


foe是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“ 敵人;反對者;危害物”。
詞    性


英[fəʊ]美[foʊ] [1] 


Hallam Foe哈勒姆 ; 偷窺者哈藍 ; 敵人哈勒姆
powerful foe力量強大的敵人
Foe Hunting獵敵者
deadliest foe致命的天敵 ; 天敵
hole foe孔底
FoE abbreviation敵人縮寫
foe radar敵我識別雷達
Samantha Foe標籤 [1] 


  • 1The most promising strategy has become to harness one foe against the other.最有希望的策略是利用一個敵人對付另一個敵人。
  • 2FOE could be particularly hard to block and could work in concert with other circumvention technologies.FOE 可能特別難以被攔截,而且可以與其他規避技術協同工作。
  • 3The settlements outside the blocks would wither and die, says Silvan Shalom, a Likud deputy prime minister and longtime foe of the prime minister.利庫德集團副總理、首相的長期敵人西爾萬·沙洛姆表示,這些街區之外的定居點將會消亡。
  • 4But he soon discovers that his old foe may be leading him into a trap.但他不久發現他的老對頭也許正把他引入圈套。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The most serious deficiency in NATO's air defence is the lack of an identification system to distinguish friend from foe.北約防空的最大缺陷就是缺乏能夠辨認敵友的識別系統。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Flee from every symptom of this deadly foe as you would flee from a viper.你要逃避這死敵的一切症狀,猶如逃避一條蝰蛇一般。
  • 7Echoing the best traditions of "Tom and Jerry", the mouse remains undaunted and even raises a paw to fend off his larger foe.老鼠要繼承和發揚自己的先輩在《湯姆和傑瑞》中的光榮傳統,它立刻擺出一副無所畏懼的架勢,甚至舉起爪子去襲擊比它更大的對手。
  • 8With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe.宜將剩勇追窮寇。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9A friend is a friend; a foe is a foe; one must be clearly distinguished from the other.敵是敵,友是友,必須分清界限。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10Henry emerged into the anteroom where lay his late redoubted foe.亨利出現在前廳裏,那裏躺着他的死敵。
  • 11we must meet the common foe!我們必須面對共同的敵人!
  • 12It's My Friend (or Foe?)我的朋友(還是敵人?)
  • 13Let no fear or foe confound thee.莫讓憂懼或仇敵,把你騒擾。
  • 14The malaria parasite is a terrible foe.瘧原蟲是一個可怕的敵人。
  • 15Never wound a foe when you can kill him.在你能殺死一個敵人的時候,決不要手下留情。
  • 16Will the foe revile your name forever?仇敵褻瀆你的名,要到永遠嗎?
  • 17And you're our foe.而你是我們的對手。
  • 18They see the West as a foe bent on stopping them.他們將西方視為一心阻撓他們的敵人。
  • 19One foe is too many; and a hundred friends too few.一個敵人太多,百個朋友太少。
  • 20LIKE IT OR NOT, WE ARE ALLIES NOW AGAINST A COMMON FOE.你願不願意,我們現在是同盟,我們有共同的敵人。
  • 21To start with it couldn't decide if I was a friend or a foe.因為是第一次打交道,它無法斷定我是朋友還是敵人。
  • 22BACTERIA, like people, can be divided into friend and foe.細菌和人一樣也有敵我之分。
  • 23After all, peashooters are of little use against a determined foe.畢竟,對於決心已定的敵人來説,玩具槍起不到多少作用。
  • 24Foe example: c: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ mywcfservice and click OK.例如:c: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ mywcfservice。單擊ok。
  • 25The point is that you should regard it as your friend, not a foe.關鍵在於應將數學看作朋友,而非敵人。
  • 26He faced the fact squarely that there was a foe worthy of his steel.他正視這一事實:現在他有了一位勁敵。
  • 27That is true even today. Fire is the grassland's friend and the forest's foe.甚至在今天那也是正確的——大火是草地的朋友,森林的敵人。
  • 28Mr Erdogan will brief her on talks with another former Turkish foe, Armenia.埃爾多安將向她簡單地介紹與另一個前土耳其敵對國家亞美尼亞的會談。 [1] 
  • 1.    foe  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-15]