
Erik-Michael Estrada

Erik-Michael Estrada,1979年9月23日出生於Bronxville, New York,美國歌唱偶像組合O-Town成員之一。
Erik-Michael Estrada
性    別
國    籍
身    高
183 cm [2] 

Erik-Michael Estrada簡介

之後搬到Palm Bay, Florida居住。
Erik, an energetic "Nuyorican" with a baby face, was born and raised in New York City. He loves to write songs, he has studies voice for four years. Although he was raised by his Italian mother and his stepfather, he proudly declares that Puerto Rican culture runs through his soul. Erik is very close to his mother and admits that his stepfather has been a great dad to him. Erik looks forward to meeting a girl who loves music as much as he does.

Erik-Michael Estrada身體信息

身高: 6'0''

Erik-Michael Estrada自我回答

How would someone who really knows you describe your best traits?
I love to learn. I'm a sponge. I'm to giving.
How would someone who really knows you describe your worst traits?
I'm a dreamer. I play too many practical jokes on people.
Describe you most embarrassing moment in life.
I went on a school trip to a swimming pool and wore white shorts... 'nuff said. Describe your fantasy date.
Dating someone who loves music as much as me. Eating in a caf?in Rome, where art comes to life.
Who is the most important person in your life right now?
My grandmother. She had a very close hand in raising me. It was only me and her most of the time, until my mother remarried.
Describe a major event or issue that's affected your family.
There are a lot, but the most influential was my parents move to Florida.
What is your greatest fear?
Losing my loved ones without them knowing I love them.
If you had Aladdin's Lamp and three wishes, what would they be?
1. My parent's health remain great and that they live a full life before they depart.
2. To perform on stage and bring forth beautiful music for people's enjoyment.
3. Throw all the thoughts of war out of the heads of everyone.

Erik-Michael Estrada個人專輯
