

filth是一個英語單詞,名詞,意思是“污穢;骯髒;猥褻;不潔 [1]  ”。
詞    性


英[fɪlθ]美[fɪlθ] [1] 


filth fly 翻譯
dani filth 提供關於 ; 最愛影星
Old Filth 邋遢佬
Crawling Filth 污穢匍獸
surface filth 表面污穢
Farmyard Filth 唱片名
filth allowance 容污量 [1] 


  • 1He would tell her, "Oh, sinful wretch, who is spreading disease and filth like an open sewer."他會告訴她:“噢,可惡的傢伙,像露天下水道一樣傳播疾病和污穢。”
  • 2How can you read such filth?你怎麼能看這種淫穢讀物?《牛津詞典》
  • 3The dialogue was all filth and innuendo.這段對話全是下流的言辭和影射。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The floor was covered in grease and filth.地板上滿是油垢和污物。《牛津詞典》
  • 5"Man's heart" in Yeats is "resinous"; it's sticky filth that flames.“人心”於葉芝看來是“樹脂”;是粘乎乎會燃燒的髒東西。
  • 6The faecal filth of salmon farming has driven wild salmon from many of the sea lochs and rivers of Scotland.鮭魚養殖過程中產生的糞便污垢把野生鮭魚從蘇格蘭的許多海灣和河流中驅趕了出來。
  • 7You put filth in my child's mouth.你教會了我的孩子講污穢的話。
  • 8You can't eat this filth.你不能吃這垃圾。
  • 9The gutters were choked with filth.街溝中淤積着污物。
  • 10Turning beauty into filth and greed.任由骯髒和貪婪將美麗佔有。
  • 11You can never be anything but filth.你永遠都只是一堆污物。
  • 12Go and wash that filth off your hand.去把你手上的髒東西洗掉。
  • 13Filth is one of the best I've ever read, I think.我認為《污垢》是我讀過的最好的劇本之一。
  • 14she helmed a film called ‘Filth and Wisdom’ in 2008.08年她執導了一部名為《下流與智慧》的電影。
  • 15The alley was littered with garbage and other filth.這條衚衕裏到處是垃圾和其他污物。
  • 16It was infested with filth and vermin, including my Cousins.那裏面都是污穢和寄生蟲,包括我的表兄弟在內。
  • 17The world, the terrestrial atmosphere, is full of filth.這一世界,在地上的氛圍中,充滿了污穢。
  • 18They have learned how to thrive in urban litter and filth.它們學會了如何在城市垃圾中繁衍。
  • 19These are ideal conditions for diseases of filth to flourish.這些是水土污染引起的疾病盛行的理想條件。
  • 20We know how water scarcity translates into diseases of filth.我們知道缺水怎樣轉變成由水土污染引起的疾病。
  • 21Would you try a special mask to get rid of the filth and grease?你要試試這種特別的面膜來去除污垢和油脂嗎?
  • 22Yet thou shalt plunge me in filth, and my garments shall abhor me.你卻把我浸在泥坑內,甚至我的衣服都憎惡我。
  • 23Their blood will be poured out like dust and their entrails like filth.他們的血,必倒出如灰塵,他們的肉,必拋棄如糞土。
  • 24In the garden, wreathed in filth, stood the ugly girl, cuddling a child.在髒亂的花園裏站着醜女孩,抱着一個孩子。
  • 25Holika also signifies the dirt and filth that collects during the winter months.霍利嘉也象徵着冬季裏積存了的污垢。
  • 26Insect filth (AOAC 977.25b) Average of more than 75 insect fragments per 25 grams.昆蟲(AOAC 977.25 B):平均每25克中多於75個昆蟲殘片。 [1] 
  • 1.    filth  .有道詞典[引用日期2017-04-27]