


詞    性


英 [ɪkˈspləʊʒ(ə)n] 美 [ɪkˈsploʊʒn]
n. 爆破,爆炸(聲);激增;爆發,迸發;突發的巨響;某事證實是錯誤的,推翻
[ 複數 explosions ] [1] 


explosion /ɪkˈspləʊʒən/ CET4 TEM4
1.N-COUNT An explosion is a sudden, violent burst of energy, such as one caused by a bomb. 爆炸
2.N-VAR Explosion is the act of deliberately causing a bomb or similar device to explode. 引爆
3.N-COUNT An explosion is a large rapid increase in the number or amount of something. 暴增; 暴漲
4.N-COUNT An explosion is a sudden violent expression of someone's feelings, especially anger. (情感、尤指憤怒的) 暴發
5.N-COUNT An explosion is a sudden and serious political protest or violence. (抗議、暴力行為的) 爆發 [1] 


underground explosion[力]地下爆炸 ;[力]地下爆破
Clutch explosion離合器炸裂 ; 聚散器炸裂 ; 制動踏板發軟 ; 離合器從動盤
explosion equivalent[力]爆炸當量
thermal explosion[力]熱爆炸 ; 熱爆 ; 第二類為熱爆炸 ; 翻譯
GALAXIAN EXPLOSION銀河星爆 ; 銀河爆炸 ; 撒加 ; 銀河星暴
explosion crater爆裂火口 ;[地質]爆裂火山口
explosion engine內燃機 ; 爆發引擎 ; 爆燃式內燃機 ; 爆發動力機
explosion hazard爆炸事故 ; 爆炸危險 ; 爆炸危險性
Explosion sensor[自]爆炸傳感器 [1] 


  • She was blinded in the explosion. 她在那場爆炸中雙目失明瞭。
  • The explosion startled the horse. 爆炸聲使馬受了驚。
  • The explosion perforated his eardrum. 爆炸震破了他的耳膜。
  • 300 people were injured in the explosion. 有300人在爆炸中受傷。
  • People fled from the explosion in terror. 人們驚恐地逃離了爆炸現場。
  • I heard what might have been an explosion. 我聽到的可能是爆炸的聲音。
  • They heard what sounded like a huge explosion. 他們聽見了一種像是巨大爆炸的聲音。
  • We watched the explosion from a safe distance. 我們在安全距離之外觀看了爆破。
  • He fast-forwarded the tape past the explosion. 他讓磁帶快進,跳過了爆炸部分。
  • Flashes of light were followed by an explosion. 陣陣閃光後就是一聲爆炸的巨響。
  • By sheer luck nobody was hurt in the explosion. 萬幸的是,沒有人在爆炸中受傷。
  • The school took the full force of the explosion. 爆炸的全部破壞力都集中在這所學校。
  • There was an explosion and the whole sky lit up. 一聲爆炸照亮了整個天空。
  • The explosion completely destroyed the building. 爆炸完全毀掉了那棟大樓。
  • The explosion pitched her violently into the air. 爆炸把她猛烈地拋向空中。
  • Most of the factory was flattened by the explosion. 工廠的大部分被爆炸夷為平地。
  • A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo. 一架直升機在瓦列霍起火爆炸後墜毀了。
  • The house was unoccupied at the time of the explosion. 爆炸時這座房子裏沒有人。
  • James Bell suffered second-degree burns in an explosion. 詹姆斯·貝爾在一次爆炸中被二度燒傷。
  • The explosion shattered all the windows in the building. 大樓所有的玻璃都在爆炸中震碎了。
  • The explosion shook the foundations of the houses nearby. 爆炸震撼了附近房屋的地基。
  • The reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative. 有關爆炸事件的報道很簡略,未及詳情。
  • A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened. 一個巨大的彈坑標明瞭爆炸發生的地點。
  • The area where the explosion occurred was closed off by police. 爆炸發生的地方被警察封鎖起來了。
  • The explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees. 爆炸聲把棲息在樹叢中的鳥羣驚散了。
  • Bomb disposal experts blew up the bag in a controlled explosion. 拆彈專家在一次控制爆破中炸掉了那個袋子。
  • Four police officers sustained serious injuries in the explosion. 四名警官在爆炸中受了重傷。
  • The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do. 這項測試能精確地預測一場更大的爆炸可能產生的後果。
  • The explosion which followed blasted out the wall of her apartment. 隨後的爆炸炸開了她房間的那面牆。
  • Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device. 炸彈處理小組官員在嚴密控制下引爆了這一裝置。 [1] 