

ferment,英語單詞,名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為“發酵;酵素;動亂;(Ferment) (法)費爾芒(人名)”,作動詞時意為“(使)發酵;動亂;挑起,激起(麻煩,動亂)”。
詞    性
類    型


英[fə'ment]美[fɚ'mɛnt] [1] 


ferment odour酵氣
unorganized ferment[生化]離體酶
inverting ferment轉化酶 ; 翻譯
protective ferment防禦性酶
Vitasea Ferment海洋生命酵素 ; 深海活泉酵素
Ferment Filtrate植物萃取乳酸菌 ; 發酵濾液
hydrolytic ferment水解酶 ; 翻譯
Red Ferment紅色素髮酵
Revitalizing Ferment全新活力再生髮酵精華 [1] 


  • 1Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives.在胃裏快速發酵的食物是極好的天然瀉藥。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The dried grapes are allowed to ferment until there is no sugar left and the wine is dry.幹葡萄要經過發酵,直到沒有糖分存留,葡萄酒才不會有甜味。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Before it even has time to ferment, to quickly offer something to the deity again, to procure favor for the rest of the crop.很快弄成麪粉,還來不及發酵,只為了敬獻給神,為了博得神的喜愛,保佑這些莊稼。
  • 4The country is in ferment.這個國家動盪不安。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long.果汁存放過久就會發酵。《牛津詞典》
  • 6The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.整個國家幾個月來一直處在政治騷動的狀態中。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Benefits contain floatstone particles and pineapple ferment to soften skin.功效包括浮石顆粒和菠蘿酵素,可軟化皮膚。
  • 8More people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy.人多議論多,熱氣高,幹勁大。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9Winter ferment a silvery dream.冬天醖釀着一個銀色的夢。
  • 10Oil and gas add fuel to the ferment.石油和天然氣加劇了這種動亂。
  • 11Yeast is a ferment .酵母是一種發酵劑。
  • 12My longing is the ferment to transform it.我的渴望經發酵釀成了酒。
  • 13The food may ferment instead of digest as a result.結果食物可能會發酵而不是被消化。
  • 14It was impossible for natural yeast to ferment xylose.天然酵母不可能用來發酵木糖。
  • 15Mr Netanyahu speaks almost fatalistically of the ferment in the region.內塔尼亞胡對地區動亂的評價充滿了宿命感。
  • 16Here, millions of bacteria feast on the remaining food, and ferment it.在這裏,數百萬的細菌享受着殘羹盛宴並將其發酵。
  • 17The longer these foods stay in the gut, the more they ferment and smell.食物在內臟中儲存時間越長,發酵程度就越高,氣味也越大。
  • 18Indeed, if tea does ferment and fungus grows, a carcinogenic substance is produced.如果真有人把菌類放到茶葉裏,讓它發酵的話,那他造出來的將是一種致癌物質。
  • 19It is my hope that it will become as popular to ferment as it is to turn into a crumble.我希望終有一天把它拿去釀酒能和把它做成點心一樣流行。
  • 20They point out that good Moutai takes a year to ferment and at least four more years to age.他們説好的茅台酒需要一年的時間發酵,另需至少四個年頭成熟。
  • 21There is still a tremendous amount of intellectual ferment and excitement in the capitals of Russia.當時的知識分子還是相當活躍,特別是在俄國大城市中。
  • 22To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.為了滿足麪包店主的需要,製造商讓酵母發酵,以生產出濃度更高的產品。
  • 23Unfortunately, the fruit does not keep long when off the tree and will start to ferment after about 3 or 4 days.不幸的是,果實從樹上落下後不能保存太長時間,3到4天后就開始發酵。
  • 24But it's not easy to produce isobutanol with the help of microbes like the ones that ferment those sugars into ethanol.但是,異丁醇並不能像乙醇那樣可以由微生物發酵糖分輕易製得。
  • 25These sugary galls often ferment on the forest floor, and locals have been known to make an alcoholic beverage from them.這些含糖的蟲癭經常在森林的地面上發酵,當地人一直用它們來釀造含酒精的飲料。
  • 26Temperature and humidity are controlled to ensure that the leaf continues to ferment, without rotting or disintegrating.温度和濕度的控制,以確保煙葉繼續發酵,沒有腐爛或崩解。 [1] 