打,輕擊;急速地輕抽(鞭子);投擲:The boys flicked wet towels at each other.男孩們用濕毛巾相互對擲。to flick a cow with a whip用鞭在牛身上輕輕一抽
    • 輕快地開動(轉動、移動)
  • vi.
    • (急速地)輕擊;輕彈,輕拂;啪地開動;(急速地)輕輕轉動:He flicked at spot with handkerchief.他輕輕地用手帕拂拭污點。His eyes flicked over toward her.他瞧了她一眼。
    • (鳥)振翼,拍翅;(翅)拍動;(旗幟等的)飄動,飄場
  • n.
    • [英國俚語]
    • 電影,影片
    • [the flicks][總稱]電影;電影院


slasher flick 驚悚電影 ; 驚悚影戲 ; 驚悚片子
Chick Flick 小妞電影 ; 女生愛看的電影 ; 小雞電影 ; 言情片
flick service 抖腕發球 ; 發平快球


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 輕打,輕撣 hit quickly and lightly
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]輕打 quick light blow


  1. a light sharp contact (usually with something flexible);"he gave it a flick with his finger"  "he felt the flick of a whip"
  2. a short stroke
  3. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement;"they went to a movie every Saturday night"  "the film was shot on location"
  1. flash intermittently;"The lights flicked on and off"
  2. look through a book or other written material;"He thumbed through the report"  "She leafed through the volume"
  3. cause to move with a flick;"he flicked his Bic"
  4. throw or toss with a quick motion;"flick a piece of paper across the table"  "jerk his head"
  5. shine unsteadily;"The candle flickered"
  6. twitch or flutter;"the paper flicked"
  7. cause to make a snapping sound;"snap your fingers"
  8. touch or hit with a light, quick blow;"flicked him with his hand"
  9. remove with a flick (of the hand)


  • 1Snuggle as you watch a romantic flick together.你們看浪漫的電影的時候依偎在一起。
  • 2I had a hankering to see 1949's White Heat, the Jimmy Cagney flick where he plays gangster Cody Jarrett.我很想看1949年的《白熱》,那是一部吉米·卡格尼主演的電影,他在其中飾演黑幫老大科迪·賈勒特。
  • 3Maybe you hold your breath, or maybe you decide to skip the flick and go home to scrub your hands like you're Lady Macbeth.你可能會屏住呼吸,或者打消看電影的念頭,改成回家像麥克白夫人那樣搓洗手。
  • 4When the lights come up at the end of the flick, call up a friend and loudly discuss how rude the guy texting throughout the entire movie was.當電影結束,燈光亮起時,打電話給朋友,大聲討論那個傢伙在看電影的整個過程都在發短信有多粗魯。
  • 5He threw the ball back with a quick flick of the wrist.他手腕一抖把球傳了回來。《牛津詞典》
  • 6I had a flick through the catalogue while I was waiting.我等待時瀏覽了目錄。《牛津詞典》
  • 7With a deft flick of his wrist, he extinguished the match.他的手腕靈巧地一抖,就熄滅了火柴。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8I thought I'd have a quick flick through some recent issues.我想我要快速瀏覽一下最近的幾期雜誌了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Bell's flick into the penalty area helped to create the goal.貝爾迅速插進禁區助攻,創造了這次進球的機會。《牛津詞典》
  • 10During the fight with a rival gang he lashed out with his flick knife.和對立幫派羣毆時,他用彈簧刀猛烈攻擊。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11I've only had time to flick through your report but it seems to be fine.我的時間不多,只是草草翻閲了一下你的報告,但似乎還不錯。《牛津詞典》
  • 12That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch.那是在過去,還沒有到開關一響就有電的時代。《牛津詞典》
  • 13He saw birds come and dip their heads to drink in it and then flick their wings and fly away.他看見鳥兒飛來,低下頭來喝水,然後扇動翅膀飛走了。
  • 14The actor will soon join the Marvel Cinematic Universe once he begins work on the upcoming superhero flick, Doctor Strange.這個演員很快就會加入漫威電影宇宙,投入其在即將到來的超級英雄影片《奇異博士》的工作。
  • 15Let's hope they're wise enough not to be fooled by a machine that claims to determine truthfulness at the flick of a switch.我們希望他們足夠聰明,不要被一台聲稱只要按一下開關就能確定真實性的機器愚弄。
  • 16The flick is about the responsibility that men have to rescue those that mean something to them. That includes a daring rescue from a boring sick day.這部電影是關於男人有責任去拯救那些對他們有意義的事情。那包括從乏味的生病的日子中勇敢的拯救。
  • 17She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room with an ashen face, as if he'd seen a fulminating witch, some kind of horror flick apparition.她邊笑邊咳嗽,丈夫臉色蒼白從房間裏跑出來,好像他見到了一個暴怒的巫婆,像是某種恐怖片裏的幽靈似的。
  • 18Her fingers flick on the keyboard.Handler女士的手指在鍵盤上輕快的敲打着。
  • 19Do you want to catch a flick with us?你想不想跟我們去看電影啊?
  • 20Flick the dust off and we will use this table.把這張桌子上的灰塵輕輕抹去,我們要用桌子。
  • 21Anything you need is only a flick of your tail away.您只要隨便招呼一聲就能得到您要的。
  • 22Finish with a roll or flick of the brush toward the biting edge.完了向切端捲起或拂動牙刷。
  • 23This pass gets its power from the flick of your wrists and fingers.傳球靠手腕和五指發力。
  • 24Can we flick a switch in our genome that will greatly extend our lifespan?人類能不能在的自己的基因組上輕輕按下某個“開關”,然後就可以大大延長壽命?
  • 25To access the rest, you flick up a screen that holds all your applications.要訪問其餘的部分,你只需要輕敲屏幕上的所有程序。
  • 26Will users be forced to seek out movie fan pages to watch that particular flick?用户是否必須登錄到特定影片的影迷頁面,才能觀賞想看的電影?
  • 27Most recently, Mitch Richmond helped produce the horror flick, Chain Letter.最近,米奇·裏奇·蒙德參演了恐怖片《連鎖信》。
  • 28Somewhere, faintly, a man in a dusty clerk's robe would flick his quill and laugh.彷彿我們能在朦朧中看到一個穿着落滿灰塵的店員長袍的男人,一邊輕彈着他的羽毛筆一邊笑着。 [2] 


  • flick knife 彈簧刀
  • flick through (快速)翻閲
  • flick away 彈去
  • flick off 彈去
  • skin flick < 俚>裸體色情影片...
  • flick on (通過輕按)咯噠地一...
  • flick separator 彈動分離器
  • flick turn 急轉彎
  • flick roll 突然橫滾
  • flick over 翻書頁
  • backhand flick 反手突擊
  • flick shot 撥射
  • porn flick 色情影片
  • flick stroke 轉棍推擊
  • flick volley 敲踢凌空球
  • flick pass 敲傳
  • flick out 猛然伸出,不經意拋掉... [1] 