


Exception,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“例外,除外”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)n] 美 [ɪkˈsepʃn]
n. 例外,除外
[ 複數 exceptions ] [1] 


exception /ɪkˈsɛpʃən/ CET4 TEM4
1.N-COUNT An exception is a particular thing, person, or situation that is not included in a general statement, judgment, or rule. 例外
2.PHRASE If you make a general statement, and then say that something or someone is no exception, you are emphasizing that they are included in that statement. 不例外; 無例外 [強調]
3.PHRASE If you take exception to something, you feel offended or annoyed by it, usually with the result that you complain about it. 厭惡; 反感
4.PHRASE You use with the exception of to introduce a thing or person that is not included in a general statement that you are making. 除外
5.PHRASE You use without exception to emphasize that the statement you are making is true in all cases. 無例外地 [強調] [1] 


with the exception of 除了…以外
without exception 無例外地,一律
with the exception 除了…情況
no exception 沒有例外;無一例外
an exception to …的一個例外
exception handling 異常處理,異常情況處理;例外處理
exception to the rule 出軌邊緣
make an exception 例外,破例
take exception 反對;有反感
exception handler 異常處理程序 [1] 


  • There is one exception to this general principle. 這個一般性原則有一例外。
  • No one could possibly take exception to his comments. 任何人都不可能對他的意見提出異議。
  • Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception. 那時候誰都沒有很多錢,我也不例外。
  • Stepfamilies are rapidly becoming the norm, not the exception. 重組家庭正迅速變得司空見慣,不再是個例外。
  • With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success. 除了胡安,每個人都取得了一定的成功。
  • Almost without exception these women fall victim to exploitation. 幾乎毫無例外這些女人都成為了剝削的犧牲品。
  • Yesterday was a day off for everybody, with the exception of Lorenzo. 昨天每個人休一天假,洛倫佐除外。
  • Marketing is applied to everything these days, and books are no exception. 現在市場營銷用於任何事物,圖書也不例外。
  • Normally she wore little makeup, but this evening was clearly an exception. 通常她很少化妝,可今晚顯然是個例外。
  • Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception. 城裏大多是現代建築,不過教堂是個例外。
  • Few guitarists can sing as well as they can play; Eddie, however, is an exception. 很少有吉他手唱歌能唱得跟彈得一樣好,而艾迪是個例外。
  • With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly. 可能除了披頭士樂隊這個例外,還沒有哪個樂隊如此轉瞬走紅的。
  • Most electronics companies have not done well this year, but ours is the exception that proves the rule. 今年多數電子公司都不景氣,而我們公司卻是普遍中的例外。
  • English is no exception. 英語也不例外。
  • There is no rule without an exception. 有規則必有例外。
  • Yet "Apes" is more exception than the rule. 然而,《人猿》更多的是例外而不是常規。
  • Everyone should keep discipline and you are no exception. 每個人都應該遵守紀律,你也毫無例外。
  • In other words, he figured it was an exception to the rule. 換句話説,他認為這是規則的一個例外。
  • They are the exception, not the norm that Ms. Marris implies. 它們只是例外,而不是馬里斯女士所暗示的常態。
  • The only exception is an unusual African rodent, the naked mole rat. 唯一的例外是一種不尋常的非洲齧齒動物,裸鼢鼠。
  • Every coin has two sides, and artificial intelligence is no exception. 凡事都有兩面,人工智能也不例外。
  • With the exception of fresh produce and dairy, try not to buy any food. 除了新鮮農產品和奶製品,儘量不買任何食物。
  • Cancers are another exception, because their cells are rapidly dividing. 癌症是另一個例外,因為它們的細胞在迅速分裂。
  • Few doctors would have thought that there might be an exception to this. 很少有醫生會想到,這可能會有例外。
  • This rule is an exception to the above rule of not setting mediation properties during this phase. 本條規則是上述要求不在此階段設置中介屬性的那條規則的一個例外。
  • The big exception is China, where spending has far surpassed other countries over the past decade. 中國是例外,在過去十年裏,中國的支出遠超其他國家。
  • If the XML parser sees a null character in its input, it throws an exception and stops processing. 如果XML 分析程序在其輸入中看到一個空字符,它就會發出異常並停止處理。
  • For many trees—evergreen conifers being an exception—the best strategy is to abandon photosynthesis until the spring. 對於許多樹木來説——常綠的針葉樹是一個例外——最好的策略是在春天之前放棄光合作用。
  • Getting to the paintings themselves, virtually all Paleolithic cave art represents animals, and Chauvet is no exception. 説到繪畫本身,幾乎所有舊石器時代的洞穴藝術都代表動物,肖維也不例外。
  • He also took exception to having been spied on. 他也厭惡被暗中監視。 [1] 