

詞    性


pay envelop 工資袋 ; 翻譯
Digital Envelop 數字信封 ; 數位信封
sealed envelop 密封包圍 ; 密封信封內 ; 密封信封 ; 密封的信封
load envelop 負載包線
Message Envelop 稱為消息信封
building envelop 圍護結構
disk envelop 磁碟封套 ; 磁盤封套
chloroplast envelop 葉綠體外被
common envelop [天] 共有包層 [1] 


  • 1His energy, warmth, and curiosity envelop you like a blanket.他的精力、熱誠和好奇心如毯子一般將你包圍。
  • 2Such storms can sometimes envelop the entire planet and change the characteristics of the atmosphere, making EDL far trickier.這樣的風暴有時會包圍整個地球,並改變大氣層的特性,使得 EDL 更加棘手。
  • 3Further up, the weather changes—low clouds envelop the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass.再往上走,天氣就變了——低雲籠罩着被厚厚的草覆蓋的山腰。
  • 4Why is the approach called Envelop Building?為什麼這種方法被稱為圍護結構建築?
  • 5Fear and stress envelop thinking and people overfocus on a narrow selection of solutions.恐懼和壓力籠罩着人們的思維,人們過度關注於有限的解決方案。
  • 6Stick a stamp on the envelop.把一張郵票貼在信封上。
  • 7Please stick two stamps on the envelop.在信封上貼上兩枚郵票。
  • 8The fog began to envelop the campground.大霧開始瀰漫,漸漸包圍了營地。
  • 9Do you usually grab red envelop on WeChat?你有沒有經常在微信上搶紅包?
  • 10To cover or envelop with or as if with fog.以或彷彿以霧氣覆蓋或包容。
  • 11And in our mail arrived an envelop without a return address.而我們郵箱裏收到了一個信封,上面沒有寫發信人地址。
  • 12All combine to form a layer of mist to envelop this region.織成一層煙霧又籠罩着這個地區。
  • 13I get nervous when I see the envelop from school in the mail.當我看見來自學校的信封時我總是緊張。
  • 14Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelop, and unfolded it.他不慌不忙地將信從信封裏取出打開來。
  • 15He sat down, and in a few minutes felt the night 's chill envelop him.他坐下來,沒幾分鐘就感到了夜的寒冷裹住了他。
  • 16The shape of the envelop suggested that the letter might be from a girl.信封的形狀表明該信可能是一個女孩寫的。
  • 17Hope, happiness will come to you; dream, opportunities will envelop you.心存希望,幸福就會降臨你;心存夢想,機遇就會籠罩你。
  • 18PS: We suppose to post you some money, but the envelop has already sticked.又及:我們本來要寄錢給你但是信封已經粘好了。
  • 19They only make sounds when someone grab a red envelop with very lousy money in it.只有在他們搶到一個紅包的時候才會發出聲響,而紅包裏的錢少得可憐。
  • 20It is quiet natural scents that envelop you and immersed in the tranquility and peace.這種寧靜自然的香氣將你圍繞,讓你沉浸在安寧和平的氛圍之中。
  • 21The construction techniques include a high performance building envelop and triple glazed Windows.施工技術包括高性能圍護結構和三層玻璃窗。
  • 22The purity men love is like the mists which envelop the earth, and not like the azure ether beyond.人們所愛好的純潔是包裹着大地的霧,而不是上面那藍色的太空。
  • 23But all I could see was a vast dark void, swirling, menacing storm clouds that seemed to envelop me.但是,我所能看到的只有巨大的黑洞,令人壓抑的重重烏雲如漩渦翻湧,彷彿要將我吞噬。
  • 24Enter the text pen in node of the request envelop and send the request for a third time, but with different category name.在請求信封的節點輸入文本pen,第3次發送請求,但是使用不同的類名。
  • 25The cantilevered sunscreens extend the boundaries of the building envelop and provide a branch like quality to the facade.懸挑式遮陽篷擴展了圍護結構的邊界,並且提供了與立面特性相同的分支。
  • 26Dust and gas envelop a cluster of massive stars called Pismis 24 in a new picture of a nebula in the constellation Scorpius.這是一張來自天蠍星座的新照片,由塵埃和氣體籠罩着的這團巨大恆星羣叫做普日密斯24恆星羣。
  • 27These are consolidated to the smallest feasible footprint, allowing the topography to surround and envelop the trunk of the house.我們將人的行動足跡壓縮到最小,讓地形包裹住宅,並在其中置入樹木。